Depression: the brain itself silently firing too much and tiring


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2013
The brain dislikes being down and unconsciously performs to free itself. Devastated or beset by depression while unaware, its possessor does not give it the needed cooperation.

Btw I received this idea from a dream I had last night.
The brain dislikes being down and unconsciously performs to free itself. Devastated or beset by depression while unaware, its possessor does not give it the needed cooperation.

Btw I received this idea from a dream I had last night.
If you do not mind my asking, what was the dream about?
If you do not mind my asking, what was the dream about?

I was talking with someone and telling them how I remembered how big I can feel, and that was after a little while working. It was a long lost memory, and even if I remembered it clearly enough, which I don't, it would probably be impossible to describe the action. Feeling as good as I did though put a lot of things into perspective, since I have suffered from depression for 25 years. It was a miraculous turn and a major one on a very long road.
If you do not mind my asking, what was the dream about?

I was talking with someone and telling them how I remembered how big I can feel, and that was after a little while working. It was a long lost memory, and even if I remembered it clearly enough, which I don't, it would probably be impossible to describe the action. Feeling as good as I did though put a lot of things into perspective, since I have suffered from depression for 25 years. It was a miraculous turn and a major one on a very long road.
That is wonderful, QuickhitCurepon. I'm happy for you!
I have no idea what any of this means.....
Is there a way you can say it so a 5 y/o would understand?

I'm not expert on depression, but, I have had it but not until later in life, and I attribute it to a change in circumstances and your attitude toward dealing with them - not chemical (although there may be cases of that).

You either make the mental effort to change things or you cave in and take anti-depressants, drink or drug.
I am not saying those are bad choices.
We all have to live our own lives.

I'm a quitter - I admit it unfortunately, I'm not a very brave person so I'm stuck.
Self medicating does not help nor does making up crap about brain functions.

You must have no idea how painful depression can be and how acceptable, effective means of relieving it are so desired. If you knew, you would at least give some consideration and not dismiss it as crap. I presented it as theory, and I hope it provides insight to help others who daily fight this. If not, nothing is lost.

To just give a reminder, there are many various things that help us with the disease to stay feeling better, and for sure, no one thing or set of them can be relied upon.
The only thing that happens when I am wore out is my paranoia increases as my self mental blocks weaken. Actually the reason you have depression if it is medical is thought to be either not enough transmitters or in some cases faulty receptors of those transmitters.
I have no idea what any of this means.....
Is there a way you can say it so a 5 y/o would understand?

I do not want to define it too much to give it the maximum potential of taking on a successful life of its own... Wouldn't that be prudent if there was something fundamentally basic to what I thought I discovered? For example like, words have as little description as possible so that they come to life. After all, the brain has lots of room for creativity.
Self medicating does not help...

Actually it does... there are a number of remedies that can temporarily or permanently relieve the symptoms of depression. Sex, love, music, healthy diet and exercise, socializing with fun people, enjoying hobbies, etc. Having fun and choosing to seek out ways to enjoy life are among the greatest remedies for depression, but ultimately it all starts and ends with Will. If it is not your Will to overcome depression, if it is instead your Will to wallow in misery and give up on life and focus on the negative aspects of the human experience, then yeah, you are going to remain depressed.

To just give a reminder, there are many various things that help us with the disease to stay feeling better, and for sure, no one thing or set of them can be relied upon.

Depression is not a disease, it is a state of mind. Depending on the strength of one's Will, it could be a temporary or a lifelong battle.


Depression is not a disease, it is a state of mind. Depending on the strength of one's Will, it could be a temporary or a lifelong battle.

I have suffered from depression. A few times. Depression is hard on the mind and body.

You need to read on the diagnosis depression, serotonin and neurotransmitters.

Read up on Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Read up on chemical imbalances in the body, and the effects.

Not all illnesses are the effected persons fault.

Depression is not a state of mind. Severe depression can lead to suicide; who really would want to hurt or kill themselves due to what you define as a state of mind.

Shadow 355 ( Medical Professional )
f it is not your Will to overcome depression, if it is instead your Will to wallow in misery and
give up on life and focus on the negative aspects of the human experience, then yeah, you are
going to remain depressed.
That is cool since you are not saying all depressed individuals wallow through life. Yea, there are many cases where this is true, but I am sure the overwhelming majority are suffering from depression for good reasons in addition to biological reasons.

For me, I became heavily involved in a cult in 1987, and by the time I realized I had been snowballed, I was left totally bereft of all my hopes and dreams, and it was a tremendous miracle I was able to completely figure it out in 1992. I was never depressed before 1990. It has been a slow and painful fight since then, and my motto has always been a little bit at a time, because that was all that was possible.

Ironically, the only obstacle worse than self-pity in achieving a successful psychology/emotions is self-condemnation. Therefore, condemnation can't be far behind.

Depression is not a disease, it is a state of mind. Depending on the strength of one's Will, it could be a temporary or a lifelong battle.

If a person really can quickly will their way out of depression then it isn't full-blown depression. Technically, it is a disease while what you are talking about is something else... a syndrome maybe.
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Self medicating does not help...

Actually it does... there are a number of remedies that can temporarily or permanently relieve the symptoms of depression. Sex, love, music, healthy diet and exercise, socializing with fun people, enjoying hobbies, etc. Having fun and choosing to seek out ways to enjoy life are among the greatest remedies for depression, but ultimately it all starts and ends with Will. If it is not your Will to overcome depression, if it is instead your Will to wallow in misery and give up on life and focus on the negative aspects of the human experience, then yeah, you are going to remain depressed.

To just give a reminder, there are many various things that help us with the disease to stay feeling better, and for sure, no one thing or set of them can be relied upon.

Depression is not a disease, it is a state of mind. Depending on the strength of one's Will, it could be a temporary or a lifelong battle.

Just what we need another reject claiming no one needs medication for a real problem because after all they can just WILL themselves out of clinical depression.
If it is not your Will to overcome depression, if it is instead your Will to wallow in misery and give up on life and focus on the negative aspects of the human experience, then yeah, you are going to remain depressed.

Depression can be numerous underlying medical reasons, or environmental in cause ; or a combination .

Shadow 355
Just what we need another reject claiming no one needs medication for a real problem because after all they can just WILL themselves out of clinical depression.

I do not underestimate the power of the human mind

People like you PISS me off. Clinical depression is almost always an imbalance of some chemical in the brain. No amount of wishful thinking, prayer, faith or WILL Power gets rid of it. All will power does is keep you from KILLING yourself while you are so depressed that's all you want to do until they find the right treatment to alleviate the CHEMICAL imbalance.
Just what we need another reject claiming no one needs medication for a real problem because after all they can just WILL themselves out of clinical depression.

I do not underestimate the power of the human mind

People like you PISS me off. Clinical depression is almost always an imbalance of some chemical in the brain. No amount of wishful thinking, prayer, faith or WILL Power gets rid of it. All will power does is keep you from KILLING yourself while you are so depressed that's all you want to do until they find the right treatment to alleviate the CHEMICAL imbalance.
I'm not expert on depression, but, I have had it but not until later in life, and I attribute it to a change in circumstances and your attitude toward dealing with them - not chemical (although there may be cases of that).

You either make the mental effort to change things or you cave in and take anti-depressants, drink or drug.
I am not saying those are bad choices.
We all have to live our own lives.

I'm a quitter - I admit it unfortunately, I'm not a very brave person so I'm stuck.

Not implying you are, but there's no need to be apologetic. It's hard. Life is a bitch and then you die.

We should focus on our victories whether or not it is often joyful.

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