Democrats should pay all reparations because:

Democrats caused and fought for the south and slavery. Democrats started the civil war. Democrats founded the KKK. Democrats fought against desegregation and civil rights. Democrats are the bane of our existence.
And then there is Trump, the fascist wannabe. No, you’ve just given your whine about democrats. Now here this. Fk you, that was decades ago. The gop has evolved into corporate greed and Trump followers into fascism. case closed.
Democrats are the party of racism and they have been all through American history. Black Republicans learn that when Democrats continue to say blacks belong to them and personally attack any black who disagrees
While Republicans attack the 90% of Black Voters that don't agree with them.... 😄
"It is worth keeping in mind that Congress – not the President – is primarily responsible for setting the federal budget and shaping federal tax and spending policy. While it is difficult for Congress to pass legislation without the President’s signature, it is impossible for the President to sign legislation without it passing both houses of Congress. Responsibility for the $4.7 trillion in new debt should therefore be shared between the President, the House, and the Senate – with nearly two-thirds of the legislation enacted on a bipartisan basis..."

President Trump has Signed $4.7 Trillion of Debt into Law | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

So why did he sign it then? Do you have a credible example he ever cared about spending? I can't think of one
And you attack 100% of blacks who disagree with the Democrat party and you call them racist names because you're an Uncle Tom for white leftists
Wrong Dipshit. I don't have any problem with Black people who are tired of the Democratic party and so they don't vote, or with Black voters who vote green party or independent. I reserve Uncle Tom specifically for the Black voters who take the side of Southern Confederate loving Conservatives.
So why did he sign it then? Do you have a credible example he ever cared about spending? I can't think of one

No idea. That's just what a President does, especially when the bills are bipartisan. Imagine how the left would have screamed and howled if Trump had told them to go fuck themselves. We'd still be hearing about what a "monster" Trump was.

Oh wait.
Wrong Dipshit. I don't have any problem with Black people who are tired of the Democratic party and so they don't vote, or with Black voters who vote green party or independent. I reserve Uncle Tom specifically for the Black voters who take the side of Southern Confederate loving Conservatives.

You think explaining what other blacks are allowed to think (according to you) somehow contradicts that you are an Uncle Tom to the Democrat party who believes what blacks are allowed to think is up to you.

Here's the 911. The Republicans suck, but your believing Democrat hyperbole that the Republican party is your Democrat party of the 1950s is just butt stupid. Grow the fuck up and stop carrying water for any politician in either party
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No idea. That's just what a President does, especially when the bills are bipartisan. Imagine how the left would have screamed and howled if Trump had told them to go fuck themselves. We'd still be hearing about what a "monster" Trump was.

Oh wait.

We're down to that you have trust in Trump that I don't. We both see the ambiguity in his choice, but you give him credit for something he didn't do (stand up to the spending) and I don't.

I was just explaining to Curried Goats that you can't trust politicians in either party. Though his believing that it's 1956 and the parties have flipped is stupid to a higher power
I'd just settle for having them put everything back the way it was, before they fucked everything up. :laughing0301:
Fat chance of that ever happening.

Why the US didn't send all the Blacks back to Africa after the Civil War ended is beyond me.
We're down to that you have trust in Trump that I don't. We both see the ambiguity in his choice, but you give him credit for something he didn't do (stand up to the spending) and I don't.

I was just explaining to Curried Goats that you can't trust politicians in either party. Though his believing that it's 1956 and the parties have flipped is stupid to a higher power

Agreed, the "liberal switcheroo" is a myth. The two parties didn't magically change places. And it's also true that there are folks on both sides that can't be trusted. But having been a Democrat at one time, I trust them far less than I do the GOP.
You think explaining what other blacks are allowed to think (according to you) somehow contradicts that you are an Uncle Tom to the Democrat party who believes what blacks are allowed to think is up to you.
I didn't say they aren't allowed to sellout to Confederate cultures you Bingo. Learn to read.
Here's the 911. The Republicans suck, but your believing Democrat hyperbole that the Republican party is your Democrat party of the 1950s is just butt stupid. Grow the fuck up and stop carrying water for any politician in either party
What Democratic hyperbole? White moderate Democrats like Joe Biden love talking about how they're good friends with Republicans. It's my opinion that the party who still celebrates the Confederacy carries on the legacy of the Confederate culture and that would be today's Republicans.
Democrats caused and fought for the south and slavery. Democrats started the civil war. Democrats founded the KKK. Democrats fought against desegregation and civil rights. Democrats are the bane of our existence.
Those Democrats were Southern White Christian Conservatives.

Yes, Southern White Christian Conservatives should pay reparations.
the only region of the country that supported Republican nominee Barry Goldwater on election day was the Democrat-infested Deep South. Those same deep southern states did not vote for Richard Nixon in 1968.
Who voted for Goldwater? Southern white Christian Conservatives? Oh, the Racists who feared Democrat Lyndon Johnson?

Nixon 1968? Okay.

1968 Nixon.jpg

you're always full of shit
No matter how they prance around and pose, Democrats own America's history of slavery. They own the Civil War. They own Jim Crow Laws, poll taxes, the Ku Klux Klan, the lynchings, the whole enchilada. They started it, and they continued it up to and including the Civil Rights era of the 60's, when they voted against it.

They might make themselves out to be kinder, gentler racists now, but they still practice soft genocide with their abortions. massive ghettos in Democrat-ran urban shitholes, murderous ghetto culture promoted by the white liberal media in music and films, and cradle to grave soul-killing government entitlements.

The more things appeared to change, the more they've actually stayed the same. If you don't see this, it's because you took the blue pill instead of the red one, and washed it down with a copious amount of Kool-Aid.

True story, mang. If I'm lyin' I'm dyin'.
Democrats don't own any of that. Stop conflating the people in the party of yesterday, with the people in the party today.

Lying through omission should be a serious crime, punishable by you having to live in a mostly black neighborhood for ten years.

and if we wanted to play "Sins of the fathers?" Who's 'sons' are in the GOP now?
No matter how they prance around and pose, Democrats own America's history of slavery. They own the Civil War. They own Jim Crow Laws, poll taxes, the Ku Klux Klan, the lynchings, the whole enchilada. They started it, and they continued it up to and including the Civil Rights era of the 60's, when they voted against it.
History is certainly on your side, current events are not.

They might make themselves out to be kinder, gentler racists now, but they still practice soft genocide with their abortions. massive ghettos in Democrat-ran urban shitholes, murderous ghetto culture promoted by the white liberal media in music and films, and cradle to grave soul-killing government entitlements.
Curious that Blacks are overwhelmingly Dems today. Maybe they know who has their backs and who does not.
Agreed, the "liberal switcheroo" is a myth. The two parties didn't magically change places. And it's also true that there are folks on both sides that can't be trusted. But having been a Democrat at one time, I trust them far less than I do the GOP.

Not to mention Curried Goats argument that northern leftists became Nazis, but it's OK, it was after the Nazis left the Nazi party.

There's another problem. Fiscal southern conservatives left the Democrat party in the 1980s, northern leftists joined the Democrat party in the ... 1960s.

So racists like Curried Goats can't read a calendar. He joined the racist party, but it's OK, it was after the racists left. Then Curried Goats tells us that blacks can only believe what he tells them. It's a bunch of bull

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