Democrats Find Winning Message Against GOP! "Make America Sick Again!" (Almost Like Worked Before!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Once Upon A Time, before there was a General Election: There were a bunch of weak sissies, and a sissie-ess(?), already becoming boring and out-of-touch, even with Republicans. Those were the elected Congress Reps and Senators, Governors and whatever: Of the Republican Party. In opposition, an FDR New Dealer, promising infrastructure spending and manufacturing protectionism(?)--(Not entirely a New Dealer)--created a sales pitch, to "Make America Great Again!"

At last, the Democrats have started to pay attention(?)! Senator Schumer will start campaigning against ACA Repeal, (With No GOP Alternative)--the GOP Agenda: Showing that GOP is already on board with the concept, "Make America Sick Again!"

Schumer adopts Trump slogan: GOP wants to 'Make America sick again'

Compare and Contrast! "Make America Great Again," with another New Deal spending program, and "Make America Sick Again," with a zero-replacement basis in the unannounced GOP Plan! "Make America Great Again," even includes keeping ACA protections more or less intact. No one has noticed that in order to do that, anyone has to keep ACA intact.

Except that a few Republicans have noticed. That is all Senator Schumer needs. That is all the House Democrats need. The Republicans have already bungled their first day of control of both houses, now into its bungled second day.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(U. S. Intel reporting now basically: Adding some maps to explain to the incoming White House just exactly where Russia is Not! Nowhere near Peoria is it located!)
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Had HRC won the election, the imploding of ACA would have probably led to a single payer system. At one time Trump also supported a single payer system....... but now, who know?
You might want to watch Cavuto right now....

He is shredding this "winning message" pretty fast.
In Cavuto v. Garamendi, Weak and Lame Cavuto offered no plan to replace ACA, only a critique that since ACA is basically so new, he didn't recall it "Being sold that way(?)" Millions more seem to be signing up this enrollment period, ending after the inauguration. He didn't even say, "It seems like only yesterday(?)!"

Failure points to weak and lame Cavuto.

6.4 million sign up for Affordable Care Act plans, more than in previous years

Notice how that gets back to the OP message. The Democrats have an effective message against the Republicans, just like Donald Trump had an effective message against the Republicans. "Making America Sick Again," is only being countered with, "GOP had eight years to fix it. GOP refused: Making America Sick Again!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(No wonder the Kelly woman left for NBC!)
In Cavuto v. Garamendi, Weak and Lame Cavuto offered no plan to replace ACA, only a critique that since ACA is basically so new, he didn't recall it "Being sold that way(?)" Millions more seem to be signing up this enrollment period, ending after the inauguration. He didn't even say, "It seems like only yesterday(?)!"

Failure points to weak and lame Cavuto.

6.4 million sign up for Affordable Care Act plans, more than in previous years

Notice how that gets back to the OP message. The Democrats have an effective message against the Republicans, just like Donald Trump had an effective message against the Republicans. "Making America Sick Again," is only being countered with, "GOP had eight years to fix it. GOP refused: Making America Sick Again!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(No wonder the Kelly woman left for NBC!)
You do realize that the American population grows, gets older and gets poorer every year, right?

That would all lead to an increase in registration.

Not to mention all the people who are signing up purely to take advantage of the law in its last year of existence.
You also failed to address what Cavuto said when he was directly taking on the new "winning" slogan.
The winning player in the recent election, Donald Trump, has already been reminded of his Tweet Campaign clearly supportive of large parts of ObamaCare. There will be no cuts to Medicaid, a larger part of the ObamaCare reform, in a Trump Administration. Then there are the various Trump supported protections, to be retained by the Trump Administration. Senator Sanders has already elicited even chuckles from Senator Cruz: About the President-Elect's famous penchant, and promises. Apparently Weak Lame,.Cavuto will not have the Reverend Governor Huckabee on board.

Bernie Sanders displays giant Trump tweet on Senate floor

The Failed Lame Weak Cavuto assertions, having no shown basis, are up against the actual players--The Democrats and the President-Elect. There are others on public record, even Senator Paul just today. Trump senior staffer designates appear to be on board with keeping other major provisions of ACA, intact.

This would not be said, 'Failed Lame Weak Cavuto's; Republican Party, any more!'

There will even likely monster public works, deficit financed, federal spending, "Draining The Swamp," to make room for "The Pork."

Democrats do know about Republican debates, and their substance, as in, "If Any!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(FDR serves as further precedent, engaging newer media: In direct official discourse with the General Population, unfettered by Press Conference decorum! Even President Nixon likely enjoyed the "Fireside" kind of prelude to his own place in eternity(?)!)

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