Democrats Don't Use Coercion To Get A Special Prosecutor!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Democrats should not follow the call of Senator Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Intelligence committee, for Senate Democrats to not cooperate on the Senate confirmation process for the replacement of the Director of the FBI until the Department of Justice appoints a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Russian interference in the U.S. 2016 election and any involvement by the Trump administration in that matter. First, they shouldn't do it because it is an attempt at coercion, the country needs a Director of the FBI, they shouldn't hold the filling of that job hostage to the thorough investigation of a single case no matter how important. Secondly, it sets bad precedent if the Democrats do this then in the future when there is a Democrat President and the Republican Senate wants the DOJ to appoint a Special Prosecutor on something it can then just not cooperate in the confirmation process for an Attorney General, AG's top Deputy and/or the FBI Director this hurts the country. At this juncture in the history of the Russian Interference in the U.S. elections this writer is on the Democrats side here believing there should be a Special Prosecutor primarily because all of President Trump's and his WhiteHouse's, and the Republican Party's extremely inappropriate behavior on this matter. Highlights being the firing of Director Comey to remove a zealous and effective investigator to investigate this matter, the inserting of an acting Director of the FBI that now says the FBI needs no additional resources to conduct a full investigation of the matter and the Republican Chairman, Devin Nunes, of the key House Investigating committee running over to the White House reporting to the President on something that the investigation found that the American public later learned the Chairman was turned on to by the White House itself. These entities inappropriate behavior has caused the American people to not have full confidence in the investigation process currently in place for this matter and the situation should be remedied.

If the Democrat Party wants to do its best to bring about the country having a Special Prosecutor here they can create the incentive on Republicans by publicly announcing that if in the mid-terms they win either chamber of Congress they are going to re-open the investigation to insure it was fully done, the Republicans if they are smart aren't going to want that occurring going into the 2020 Presidential elections it will only hurt them from a public opinion standpoint. Such a threat is not meaningless; smart Republicans realize that the reason that the American people gave the Republican Party both chambers of Congress and the White House is because they really really want things to improve on all economic issues affecting them, they hoped Donald Trump would be their savior in these areas and they gave him both chambers so he could get greatly good legislation passed in these areas to come through for them. What they have learned and will learn over the next eighteen months is that Donald Trump is a phony he is neither a consistently good person or a smart person. This writer does not know how this record of Donald Trump will exactly play out in the mid-term elections but it will definitely hurt the Republican Party's results!

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