caused it; Now fix it.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Democrats caused it: Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, Says Gov

Democrats can fix it:

Come on Dems. You people say the answer is to give the gov't more $$$. Be proactive. Put your money where your mouth is. Obama spent more than all the previous presidents....combined. You and your Savior spent it. You now have the chance to be proactive and practice what you preach the solution is and give to the debt.

How much did each of you Dems give to fix the problem you created?
This is not only a myth, it's an old myth that was worn out on this forum months ago.

Try reading your rightwing propaganda email more often, grandpa.
This is not only a myth, it's an old myth that was worn out on this forum months ago.

Try reading your rightwing propaganda email more often, grandpa.

We'll agree to disagree for the sake of staying on topic. support higher taxes in the name of lowering our debt, right? Thats Obama's plan.

So why not be proactive, take a leadership role, and voluntarily show us the way? How much did you pay to that link sir? $5? $500? $5,000???? You're a great left wing American, surely you'd jump at the chance to be a leader and show this right winger the true way to lower the debt right?
I am? Why? By suggesting people give more $$$ to the government? Thats exactly what Obama is proposing, and you are supporting him. Is that "crazy" or "retarded"?

Come on now. Stand by your beliefs. How much did you give?
No he's not, he's a 21 year old kid. Hence the '90.'

'90 is the year I graduated Furman U.

Now, again, have you donated to your cause? You and Obama think we need to send more $$ to the government. Heres your chance. How much did you send? Gonna lead by example? Or you gonna bitch on a forum about what should be done, but refuse to do it yourself when you get the chance? Fucking coward.
No he's not, he's a 21 year old kid. Hence the '90.'

'90 is the year I graduated Furman U.

The last time you lied about the nic, you claimed you had a relative that played for the Bucs in 1990.

Nice try kiddo.

Yeah, I did. It's also the year I graduated. Kinda a sentimental year. Thats why I use it.

Now, how much did you send Obama? You DO believe in his idea, right? Send him some $$$, don't wait for legislation!!! You know the GOP will probably prevent the higher taxes anyway, so be a leader. BE THE CHANGE!!!! Send Obama some $$ to help.
If he actually believes this crap he is spouting he may well be mentally damaged in some way.
Maybe we should be more understanding of the handicapped?
I will pay my share and no more, no less.

But it's not enough. Thats why Obama wants to raise taxes. You do believe in him, right? Why wait? Volunteer to his ideals before it's mandatory!! Now THATS called being the change!!!

So, you want others to give more....but not you. Got it.
If he actually believes this crap he is spouting he may well be mentally damaged in some way.
Maybe we should be more understanding of the handicapped?

If "I" believe it? I'm just asking you lefties to live up to what you believe in. Obama needs more $$ coming into the government. You support Obama. How about voluntarily helping him out. Lead the way. Be the change.

Or do you support having more $$ sent to the government.........just not yours, right?
I will pay my share and no more, no less.

But it's not enough. Thats why Obama wants to raise taxes. You do believe in him, right? Why wait? Volunteer to his ideals before it's mandatory!! Now THATS called being the change!!!

So, you want others to give more....but not you. Got it.

I believe in a pure flat tax on all personal income with no deductions.

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