Democrats Unite to Stop Another 'People's Pick' Chosen Outsider


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...and it is one of their own...again. :p

Dems Slam Ocasio-Cortez: Her Socialist Vision ‘Would Bankrupt The Country’

'Several Democrats are worried far-left New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is damaging their party with her radical socialist platform.

Former Sen. Joe Lieberman, a Democrat-turned-independent, urged Democrats in a Wall Street Journal op-ed to vote for Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY), who suffered a stunning loss to Ocasio-Cortez in last month’s primary and so will appear on the ballot of the Working Families Party.

“Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is a proud member of the Democratic Socialists of America, whose platform, like hers, is more Socialist than Democratic,”
Democrats are going to put an end to her. She's already treating other democrats like her royal subjects. She read too much into her win.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Until Trump is gone, she can go ahead and demand grocery stores stop charging money for all I care.
Democrats are going to put an end to her. She's already treating other democrats like her royal subjects. She read too much into her win.
The people have spoken. They want stupid, radical socialists....

The Democrats had to rig primaries, cheat in debates, commit election fraud, break election laws, violate campaign finance laws, and GIVE a felon the nomination to beat the last one... I wonder what they will do THIS time?!

...and it is one of their own...again. :p

Dems Slam Ocasio-Cortez: Her Socialist Vision ‘Would Bankrupt The Country’

'Several Democrats are worried far-left New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is damaging their party with her radical socialist platform.

Former Sen. Joe Lieberman, a Democrat-turned-independent, urged Democrats in a Wall Street Journal op-ed to vote for Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY), who suffered a stunning loss to Ocasio-Cortez in last month’s primary and so will appear on the ballot of the Working Families Party.

“Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is a proud member of the Democratic Socialists of America, whose platform, like hers, is more Socialist than Democratic,”

If ever anyone ever needed proof of the collapsing democratic party, first it was the 2010 humiliation, then it was the 2014 ass-reaming, then many former Obama supporters switched sides to team with Trump in 2016 and now something we never saw before, the Left starting to eat their own as they slide into the 2018 mid-term shellacking without a thing to run on. How do you campaign against success? The only failures of the GOP is to find a solution to the huge mudholes like ACA the democrats dug. The new, emerging DNC is nothing more than the EU Branch of Communists America. Americans HATE communists.

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