Democrats in no position to speak on failure

You failed to answer the question

Given the outrage of the OP about uneven distribution of wealth...Do you support these things?

why do left-wingers want substantive answers to idiotic questions??? we make fun of you because you dont even want to admit central realities about the Left are true, yet you want answers for your questions that are DEFLECTIONS

that's why nobody takes you seriously

You are the one complaining in thread after thread about the uneven distribution of wealth

What do you propose we do about it Robin Hood?

vote Republican leftard!!!! income inequality was lower when Repubs were in charge!!


Thats the best you have?

What Republican policies will narrow the gap between the rich and working Americans?

America wants to know

all of them apparently since income inequality reached RECORD LEVELS UNDER PROGRESSIVES.

for one REAL job growth through less regulation leftard

keep trying..................

You seem to be lacking in specifics

"All of them" is a response I would expect from Sarah Palin
why do left-wingers want substantive answers to idiotic questions??? we make fun of you because you dont even want to admit central realities about the Left are true, yet you want answers for your questions that are DEFLECTIONS

that's why nobody takes you seriously

You are the one complaining in thread after thread about the uneven distribution of wealth

What do you propose we do about it Robin Hood?

vote Republican leftard!!!! income inequality was lower when Repubs were in charge!!


Thats the best you have?

What Republican policies will narrow the gap between the rich and working Americans?

America wants to know

all of them apparently since income inequality reached RECORD LEVELS UNDER PROGRESSIVES.

for one REAL job growth through less regulation leftard

keep trying..................

You seem to be lacking in specifics

"All of them" is a response I would expect from Sarah Palin

Dont blame me because YOU are too stupid to understand the concept that the answer for everything isn't a government solution. our system is the greatest creator of wealth in the history of the planet.
i'm saying your "solutions" and "jobs bills" caused GREATER inequality, and that the number one rule is first do no harm.
There's something very wrong with a system whereby if one works, he pays the federal government but if one doesn't work, the federal government pays him.
You are the one complaining in thread after thread about the uneven distribution of wealth

What do you propose we do about it Robin Hood?

vote Republican leftard!!!! income inequality was lower when Repubs were in charge!!


Thats the best you have?

What Republican policies will narrow the gap between the rich and working Americans?

America wants to know

all of them apparently since income inequality reached RECORD LEVELS UNDER PROGRESSIVES.

for one REAL job growth through less regulation leftard

keep trying..................

You seem to be lacking in specifics

"All of them" is a response I would expect from Sarah Palin

Dont blame me because YOU are too stupid to understand the concept that the answer for everything isn't a government solution. our system is the greatest creator of wealth in the history of the planet.

Actually, I will have to concede where you are right

During the Great Bush Recession of 2008, emense wealth was lost in the stock market and real estate. The super wealthy lost TRILLIONS of dollars

Is that the Republican policy you are talking about?
.....................unless it is from the point of view of subject matter expert.

On the Progressive watch the very richest have gotten richer, the very poorest poorer, both at a FASTER PACE then was happening under Republicans. Corporations people on these boards call "greedy" and rant about every day are making MORE money under obama than they made under right-wing government, and jobs are still going to china.

Internationally the man who put obama's name up for nomination for that Nobel Peace prize has been demoted because of that. The world is in FLAMES where it NEVER was under Bush, and far away from anything the Left can blame on Bush. The country Mitt Romney called our greatest enemy is proving so, and obama looks pretty stupid for making that comment about the 80s calling and wanting their foreign policy back.

On the home front asinine obama sends people to give condolences to the family of a young thug that got himself killed by the police, while extending no such courtesy to the survivors of cops killed by thugs provoked by the Left's anti-police hyperbole.

Poverty reached a FIFTY YEAR HIGH under obama, and going into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR there are still 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps then there were when Bush left office. Black unemployment still hovers near TWICE the rate of White unemployment and will get MUCH WORSE if Democrats get their dream of making 15 milion or so mostly Hispanic illegals who SNUCK IN granted legal status.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

If you complain about the rich getting richer

Do you support:

Raising taxes on those making over $1million
Raising minimum wage
Taxing capital gains the same as earned income
Providing more money for healthcare, education and housing

Or are you just gloating because Republican policies are making the rich richer and there is nothing Obama can do about it?

What Republican policies? These are Obama policies you moron!

This country does not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.

This country does not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem

Makes a nice bumper sticker, but ignores the fact that we have the lowest effective tax rates in generations
Yeah...we need government to take more money from the American worker, because government is so efficient, effective, and equitable.
.....................unless it is from the point of view of subject matter expert.

On the Progressive watch the very richest have gotten richer, the very poorest poorer, both at a FASTER PACE then was happening under Republicans. Corporations people on these boards call "greedy" and rant about every day are making MORE money under obama than they made under right-wing government, and jobs are still going to china.

Internationally the man who put obama's name up for nomination for that Nobel Peace prize has been demoted because of that. The world is in FLAMES where it NEVER was under Bush, and far away from anything the Left can blame on Bush. The country Mitt Romney called our greatest enemy is proving so, and obama looks pretty stupid for making that comment about the 80s calling and wanting their foreign policy back.

On the home front asinine obama sends people to give condolences to the family of a young thug that got himself killed by the police, while extending no such courtesy to the survivors of cops killed by thugs provoked by the Left's anti-police hyperbole.

Poverty reached a FIFTY YEAR HIGH under obama, and going into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR there are still 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps then there were when Bush left office. Black unemployment still hovers near TWICE the rate of White unemployment and will get MUCH WORSE if Democrats get their dream of making 15 milion or so mostly Hispanic illegals who SNUCK IN granted legal status.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

If you complain about the rich getting richer

Do you support:

Raising taxes on those making over $1million
Raising minimum wage
Taxing capital gains the same as earned income
Providing more money for healthcare, education and housing

Or are you just gloating because Republican policies are making the rich richer and there is nothing Obama can do about it?

What Republican policies? These are Obama policies you moron!

This country does not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.

This country does not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem

Makes a nice bumper sticker, but ignores the fact that we have the lowest effective tax rates in generations
Yeah...we need government to take more money from the American worker, because government is so efficient, effective, and equitable.

Is the Government efficient, effective and equitable? Not as well as they might but better than most nations

Have the "job creators" provided wages that keep pace with rising costs since the Reagan revolution? Hell no

I'd rather depend on the Government
.....................unless it is from the point of view of subject matter expert.

On the Progressive watch the very richest have gotten richer, the very poorest poorer, both at a FASTER PACE then was happening under Republicans. Corporations people on these boards call "greedy" and rant about every day are making MORE money under obama than they made under right-wing government, and jobs are still going to china.

Internationally the man who put obama's name up for nomination for that Nobel Peace prize has been demoted because of that. The world is in FLAMES where it NEVER was under Bush, and far away from anything the Left can blame on Bush. The country Mitt Romney called our greatest enemy is proving so, and obama looks pretty stupid for making that comment about the 80s calling and wanting their foreign policy back.

On the home front asinine obama sends people to give condolences to the family of a young thug that got himself killed by the police, while extending no such courtesy to the survivors of cops killed by thugs provoked by the Left's anti-police hyperbole.

Poverty reached a FIFTY YEAR HIGH under obama, and going into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR there are still 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps then there were when Bush left office. Black unemployment still hovers near TWICE the rate of White unemployment and will get MUCH WORSE if Democrats get their dream of making 15 milion or so mostly Hispanic illegals who SNUCK IN granted legal status.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

If you complain about the rich getting richer

Do you support:

Raising taxes on those making over $1million
Raising minimum wage
Taxing capital gains the same as earned income
Providing more money for healthcare, education and housing

Or are you just gloating because Republican policies are making the rich richer and there is nothing Obama can do about it?

What Republican policies? These are Obama policies you moron!

This country does not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.

This country does not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem

Makes a nice bumper sticker, but ignores the fact that we have the lowest effective tax rates in generations
Yeah...we need government to take more money from the American worker, because government is so efficient, effective, and equitable.

Is the Government efficient, effective and equitable? Not as well as they might but better than most nations

Have the "job creators" provided wages that keep pace with rising costs since the Reagan revolution? Hell no

I'd rather depend on the Government
If the standard is "better than most," then total failure is acceptable.

What you and your kind may never comprehend is the job creators don't care about jobs. They care about buying government protections and obtaining special deals via government. This is crony capitalism....government and big business sleeping together and they have for a long time. Only now it is worse.

Your love of big government is foolish and a fantasy.

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