Democrats drop “god” from party platform?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Talk about “cow bowing” to a phony religion. This is the paragraph that was in the 2008 platform:
“We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.”

Now the words “God-given” have been removed;
Exclusive: Democrats Drop 'God' From Party Platform
GOD help us. The Jews believe the name of GOD is too sacred to be spoken is a phony religion because GOD’s name is Jehovah and not GOD. In the original bible the name Jehovah appears more than 7,000 time and in English translations it has been replaced with GOD. There are many GODs and the name of GOD is mentioned but to substitute it with my lord. This is cow bowing way to much to a religion that has not yet accept Jesus as the Christ.

"EVERYONE who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved." (Romans 10:13)
How can one call on his name without speaking it.?
I believe "GOD" is appropriate because GOD has many different name is many different religions but it the same person. One GOD but th esame GOD in different religions and the name god should not be removed. Now it the name on the platform was Allah or Jehovah it would not be appropreate be cause Allah represent ONE religion.
The Democratic National Committee has removed from the platform the name of God. What phrase exactly contained "God" and was removed you may ask? Well the reference was to "God given potential". Hmmmmm, sound familiar? - did Obama say "God didn't give that!" when we weren't listening? I wonder and I wouldn't be surprised if they believe Government bestows potential. however because of the big hulabalu they put it back in...right after Fox asked why they took God out. I'm friends with the same guy who told Harry Reid that Romney never paid any taxes - he told me he called Harry and asked him why they took God out of the platform and Harry said "You don't know what you are talking about, Obama is mentioned several times in the platform". :)

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