DeSantis thinks Trump is 'f***ing nuts' & a 'moron' who has 'no business' running for President again & would attack his competence 'head-on' in 2024

DeSantis never said it. The story comes from "former staffers" who are probably not reliable. It's part of a series of desperate attempts to split the republican party with fake news. It's all democrats have left.
Few weeks ago they were insulted to be called semi fascists, this week the celebrate a fascist win..

But nothing to worry about, they should be let in charge...
They're getting more bold by the day. At some point, they won't be able to deny it. Or won't even mind admitting it.

The question to me is, how many of them are being conned into supporting this, and how many of them really want it.
Ron DeSantis routinely slams Trump in private and calls him a “moron who has no business running for president,” according to a former DeSantis staffer. Let. Them. Fight.

You never get tired of repeating rumors and lies about trump
DeSanto has no juevos. I call Trump a "moron" in public often.
No doubt, within the party politicians and politicos, at least 90% of them know Trump is an ignorant clown and are just riding the wave while it's there. Obviously most of the street-level rubes somehow haven't caught on, but the cult of personality is taking care of them.

De Santis will be interesting as hell to watch. It's hard to imagine Trump not going after him with both barrels, so the rubes will have to decide whether he's just too damaged and whether De Santis is close enough. De Santis has to walk a fine line here, but he could definitely pull it off.
You probably have to wonder why so many entities don’t buy into your non sense bullshit politics. I mean the sheer number of them says it all right? You’re fringe that everyone laughs at. You’re an international embarrassment lol
You need a new hobby. You're not very skilled at effectively insulting people.
Speaking of terrified.

42 days.
Oh right the election where, historically, the party not in power wins the midterms lol. You can call that a victory if you want but it’s embarrassing. All in all it’s a loss for you because this won’t be the red wave as expected months ago. If republicans win they will have congress by a narrow margin.
You probably have to wonder why so many entities don’t buy into your non sense bullshit politics. I mean the sheer number of them says it all right? You’re fringe that everyone laughs at. You’re an international embarrassment lol
Yea, it’s a real wonder….
Because they kiss the ass of China, and Dems are pro-China. They don’t want to lose those Chinese slaves for their big profits. So they parrot the Dem talking points with rainbow flag logos in June and support BLM, to keep profiting off Chinese slaves. And you lefties love it. Plus the Big Tech companies help censor and silence conservatives, because you hate free speech. Do we even need to bring up Big Pharma and how you lefties love them?
Yea, it’s a real wonder….
Because they kiss the ass of China, and Dems are pro-China. They don’t want to lose those Chinese slaves for their big profits. So they parrot the Dem talking points with rainbow flag logos in June and support BLM, to keep profiting off Chinese slaves. And you lefties love it. Plus the Big Tech companies help censor and silence conservatives, because you hate free speech. Do we even need to bring up Big Pharma and how you lefties love them?
You do realize that the very nature of our economy is dependent on China right? I don’t like that any more than you do but no corporation is pro China. Why would they be? It’s just already part of the fabric of the economy wither way. Regardless, any corporations that support Republican politics would be no different.
No doubt, within the party politicians and politicos, at least 90% of them know Trump is an ignorant clown and are just riding the wave while it's there. Obviously most of the street-level rubes somehow haven't caught on, but the cult of personality is taking care of them.

De Santis will be interesting as hell to watch. It's hard to imagine Trump not going after him with both barrels, so the rubes will have to decide whether he's just too damaged and whether De Santis is close enough. De Santis has to walk a fine line here, but he could definitely pull it off.
And you will hate DeSantis just as much as you hate Trump.

Because they are both narcissists, just like you.

That win in Italy yesterday has lit the fire under the Propaganda arm of the Democrat media....aka US Media.

Boy, you're really scared of the legitimate media. I guess the love affair with dictators currently being pushed by the billionaire owned right wing media is a tough sell to the children who's parents fought fascist dictators in WWII.

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