Dems: "You Don't Have To Like Us...Just Vote For Us"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Looks like I was right about them. The Dems have long had a belief that it doesn't matter if you like them, just vote for them. They've been working for years to demonize their competition. They know their own programs suck....but they decided that it was better just to focus on making the GOP look like total shit. They've painted them as rich white's that hate minorities.

The Dems have used their media cronies to crash Tea Party gatherings sometimes posing as members. They've held up signs with racist slogans in hopes that their voter base will blame the Tea Party for it.

The Dems now have openly admitted that they know they suck but they feel Democrat voters will accept them because they've done their work....the opposition has been trashed so effectively that it really doesn't matter anymore.

Gov. Ed Rendell had a piece of advice Sunday for Democratic strategists trying to lure the "liberal" base out to the polls -- voters don't have to like the party's candidates, they just have to vote for them.

"Our job in the next four weeks is to tell our base, our liberal friends, this is a choice. And the other choice is starkly bad for America and for the things you believe in," Rendell said on CBS' "Face the Nation." "And remember, there's an old political adage. All we have got to do is get them to the polls because a tepid vote counts the same as a wildly enthusiastic vote." - Rendell: 'Tepid' Support Good Enough for Democrats

Hate to say I told you so.....but I told you so.:cool:

Looks like I was right about them. The Dems have long had a belief that it doesn't matter if you like them, just vote for them. They've been working for years to demonize their competition. They know their own programs suck....but they decided that it was better just to focus on making the GOP look like total shit.
Yeah.....they really needed to "twist-arms", to make the GOP look like total shits

Yeah, I heard Rendell's interview myself, mudwhistle. Arrogant bastard...doesn't matter how we do because we'll always be a better choice than a Republican?

Anyways, dear, have any links to support this contention of yours?

mudwhistle wrote in part:

The Dems have used their media cronies to crash Tea Party gatherings sometimes posing as members. They've held up signs with racist slogans in hopes that their voter base will blame the Tea Party for it

This sounds a tad whackadoodle, mudwhistle.
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Yeah, I heard Rendell's interview myself, mudwhistle. Arrogant bastard...doesn't matter how we do because we'll always be a better choice than a Republican?

Anyways, dear, have any links to support this contention of yours?

mudwhistle wrote in part:

The Dems have used their media cronies to crash Tea Party gatherings sometimes posing as members. They've held up signs with racist slogans in hopes that their voter base will blame the Tea Party for it

This sounds a tad whackadoodle, mudwhistle.

Did happen.
Yeah, I heard Rendell's interview myself, mudwhistle. Arrogant bastard...doesn't matter how we do because we'll always be a better choice than a Republican?

Anyways, dear, have any links to support this contention of yours?

mudwhistle wrote in part:

The Dems have used their media cronies to crash Tea Party gatherings sometimes posing as members. They've held up signs with racist slogans in hopes that their voter base will blame the Tea Party for it

This sounds a tad whackadoodle, mudwhistle.

I like MW, but he does have his wacck-a-doodle moments.
Yeah, I heard Rendell's interview myself, mudwhistle. Arrogant bastard...doesn't matter how we do because we'll always be a better choice than a Republican?

Anyways, dear, have any links to support this contention of yours?

mudwhistle wrote in part:

The Dems have used their media cronies to crash Tea Party gatherings sometimes posing as members. They've held up signs with racist slogans in hopes that their voter base will blame the Tea Party for it

This sounds a tad whackadoodle, mudwhistle.

Did happen.

The Dems have used their media cronies to crash Tea Party gatherings sometimes posing as members. They've held up signs with racist slogans in hopes that their voter base will blame the Tea Party for it.
Yeah, I heard Rendell's interview myself, mudwhistle. Arrogant bastard...doesn't matter how we do because we'll always be a better choice than a Republican?

Anyways, dear, have any links to support this contention of yours?
Don't hold-your-breath.

He's a Porky Limbaugh fan.

Which is different from the GOP mantra of "We don't have any ideas, just vote for us", how?

I guess that's better than their last mantra which is:

You're NOT supposed to remember that we broke it. :eusa_shhh:

Anyone recall the 2004 GOP Presidential campaign slogan about it being unpatriotic to change leadership during a war? Did such a change become "patriotic" whilst I slept?

All these idijits running their mouths...makes you wonder how the fuck they tie their shoes, nevermind run whole states. I look for it to get much, much worse in the next few weeks.

Yeah, I heard Rendell's interview myself, mudwhistle. Arrogant bastard...doesn't matter how we do because we'll always be a better choice than a Republican?

Anyways, dear, have any links to support this contention of yours?

mudwhistle wrote in part:

The Dems have used their media cronies to crash Tea Party gatherings sometimes posing as members. They've held up signs with racist slogans in hopes that their voter base will blame the Tea Party for it

This sounds a tad whackadoodle, mudwhistle.

Did happen.

That's what Porky Limbaugh said, huh??

Republicans...."Just because we fucked it up last time and want to do the exact same things does not mean you won't get a different outcome"

Looks like I was right about them. The Dems have long had a belief that it doesn't matter if you like them, just vote for them. They've been working for years to demonize their competition. They know their own programs suck....but they decided that it was better just to focus on making the GOP look like total shit. They've painted them as rich white's that hate minorities.

The Dems have used their media cronies to crash Tea Party gatherings sometimes posing as members. They've held up signs with racist slogans in hopes that their voter base will blame the Tea Party for it.

The Dems now have openly admitted that they know they suck but they feel Democrat voters will accept them because they've done their work....the opposition has been trashed so effectively that it really doesn't matter anymore.

Gov. Ed Rendell had a piece of advice Sunday for Democratic strategists trying to lure the "liberal" base out to the polls -- voters don't have to like the party's candidates, they just have to vote for them.

"Our job in the next four weeks is to tell our base, our liberal friends, this is a choice. And the other choice is starkly bad for America and for the things you believe in," Rendell said on CBS' "Face the Nation." "And remember, there's an old political adage. All we have got to do is get them to the polls because a tepid vote counts the same as a wildly enthusiastic vote." - Rendell: 'Tepid' Support Good Enough for Democrats

Hate to say I told you so.....but I told you so.:cool:

Now that's frickin pathetic innit? They treat everyone like trash and now they want the trash's votes? That's really low and slimey sorta.

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