Democrats Push Toward The Abyss


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Bork....Clarence, Kavanaugh

Every cognizant human being recognizes the last-minute smear-job that is so prominent- and so reprehensible- in the Democrat playbook.

2. It's not as though this latest carries any cachet....

Not this pretend ‘assault’ in which Ford can’t …

…name anyone at that alleged party to whom she told about that ‘assault’

….can’t remember whose house the ‘party’ took place

…where the house is, what street it was on

….brick, wood, whatever type house

…whether there were two other boys in the room when that ‘assault’ took place, or there were four

…..and never mentioned Kavanaugh’s name (she says she told the psychologist in 2012, but he has no such thing in his notes)

But, heck… sure is convenient for Democrats, huh?

3. ".... the Democratic campaign to block Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, based on a hazy, uncorroborated, decades-old assault allegation, tends toward the totalitarian. Certainly, it has many of the elements of abusive politics that Americans normally associate with foreign lands untouched by the light of liberty and reason:

4. An (initially) anonymous accusation, surfaced at the 11th hour, seemingly calculated to strike terror into the hearts of Kavanaugh and his family members and supporters? Check! That came in the form of Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s cryptic statement last week, confirming that she had “received information from an individual concerning the nomination” of Kavanaugh but declining to offer any details."

5. Why have Republican high-court nominations brought out the worst from the left, going back to the Ronald Reagan era?

The short answer is that liberals fear their major cultural victories of the past half-century are democratically illegitimate. Not a single one was won at the ballot box, going back to the Supreme Court’s 1965 Griswold decision, which recognized a constitutional right to contraceptives. From abortion to gay marriage, plus a host of less titillating issues, modern liberalism has lived by the Court. And liberals fear their cause will die by the Court.

6. Unless, that is, they block conservative encroachments into the judiciary by all means necessary. Hence, Borking and Clarence Thomas-ing. And hence, too, the naked slandering of Mitt Romney in the course of the 2012 presidential campaign, to forestall his shifting the Court to the right.

…it is imperative for the health of American democracy to resist the liberal ruthlessness that is on display in the halls of the Senate.

The verb “to Kavanaugh” must not be permitted to enter our lexicon, lest the step to unfreedom become irrevocable."
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If you truly want to protest the actions ot the Democrats take yourself to the polls and vote anyone but a democrat.

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