Democrats willing to ignore the courts if they don't get their way! So much for Law and Order

There is no right that is violated by mandating behavior for the common good. They can stop somebody from burning trash, or dumping their garbage in the river, as "freedoms" curtailed for such reason.
Your response does not have anything to do with what I said.
Why do you believe a local school board can segregate black and white kids, contrary to court rulings?
The school board are not segregating, that's a red herring. They're coming up with safety rules.
Is this like the school board saying it is in public health to segregate children by ethnicity?
Only if there was a direct link between ethnicity and health requiring such disparate behavior.

Such as for attendance in a sex-ed class.
There is nothing in any of the organizational and legal documents of the USA that permit or authorize what has been happening over a “health issue” Any success so far is due to the willing compliance of Americans and that will change if the firings that lib loons are salivating about are attempted. Add to it this “health crisis” is an unknown quantity with minimal lethal effects and the “cure” is unknown to experimental
This is not meningitis, typhoid, Ebola or anything like those where Much is known about including how to treat.
We are part of an experiment now which was originally released to harm Trumps re-election bid but has now blossomed into a full assault. Yes individuals do in fact have every lawful right to make health decisions for themselves and we are not bound to the commune/communism mode of operation
The legislature. Which is he will of the people.

So, answer My question.

Should we just ignore the Court rulings in this country in favor of our own opinions?
As republicans often accuse courts of being biased, and thus coming up with wrong decisions.
The only way to challenge a decision by the highest court is to make them decide it again.

Just like Roe V Wade.
Instead of complaining about a typographical error, how about answering his point. Freedom of choice, made at the lowest level, whether the people, or the local government that is most directly responsive to the people.
In this case, it is about freedom of choice at the lowest level, the individual.
As republicans often accuse courts of being biased, and thus coming up with wrong decisions.
The only way to challenge a decision by the highest court is to make them decide it again.

Just like Roe V Wade.
Should we be permitted to ignore a court ruling?
There is nothing in any of the organizational and legal documents of the USA that permit or authorize what has been happening over a “health issue”
The USSC ruled that the NY health department could mandate smallpox vaccinations.
Like Roe V Wade.

The states have been doing that for years.
They have not. If you don' know the difference between introducing legislation (a legitimate process) and flat out saying I am no going to obey the court, then there is no help for you.

But I know why you refuse to answer. I'm done with you now since you're too cowardly to say that none of us are free to ignore a court order.
In this case, it is about freedom of choice at the lowest level, the individual.
Like the individual choosing the fastest way to drive where he's going. Thus going the wrong way down one way streets. Ignoring traffic lights or stop signs that slow him down, and then double parking at his destination.

That kind of individual freedom?
The USSC ruled that the NY health department could mandate smallpox vaccinations.
Incorrect and rulings similar to that were implemented 60 years ago after years to decades of research and study and undisputed agreement as to what the contaigent is and does and how to eradicate it. No such certainty exists here and now and in fact we are being experimented upon as a misguided attempt to find some certainty.
So, I guess that Trump should have just keep those families in cages when the 9th circuit put an injunction against him. He should have just rounded up the DACA and deported them, regardless of what the Court ruled.

He should have just spent the money from welfare to build the wall, regardless of what the court ruled.
Like Roe V Wade.

The states have been doing that for years.
They have not. If you don' know the difference between introducing legislation (a legitimate process) and flat out saying I am no going to obey the court, then there is no help for you.
When a state makes a law in violation of a court ruling, they are violating that court ruling.

It's simple law. Roe v Wade drew the line, and they states keep making laws that cross that line. That's why they got struck down. Yet the states keep violating the courts ruling, again and again and again and again.


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