Deportation; an obscene word.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Deportation like incarcerations, arrest, detention centers, border security and immigration enforcement has become obscene words when used in conjunctions with Illegal Aliens and illegal immigration which has been in place since the 1929 Federal Immigration and Nationality Act that allow deportation and enforcement, etc all of a sudden has become obscenity, racism an bigotry. Only because is offends Hispanic and Latinos voters. Illegal immigration is a crime punishable by deportation. Not forced self deportation but rounding them up and deporting them as it has been since 1929 put in place by brave American leaders. Romney was being much to kind, compassionate and humane when he suggested forced self deportation. That’s like saying to someone who just high jacked my car, paid for by my hard earned money to “please return my car.” In a country that have earned the right to call my own.

Democrats and Republicans both are working against Americans for Hispanic and Latino votes and cheap foreign labor for corporations addiction for cheap labor and campaign donations.

Why do we pass laws that we are afraid to enforce because we are afraid of offending criminals?

Republicans and Democrats are fighting over who gets student visas, legal foreign students or illegal foreign student visas. WTF? When we got Americans who cannot afford to go to college and those that can graduate with $50,000 in students loans and cannot find those jobs available to foreign legal and illegal students. If these students can do so much for us, how much more can our own do for us? I say again, WTF is wrong with our leaders?
Granny says dat's a good idea - an' call it Camp Lil' Hispexico...
Send Illegal Aliens to the Reservation? ‘Maybe That’s a Good Plan B,’ Immigrant Activist Says
December 11, 2012 – At a discussion at the liberal Center for American Progress about its report on how enforcing immigration law is perpetrating “legal violence” against illegal aliens, an immigrant rights activist said Indian reservations might offer “a good Plan B” for accommodating the estimated 11 to 14 million people illegally residing in the United States.
“And I think, you know, maybe that’s a plan B if Congress is unable to finally pull us back together after 10 years of having debated this issue and politicians having made careers of demagogueing this issue, to get it done this time. Maybe that’s a good Plan B,” said Chris Newman, director of legal programs with the National Day Laborer Organizing Network. Newman made the remarks on Tuesday at CAP’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., in response to an audience member who proposed that if Indian tribes granted reservation citizenship to illegal aliens they, too, would be protected through treaties from deportation.

“There are many day laborers that I’ve met over the years who speak neither English nor Spanish precisely, because they are, in fact, indigenous,” said Newman, whose organization is based in Los Angeles. “And the idea that somehow this population is being dehumanized and labeled as so-called illegal immigrants – by any sort of larger historic context they have a greater rightful claim to this land – is obviously riddled in irony. The 51-page CAP report relied on the 11.1 million illegal alien figure reported by the Pew Hispanic Center on Dec. 6.

The report described the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws as “legal violence” against illegal aliens, legal residents and even U.S. citizens. “The expansion of immigration enforcement, and the concurrent stigmatization of immigrant status that comes with it, pushes even those with legal status to fear that their loved ones could be deported,” the report summary stated. “Those with temporary legal statuses, such as deferred action or Temporary Protected Status, also fear that they too could be victims of detention or deportation.”

The report also includes recommendations “to mitigate the harsh effects of legal violence and to ensure that all residents of the United States—immigrant or not, documented or not—have the ability and opportunity to integrate and prosper.” Included in those recommendations is calling on Congress to pass legislation that would “mandate minimum standards for immigration enforcement when children are involved.” It also promotes the passage of “Dream Act” legislation that would give all illegal aliens a “pathway to citizenship.”


Deportation like incarcerations, arrest, detention centers, border security and immigration enforcement has become obscene words when used in conjunctions with Illegal Aliens and illegal immigration which has been in place since the 1929 Federal Immigration and Nationality Act that allow deportation and enforcement, etc all of a sudden has become obscenity, racism an bigotry. Only because is offends Hispanic and Latinos voters. Illegal immigration is a crime punishable by deportation. Not forced self deportation but rounding them up and deporting them as it has been since 1929 put in place by brave American leaders. Romney was being much to kind, compassionate and humane when he suggested forced self deportation. That’s like saying to someone who just high jacked my car, paid for by my hard earned money to “please return my car.” In a country that have earned the right to call my own.

Democrats and Republicans both are working against Americans for Hispanic and Latino votes and cheap foreign labor for corporations addiction for cheap labor and campaign donations.

Why do we pass laws that we are afraid to enforce because we are afraid of offending criminals?

Republicans and Democrats are fighting over who gets student visas, legal foreign students or illegal foreign student visas. WTF? When we got Americans who cannot afford to go to college and those that can graduate with $50,000 in students loans and cannot find those jobs available to foreign legal and illegal students. If these students can do so much for us, how much more can our own do for us? I say again, WTF is wrong with our leaders?

Only after being afforded due process, all persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, including those accused of being in the country illegally.

And the law is being enforced, no one is afraid of ‘offending’ anyone.

Deportation like incarcerations, arrest, detention centers, border security and immigration enforcement has become obscene words when used in conjunctions with Illegal Aliens and illegal immigration which has been in place since the 1929 Federal Immigration and Nationality Act that allow deportation and enforcement, etc all of a sudden has become obscenity, racism an bigotry. Only because is offends Hispanic and Latinos voters. Illegal immigration is a crime punishable by deportation. Not forced self deportation but rounding them up and deporting them as it has been since 1929 put in place by brave American leaders. Romney was being much to kind, compassionate and humane when he suggested forced self deportation. That’s like saying to someone who just high jacked my car, paid for by my hard earned money to “please return my car.” In a country that have earned the right to call my own.

Democrats and Republicans both are working against Americans for Hispanic and Latino votes and cheap foreign labor for corporations addiction for cheap labor and campaign donations.

Why do we pass laws that we are afraid to enforce because we are afraid of offending criminals?

Republicans and Democrats are fighting over who gets student visas, legal foreign students or illegal foreign student visas. WTF? When we got Americans who cannot afford to go to college and those that can graduate with $50,000 in students loans and cannot find those jobs available to foreign legal and illegal students. If these students can do so much for us, how much more can our own do for us? I say again, WTF is wrong with our leaders?

Only after being afforded due process, all persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, including those accused of being in the country illegally.

And the law is being enforced, no one is afraid of ‘offending’ anyone.

Nope... Our Courts don't need more Taxpayer funded nonsense from non citizens. It's very simple... Hop on the Bus Gus.
Why 'illegal immigrant' is a slur
By Charles Garcia, Special to CNN
July 6, 2012

Charles Garcia: Supreme Court majority was wise to avoid term "illegal immigrant"
The term suggests that individuals, rather than actions, are unlawful, he says
He says foreign nationals residing unlawfully in the U.S. are not criminals
Repetition of phrases like "illegal immigrant" is like a poison that infects society, Garcia says
Why 'illegal immigrant' is a slur -

Illegal Aliens Are Not Criminals
Believe it or not, the mere act of being in the country illegally isn’t a crime.
(but what you do to get here and what you do to stay here and work is a crime)

I noted that there are those who don’t like the term “illegal immigrant” because they don’t think that people trying to feed their families should be labeled criminals.
(So I can rob a bank to feed my children and should not be labeled a criminal?I can commit welfare fraud, deal drugs, even commit murder to feed my children and not be labeled a criminal?)
PJ Media » Illegal Aliens Are Not Criminals

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