Democrats struggle with rising popularity of GOP tax law

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
How can this be? The tax cuts are just...... crumbs.........

Democrats are struggling to cope with the rising popularity of the Republican tax law, less than nine months until the midterm elections.

Democrats received a wake-up call of sorts earlier this week when Priorities USA, a top Democratic super PAC, released a memo calling on Democrats to message more consistently against the tax law. The law's standing has increased in the polls as GOP groups pitch the tax cuts to voters as a solid Republican accomplishment.

Democrats struggle with rising popularity of GOP tax law
This bill was a major victory for president Trump and the GOP, Dem's had to at least try putting a negative spin on this to have any chance at retaking the House or Senate in 2018. I think their lies and dishonesty backfired on them but was there a different path really after not a single Dem voted for it?
How can this be? The tax cuts are just...... crumbs.........

Democrats are struggling to cope with the rising popularity of the Republican tax law, less than nine months until the midterm elections.

Democrats received a wake-up call of sorts earlier this week when Priorities USA, a top Democratic super PAC, released a memo calling on Democrats to message more consistently against the tax law. The law's standing has increased in the polls as GOP groups pitch the tax cuts to voters as a solid Republican accomplishment.

Democrats struggle with rising popularity of GOP tax law
Between hating the tax breaks, catering to illegals and calling for gun bans the Dems are looking like they are set up for a losing election cycle. The problem I see is their base and donors won’t let them reverse course on any of those so they’re stuck in a losing sales pitch.
This bill was a major victory for president Trump and the GOP, Dem's had to at least try putting a negative spin on this to have any chance at retaking the House or Senate in 2018. I think their lies and dishonesty backfired on them but was there a different path really after not a single Dem voted for it?

True but incomplete. Because of the deduction caps taxes have gone up significantly in the blue states. Because of the various bond covenants in the blue/purple states either tax increases will be passed to make up for a declining tax base or the federal courts will inflict even more unpleasant judgements on the states.
If the dems do not retake the House in November, then their Party is in shambles. The US voters will have rejected their policies in favor of the populist Trump policies of more jobs, more competitive tax policies, and generally more prosperity on a level playing field. The dems need to play up the black/white and rich/poor bullshit to keep their voters in their urban plantations. When the voters realize that they have better jobs under Trump, then they will vote GOP. No one wants to pay penalties not to have to buy Obamacare, or want their jobs taken by illegals. Prosperity generally keeps a party in power.....
You are going to have people out in droves that make under 50 grand and got peanuts to see it taken up by rising costs of goods and gas. Do not be fooled.
This bill was a major victory for president Trump and the GOP, Dem's had to at least try putting a negative spin on this to have any chance at retaking the House or Senate in 2018. I think their lies and dishonesty backfired on them but was there a different path really after not a single Dem voted for it?

The reality is politically it harms the left because just as it is difficult to withdraw entitlements once a population becomes dependent on them, it is just as difficult to increase taxes. Also, any promises they make, the GOP will say "you can't do that unless you cut from somewhere else, so how much are you going to raise taxes on our hard working citizens to pay for this!?"

Free market principles are the enemy to socialists. I think the middle of the ground Democrat likes these tax cuts, but they were too proud to vote for them so even they can't piggyback off their success. The alt-left absolutely and ideologically despise tax cuts and citizen independence.
This bill was a major victory for president Trump and the GOP, Dem's had to at least try putting a negative spin on this to have any chance at retaking the House or Senate in 2018. I think their lies and dishonesty backfired on them but was there a different path really after not a single Dem voted for it?

True but incomplete. Because of the deduction caps taxes have gone up significantly in the blue states. Because of the various bond covenants in the blue/purple states either tax increases will be passed to make up for a declining tax base or the federal courts will inflict even more unpleasant judgements on the states.

Only for the wealthy in blue states, I calculated this for California and a married couple with 2 kids has to be making $150k a year before they get hit. Haven't the left been running their big fat mouths about increasing taxes on the wealthy? Now they bitch and moan?
This bill was a major victory for president Trump and the GOP, Dem's had to at least try putting a negative spin on this to have any chance at retaking the House or Senate in 2018. I think their lies and dishonesty backfired on them but was there a different path really after not a single Dem voted for it?

The reality is politically it harms the left because just as it is difficult to withdraw entitlements once a population becomes dependent on them, it is just as difficult to increase taxes. Also, any promises they make, the GOP will say "you can't do that unless you cut from somewhere else, so how much are you going to raise taxes on our hard working citizens to pay for this!?"

Free market principles are the enemy to socialists. I think the middle of the ground Democrat likes these tax cuts, but they were too proud to vote for them so even they can't piggyback off their success. The alt-left absolutely and ideologically despise tax cuts and citizen independence.

Some Dem's wanted to vote for the tax reform bill, the Dem leadership forbid them from doing so via threats of retaliation. Its the #1 issue with the DC swamp just a handful of people at the top of each party dictates to the rank and file. Fall in line, do as you are told, or suffer retaliation from the party. So are our representatives really supporting our local interests or the narrow view of the party elite? This is why they hate Trump's guts, they have no leverage on him.
This bill was a major victory for president Trump and the GOP, Dem's had to at least try putting a negative spin on this to have any chance at retaking the House or Senate in 2018. I think their lies and dishonesty backfired on them but was there a different path really after not a single Dem voted for it?

True but incomplete. Because of the deduction caps taxes have gone up significantly in the blue states. Because of the various bond covenants in the blue/purple states either tax increases will be passed to make up for a declining tax base or the federal courts will inflict even more unpleasant judgements on the states.

Only for the wealthy in blue states, I calculated this for California and a married couple with 2 kids has to be making $150k a year before they get hit. Haven't the left been running their big fat mouths about increasing taxes on the wealthy? Now they bitch and moan?
This bill was a major victory for president Trump and the GOP, Dem's had to at least try putting a negative spin on this to have any chance at retaking the House or Senate in 2018. I think their lies and dishonesty backfired on them but was there a different path really after not a single Dem voted for it?

True but incomplete. Because of the deduction caps taxes have gone up significantly in the blue states. Because of the various bond covenants in the blue/purple states either tax increases will be passed to make up for a declining tax base or the federal courts will inflict even more unpleasant judgements on the states.

Only for the wealthy in blue states, I calculated this for California and a married couple with 2 kids has to be making $150k a year before they get hit. Haven't the left been running their big fat mouths about increasing taxes on the wealthy? Now they bitch and moan?
what locality did you use for municipal and county taxes in CA?
This bill was a major victory for president Trump and the GOP, Dem's had to at least try putting a negative spin on this to have any chance at retaking the House or Senate in 2018. I think their lies and dishonesty backfired on them but was there a different path really after not a single Dem voted for it?

True but incomplete. Because of the deduction caps taxes have gone up significantly in the blue states. Because of the various bond covenants in the blue/purple states either tax increases will be passed to make up for a declining tax base or the federal courts will inflict even more unpleasant judgements on the states.

Only for the wealthy in blue states, I calculated this for California and a married couple with 2 kids has to be making $150k a year before they get hit. Haven't the left been running their big fat mouths about increasing taxes on the wealthy? Now they bitch and moan?
This bill was a major victory for president Trump and the GOP, Dem's had to at least try putting a negative spin on this to have any chance at retaking the House or Senate in 2018. I think their lies and dishonesty backfired on them but was there a different path really after not a single Dem voted for it?

True but incomplete. Because of the deduction caps taxes have gone up significantly in the blue states. Because of the various bond covenants in the blue/purple states either tax increases will be passed to make up for a declining tax base or the federal courts will inflict even more unpleasant judgements on the states.

Only for the wealthy in blue states, I calculated this for California and a married couple with 2 kids has to be making $150k a year before they get hit. Haven't the left been running their big fat mouths about increasing taxes on the wealthy? Now they bitch and moan?
what locality did you use for municipal and county taxes in CA?

Los Angeles
This bill was a major victory for president Trump and the GOP, Dem's had to at least try putting a negative spin on this to have any chance at retaking the House or Senate in 2018. I think their lies and dishonesty backfired on them but was there a different path really after not a single Dem voted for it?

The reality is politically it harms the left because just as it is difficult to withdraw entitlements once a population becomes dependent on them, it is just as difficult to increase taxes. Also, any promises they make, the GOP will say "you can't do that unless you cut from somewhere else, so how much are you going to raise taxes on our hard working citizens to pay for this!?"

Free market principles are the enemy to socialists. I think the middle of the ground Democrat likes these tax cuts, but they were too proud to vote for them so even they can't piggyback off their success. The alt-left absolutely and ideologically despise tax cuts and citizen independence.
We have been living with neo-liberal policies for close to 40 years. Where is all of this so called success? We have successfully handed complete control of our government to business interests. Next will be the commons. That isn't freedom, citizen independence is a farce. Conservative are hapless dupes.
This bill was a major victory for president Trump and the GOP, Dem's had to at least try putting a negative spin on this to have any chance at retaking the House or Senate in 2018. I think their lies and dishonesty backfired on them but was there a different path really after not a single Dem voted for it?

The reality is politically it harms the left because just as it is difficult to withdraw entitlements once a population becomes dependent on them, it is just as difficult to increase taxes. Also, any promises they make, the GOP will say "you can't do that unless you cut from somewhere else, so how much are you going to raise taxes on our hard working citizens to pay for this!?"

Free market principles are the enemy to socialists. I think the middle of the ground Democrat likes these tax cuts, but they were too proud to vote for them so even they can't piggyback off their success. The alt-left absolutely and ideologically despise tax cuts and citizen independence.
We have been living with neo-liberal policies for close to 40 years. Where is all of this so called success? We have successfully handed complete control of our government to business interests. Next will be the commons. That isn't freedom, citizen independence is a farce. Conservative are hapless dupes.

That's rich. Do you think the higher taxes were for some sort of level of "control" by citizens? I'm not sure I've heard this one before so I will await for you to enlighten me.

Especially, when you consider, all of these increased tax rates meant nothing as debt has increased greatly. So, former governments took more from it's citizens and borrowed more on their behalf and that of future generations because they didn't have enough money. Rand Paul called out some of these boondoggles, only a fraction.
Communists/Democrats can't stand the idea of folks keeping more of their own money. They believe that money belongs to Government. Always remember, the last thing the Democratic Party wants, is a happy prosperous populace. They need more folks in poverty and solely dependent on Government. They need mass discontent for their Agenda to flourish.
Communists/Democrats can't stand the idea of folks keeping more of their own money. They believe that money belongs to Government. Always remember, the last thing the Democratic Party wants, is a happy prosperous populace. They need more folks in poverty and solely dependent on Government.

Why is it your own money if the government has to borrow it to give it to you?
They falsely paint a tax cut as stealing from government, when the actual theft is payroll taxes that steal money from our paychecks before it reached our hands.
Liberals would change their minds quickly if the payroll mandate was repealed and we all had to send in quarterly payments directly to the IRS.
Communists/Democrats can't stand the idea of folks keeping more of their own money. They believe that money belongs to Government. Always remember, the last thing the Democratic Party wants, is a happy prosperous populace. They need more folks in poverty and solely dependent on Government.

Why is it your own money if the government has to borrow it to give it to you?

Hmmm, because the government spent the money they took from us.
Communists/Democrats can't stand the idea of folks keeping more of their own money. They believe that money belongs to Government. Always remember, the last thing the Democratic Party wants, is a happy prosperous populace. They need more folks in poverty and solely dependent on Government.

Why is it your own money if the government has to borrow it to give it to you?

Keeping more of your own money doesn't = 'government giving it to you.'

You just believe that because you're an indoctrinated 'Useful Idiot.' You just don't know any better.

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