Desantis flaming out: -19 in recent FL approval

That's exactly what they are doing, liar. So to be clear, if you saw that teachers were teaching gay indoctrination and showing gay videos, you'd be losing your mind and demand they are fired?

Oh bullshit. Teachers are not showing sex videos and if they are they are being arrested for it

Yes, if teachers are showing sex videos I would lose my mind and demand they be arrested
I heard heterosexuals often speak about their spouses
In Florida, homosexuals are afraid to do the same.
But there's nothing in the law saying that a gay person cant say spouse. Gay people buying into what people like you say and your obvious bullshit isnt a problem with the law it's a problem with you.

Please post a quote from the law that applies to gay people that doesn't apply to heterosexual or anyone else for that matter. Otherwise it's all hyperbole and rhetoric. This law was meant to shield young children from all forms of sexual content. Why that's such a controversial issue Im not sure.
Which of his legisl;ative bills do you think were unpopular
Oh bullshit. Teachers are not showing sex videos and if they are they are being arrested for it

Yes, if teachers are showing sex videos I would lose my mind and demand they be arrested

We never had heterosexual discussion in any grade of school. We should be having the same for gays.

And the gay pride videos are incredibly sexual, stop being an ass
You are confused Moon Bat.

Who were the "3,000 voters" that did the survey? It is bullshit. The Americano is a fucking Democrat mouth piece and has no credibility. Their symbol is a fucking Puerto Rican flag for goodness sake.

They quoted Florida Watch as the pollsters. Florida Watch is a Leftest organization. Here is how they describe themselves "Florida Watch is a communications and research organization with a digital first lens. Launched in the spring of 2020, we serve as the progressive community’s in-state hub for message development, digital communications, and research."

I ask again. Who in the hell are the 3,000 voters that are attributed to the poll? Since a Progressive organization did the survey let me guess. All Democrats. Am I right or am I right?

DeSantis is very popular here in Florida. He got re-elected by a tremendous margin. In the little Florida city where I live I could easily get 3,000 voters to say he is doing a great job. We love his anti woke campaign.

What else you got Moon Bat?

Are you suffering from DeSantis Derangement Syndrome also?
I’m just reporting a poll showed he lost significant support after 6 months of overreach and bumbling. It’s one data point but he’s reeling.
If you have rapport with the teacher, you learn better. If the teacher has rapport with the students they teach better.

I don't need to know who you sleep with or who you live with for you to teach me basic math and english. Does a 1st Grader really need to know his teacher's sexual orientation in order to memorize what 2+2 is? Does a 3rd Grader really need to know his teacher is a pansexual, transwoman who lives with a lesbian transman? Does a kindergartener need to know his teacher is in a heterosexual relationship with her husband and they have 14 kids and go to church every Sunday to learn their colors? How is this information pertinent to this child's learning experience? Why do we even want 1st graders to be aware of such things? Heterosexual, homosexual or otherwise. It seems to me that it's the teachers who want to tell the children and not so much that the children care to know.
Sure, you could say spouse instead of wife, but who does that?

Why should it matter? If in fact it's not the teachers who are looking for validation or pushing some nonsense why should it matter?
And the nickname still fits as a parent would have to complain for the teacher to get in trouble, and we all know that people like you would only complain if some woman mentioned her wife but not if they talked about a husband.

No it doesn't. Thats bullshit and you know it. Do you call jaywalking laws dont let gays cross the street bills? Are seatbelt laws strap gays to cars bills? The law applies to everyone equally. A heterosexual person is no more legally allowed to talk about their heterosexual relationship than a homosexual person is allowed to talk about theirs. A more appropriate nickname would be "Stop talking to little kids about your sex life" Or "Stop trying to get validation for your life choices from impressionable young kids" or "No one gives a shit who you're sleeping with so please keep it to yourself while at school" .
But there's nothing in the law saying that a gay person cant say spouse. Gay people buying into what people like you say and your obvious bullshit isnt a problem with the law it's a problem with you.

Please post a quote from the law that applies to gay people that doesn't apply to heterosexual or anyone else for that matter. Otherwise it's all hyperbole and rhetoric. This law was meant to shield young children from all forms of sexual content. Why that's such a controversial issue Im not sure.
It does say discussing sexuality
A teacher telling a story about their same sex spouse would be looked at that way

Declaring your sexuality is not discussing sex
So showing kids gay porn and telling them about gay sex is "the educational system." LOL, what a racist.

So who decides? Government hires a teacher, someone objects. Who decides if the gay porn they are showing is "educational content" or not? The teacher?
Why do you guys always go so bizarre?
Nobody is showing children gay porn
I don't need to know who you sleep with or who you live with for you to teach me basic math and english. Does a 1st Grader really need to know his teacher's sexual orientation in order to memorize what 2+2 is? Does a 3rd Grader really need to know his teacher is a pansexual, transwoman who lives with a lesbian transman? Does a kindergartener need to know his teacher is in a heterosexual relationship with her husband and they have 14 kids and go to church every Sunday to learn their colors? How is this information pertinent to this child's learning experience? Why do we even want 1st graders to be aware of such things? Heterosexual, homosexual or otherwise. It seems to me that it's the teachers who want to tell the children and not so much that the children care to know.

Why should it matter? If in fact it's not the teachers who are looking for validation or pushing some nonsense why should it matter?

No it doesn't. Thats bullshit and you know it. Do you call jaywalking laws dont let gays cross the street bills? Are seatbelt laws strap gays to cars bills? The law applies to everyone equally. A heterosexual person is no more legally allowed to talk about their heterosexual relationship than a homosexual person is allowed to talk about theirs. A more appropriate nickname would be "Stop talking to little kids about your sex life" Or "Stop trying to get validation for your life choices from impressionable young kids" or "No one gives a shit who you're sleeping with so please keep it to yourself while at school" .
Mentioning you are going strawberry picking with your husband this weekend is off limits to wackos like you? That’s something you want legal if you’re a woman but illegal if you’re a guy? Come on.

No one is talking about their sex life. I swear none of you have kids in school.
So showing kids gay porn and telling them about gay sex is "the educational system." LOL, what a racist.

So who decides? Government hires a teacher, someone objects. Who decides if the gay porn they are showing is "educational content" or not? The teacher?
Nucking Futs man. Why do you want to kill people who are gay? That’s crazy.
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Mentioning you are going strawberry picking with your husband this weekend is off limits to wackos like you? That’s something you want legal if you’re a woman but illegal if you’re a guy? Come on.

Just say I went strawberry picking with my spouse. If letting the kids know the sex of your spouse isnt important to you (and it shouldnt be) then why the pushback?

No one is talking about their sex life. I swear none of you have kids in school.

I do, they go to private school so we don't deal with nonsense like this, and the school is answerable to ME if we do.
I’m just reporting a poll showed he lost significant support after 6 months of overreach and bumbling. It’s one data point but he’s reeling.
You are reporting fake news, just like you stupid Moon Bats always do.

You are an idiot. You never get anything right. You didn't even bother to look who was reporting the poll, did you?
He should have waited until 2028 and honed his message. He would have had a much better shot.

I've said all along that DeSantis would have made a great VP for Trump replacing Pence! Kept his message to himself, and if Trump is reelected to a 2nd term, then his time would have been laid out for him in 2028. But instead, the two bicker like little girls exchanging insults after Trump got him elected and DeSantis has thrown it back in his face.
I've said all along that DeSantis would have made a great VP for Trump replacing Pence! Kept his message to himself, and if Trump is reelected to a 2nd term, then his time would have been laid out for him in 2028. But instead, the two bicker like little girls exchanging insults after Trump got him elected and DeSantis has thrown it back in his face.
Just because Trump endorsed him four years ago does not mean DeSantis cannot run for President

That is Trumps twisted view of loyalty

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