Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Made up phone calls and photoshopped tweets

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial – Summit News
11 Feb 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.
Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

As Lee shouted at him, Raskin admitted that the claim was fake and agreed to withdraw it.

Hmmm...., Falsifying evidence.... I think they word they are searcing for is PERJURY.
The Senate has the final say. Given that the clear evidence that the House managers are blatant liars and perjuers the Senate should reject the charge and acquit Donald Trump.
if Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats can steal an election, they can also present fabricated “evidence” in an already-illegitimate “trial”. Anything goes, the end justifies the means. Democrat philosophy at its worst.
The Impeachment trial is a fraud to begin with.
The mere fact that the Chief Justice of the Suprem Court Roberts has refused to preside over this sham trial is evidence enough.
Then there's the blatant factual of falsifying beginning with the appointmrnt of Leahy to preside over kangaroo Court.
Additionally the prosecution manager Rep Jamie Raskin began his prosecution by using false, perjurious and manufactured evidence., selectively diting Trump's January 6th speech.
If a prosecutor in any other case were to present evidence in court as legitimate that he knew was bogus or made-up, not only would the evidence be tossed but it would be grounds for a mistrial. The prosecutor would then be subject to severe discipline. I refer you to former snd disbarred attorney and prosecutor Michael Byron Nifong ( Mike Nifong - Wikipedia )
But again, because it's a Democrat in Congress, they get to go, "aw dangit, you caught us, okay we'll pull that one." Sorta like how if you're caught cheating on a college exam, nobody asks how you would have done without cheating, you're disqualified; if you're caught doping in the Olympics, the judges don't decide how many seconds to add to your time, you're just ejected from the competition; but if you're caught committing massive widespread voter fraud, we just shrug and say "meh, we can't say whether it had any effect on the outcome," because Democrats.
What this entire faux impeachment episode reveals is that the PM/DSA Democrats recognize that Trump is the legitimate President. Impeachment is for removing a government official from office, yet, according to Democrats, Joey Xi Biden is the President.
Since the election fraud was so blatant and overt, the Demamocrats may be concerned that at some later date, after serious judicial review, the election might be overturned, so they want to impeach Trump before that happens to make it impossible for him to return to the White House.
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Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Made up phone calls and photoshopped tweets

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial – Summit News
11 Feb 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

As Lee shouted at him, Raskin admitted that the claim was fake and agreed to withdraw it.

Hmmm...., Falsifying evidence.... I think they word they are searcing for is PERJURY.
The Senate has the final say. Given that the clear evidence that the House managers are blatant liars and perjuers the Senate should reject the charge and acquit Donald Trump.
if Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats can steal an election, they can also present fabricated “evidence” in an already-illegitimate “trial”. Anything goes, the end justifies the means. Democrat philosophy at its worst.
The Impeachment trial is a fraud to begin with.
The mere fact that the Chief Justice of the Suprem Court Roberts has refused to preside over this sham trial is evidence enough.
Then there's the blatant factual of falsifying beginning with the appointmrnt of Leahy to preside over kangaroo Court.
Additionally the prosecution manager Rep Jamie Raskin began his prosecution by using false, perjurious and manufactured evidence., selectively diting Trump's January 6th speech.

Every DemoKKKrat involved in this sham trial needs to be removed and arrested.
Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Made up phone calls and photoshopped tweets

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial – Summit News
11 Feb 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

As Lee shouted at him, Raskin admitted that the claim was fake and agreed to withdraw it.

Hmmm...., Falsifying evidence.... I think they word they are searcing for is PERJURY.
The Senate has the final say. Given that the clear evidence that the House managers are blatant liars and perjuers the Senate should reject the charge and acquit Donald Trump.
if Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats can steal an election, they can also present fabricated “evidence” in an already-illegitimate “trial”. Anything goes, the end justifies the means. Democrat philosophy at its worst.
The Impeachment trial is a fraud to begin with.
The mere fact that the Chief Justice of the Suprem Court Roberts has refused to preside over this sham trial is evidence enough.
Then there's the blatant factual of falsifying beginning with the appointmrnt of Leahy to preside over kangaroo Court.
Additionally the prosecution manager Rep Jamie Raskin began his prosecution by using false, perjurious and manufactured evidence., selectively diting Trump's January 6th speech.

It would be perjury if this were a criminal or even civil trial. It is a political process. A real trial would not have a judge that was also a juror. And, a juror that had already expressed his vote.
Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Made up phone calls and photoshopped tweets

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial – Summit News
11 Feb 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

As Lee shouted at him, Raskin admitted that the claim was fake and agreed to withdraw it.

Hmmm...., Falsifying evidence.... I think they word they are searcing for is PERJURY.
The Senate has the final say. Given that the clear evidence that the House managers are blatant liars and perjuers the Senate should reject the charge and acquit Donald Trump.
if Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats can steal an election, they can also present fabricated “evidence” in an already-illegitimate “trial”. Anything goes, the end justifies the means. Democrat philosophy at its worst.
The Impeachment trial is a fraud to begin with.
The mere fact that the Chief Justice of the Suprem Court Roberts has refused to preside over this sham trial is evidence enough.
Then there's the blatant factual of falsifying beginning with the appointmrnt of Leahy to preside over kangaroo Court.
Additionally the prosecution manager Rep Jamie Raskin began his prosecution by using false, perjurious and manufactured evidence., selectively diting Trump's January 6th speech.


These people manufactured false claims. This is a CRIME and any lawyer caught doing this is disbarred and charged criminally.. If we had a real judge, the case would have been tossed with prejudice already..
Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Made up phone calls and photoshopped tweets

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial – Summit News
11 Feb 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

As Lee shouted at him, Raskin admitted that the claim was fake and agreed to withdraw it.

Hmmm...., Falsifying evidence.... I think they word they are searcing for is PERJURY.
The Senate has the final say. Given that the clear evidence that the House managers are blatant liars and perjuers the Senate should reject the charge and acquit Donald Trump.
if Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats can steal an election, they can also present fabricated “evidence” in an already-illegitimate “trial”. Anything goes, the end justifies the means. Democrat philosophy at its worst.
The Impeachment trial is a fraud to begin with.
The mere fact that the Chief Justice of the Suprem Court Roberts has refused to preside over this sham trial is evidence enough.
Then there's the blatant factual of falsifying beginning with the appointmrnt of Leahy to preside over kangaroo Court.
Additionally the prosecution manager Rep Jamie Raskin began his prosecution by using false, perjurious and manufactured evidence., selectively diting Trump's January 6th speech.

Every DemoKKKrat involved in this sham trial needs to be removed and arrested.

These people know that they can not be held civilly or criminally liable for their words and actions on the floor of the House or Senate.. In an impeachment this law should be removed and they should have to answer for their lies and deceptions. It violates the essence of our constitutional protections.
Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Made up phone calls and photoshopped tweets

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial – Summit News
11 Feb 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

As Lee shouted at him, Raskin admitted that the claim was fake and agreed to withdraw it.

Hmmm...., Falsifying evidence.... I think they word they are searcing for is PERJURY.
The Senate has the final say. Given that the clear evidence that the House managers are blatant liars and perjuers the Senate should reject the charge and acquit Donald Trump.
if Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats can steal an election, they can also present fabricated “evidence” in an already-illegitimate “trial”. Anything goes, the end justifies the means. Democrat philosophy at its worst.
The Impeachment trial is a fraud to begin with.
The mere fact that the Chief Justice of the Suprem Court Roberts has refused to preside over this sham trial is evidence enough.
Then there's the blatant factual of falsifying beginning with the appointmrnt of Leahy to preside over kangaroo Court.
Additionally the prosecution manager Rep Jamie Raskin began his prosecution by using false, perjurious and manufactured evidence., selectively diting Trump's January 6th speech.
If a prosecutor in any other case were to present evidence in court as legitimate that he knew was bogus or made-up, not only would the evidence be tossed but it would be grounds for a mistrial. The prosecutor would then be subject to severe discipline. I refer you to former snd disbarred attorney and prosecutor Michael Byron Nifong ( Mike Nifong - Wikipedia )
But again, because it's a Democrat in Congress, they get to go, "aw dangit, you caught us, okay we'll pull that one." Sorta like how if you're caught cheating on a college exam, nobody asks how you would have done without cheating, you're disqualified; if you're caught doping in the Olympics, the judges don't decide how many seconds to add to your time, you're just ejected from the competition; but if you're caught committing massive widespread voter fraud, we just shrug and say "meh, we can't say whether it had any effect on the outcome," because Democrats.
What this entire faux impeachment episode reveals is that the PM/DSA Democrats recognize that Trump is the legitimate President. Impeachment is for removing a government official from office, yet, according to Democrats, Joey Xi Biden is the President.
Since the election fraud was so blatant and overt, the Demamocrats may be concerned that at some later date, after serious judicial review, the election might be overturned, so they want to impeach Trump before that happens to make it impossible for him to return to the White House.

Summit News - Media Bias Fact Check


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following:e extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
  • Overall, we rate Summit News Questionable based on Extreme Right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, misleading and unproven stories, and a complete lack of transparency.
Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Made up phone calls and photoshopped tweets

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial – Summit News
11 Feb 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

As Lee shouted at him, Raskin admitted that the claim was fake and agreed to withdraw it.

Hmmm...., Falsifying evidence.... I think they word they are searcing for is PERJURY.
The Senate has the final say. Given that the clear evidence that the House managers are blatant liars and perjuers the Senate should reject the charge and acquit Donald Trump.
if Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats can steal an election, they can also present fabricated “evidence” in an already-illegitimate “trial”. Anything goes, the end justifies the means. Democrat philosophy at its worst.
The Impeachment trial is a fraud to begin with.
The mere fact that the Chief Justice of the Suprem Court Roberts has refused to preside over this sham trial is evidence enough.
Then there's the blatant factual of falsifying beginning with the appointmrnt of Leahy to preside over kangaroo Court.
Additionally the prosecution manager Rep Jamie Raskin began his prosecution by using false, perjurious and manufactured evidence., selectively diting Trump's January 6th speech.
If a prosecutor in any other case were to present evidence in court as legitimate that he knew was bogus or made-up, not only would the evidence be tossed but it would be grounds for a mistrial. The prosecutor would then be subject to severe discipline. I refer you to former snd disbarred attorney and prosecutor Michael Byron Nifong ( Mike Nifong - Wikipedia )
But again, because it's a Democrat in Congress, they get to go, "aw dangit, you caught us, okay we'll pull that one." Sorta like how if you're caught cheating on a college exam, nobody asks how you would have done without cheating, you're disqualified; if you're caught doping in the Olympics, the judges don't decide how many seconds to add to your time, you're just ejected from the competition; but if you're caught committing massive widespread voter fraud, we just shrug and say "meh, we can't say whether it had any effect on the outcome," because Democrats.
What this entire faux impeachment episode reveals is that the PM/DSA Democrats recognize that Trump is the legitimate President. Impeachment is for removing a government official from office, yet, according to Democrats, Joey Xi Biden is the President.
Since the election fraud was so blatant and overt, the Demamocrats may be concerned that at some later date, after serious judicial review, the election might be overturned, so they want to impeach Trump before that happens to make it impossible for him to return to the White House.

Summit News - Media Bias Fact Check

View attachment 456346

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following:e extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
  • Overall, we rate Summit News Questionable based on Extreme Right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, misleading and unproven stories, and a complete lack of transparency.

Don't be a retard, it is all over the news.
Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Made up phone calls and photoshopped tweets

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial – Summit News
11 Feb 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

As Lee shouted at him, Raskin admitted that the claim was fake and agreed to withdraw it.

Hmmm...., Falsifying evidence.... I think they word they are searcing for is PERJURY.
The Senate has the final say. Given that the clear evidence that the House managers are blatant liars and perjuers the Senate should reject the charge and acquit Donald Trump.
if Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats can steal an election, they can also present fabricated “evidence” in an already-illegitimate “trial”. Anything goes, the end justifies the means. Democrat philosophy at its worst.
The Impeachment trial is a fraud to begin with.
The mere fact that the Chief Justice of the Suprem Court Roberts has refused to preside over this sham trial is evidence enough.
Then there's the blatant factual of falsifying beginning with the appointmrnt of Leahy to preside over kangaroo Court.
Additionally the prosecution manager Rep Jamie Raskin began his prosecution by using false, perjurious and manufactured evidence., selectively diting Trump's January 6th speech.
If a prosecutor in any other case were to present evidence in court as legitimate that he knew was bogus or made-up, not only would the evidence be tossed but it would be grounds for a mistrial. The prosecutor would then be subject to severe discipline. I refer you to former snd disbarred attorney and prosecutor Michael Byron Nifong ( Mike Nifong - Wikipedia )
But again, because it's a Democrat in Congress, they get to go, "aw dangit, you caught us, okay we'll pull that one." Sorta like how if you're caught cheating on a college exam, nobody asks how you would have done without cheating, you're disqualified; if you're caught doping in the Olympics, the judges don't decide how many seconds to add to your time, you're just ejected from the competition; but if you're caught committing massive widespread voter fraud, we just shrug and say "meh, we can't say whether it had any effect on the outcome," because Democrats.
What this entire faux impeachment episode reveals is that the PM/DSA Democrats recognize that Trump is the legitimate President. Impeachment is for removing a government official from office, yet, according to Democrats, Joey Xi Biden is the President.
Since the election fraud was so blatant and overt, the Demamocrats may be concerned that at some later date, after serious judicial review, the election might be overturned, so they want to impeach Trump before that happens to make it impossible for him to return to the White House.

Summit News - Media Bias Fact Check

View attachment 456346

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following:e extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
  • Overall, we rate Summit News Questionable based on Extreme Right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, misleading and unproven stories, and a complete lack of transparency.


Daily Kos - Left Bias - Liberal - Progressive - Democrat - Not Credible
Factual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.
Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Made up phone calls and photoshopped tweets

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial – Summit News
11 Feb 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

As Lee shouted at him, Raskin admitted that the claim was fake and agreed to withdraw it.

Hmmm...., Falsifying evidence.... I think they word they are searcing for is PERJURY.
The Senate has the final say. Given that the clear evidence that the House managers are blatant liars and perjuers the Senate should reject the charge and acquit Donald Trump.
if Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats can steal an election, they can also present fabricated “evidence” in an already-illegitimate “trial”. Anything goes, the end justifies the means. Democrat philosophy at its worst.
The Impeachment trial is a fraud to begin with.
The mere fact that the Chief Justice of the Suprem Court Roberts has refused to preside over this sham trial is evidence enough.
Then there's the blatant factual of falsifying beginning with the appointmrnt of Leahy to preside over kangaroo Court.
Additionally the prosecution manager Rep Jamie Raskin began his prosecution by using false, perjurious and manufactured evidence., selectively diting Trump's January 6th speech.
If a prosecutor in any other case were to present evidence in court as legitimate that he knew was bogus or made-up, not only would the evidence be tossed but it would be grounds for a mistrial. The prosecutor would then be subject to severe discipline. I refer you to former snd disbarred attorney and prosecutor Michael Byron Nifong ( Mike Nifong - Wikipedia )
But again, because it's a Democrat in Congress, they get to go, "aw dangit, you caught us, okay we'll pull that one." Sorta like how if you're caught cheating on a college exam, nobody asks how you would have done without cheating, you're disqualified; if you're caught doping in the Olympics, the judges don't decide how many seconds to add to your time, you're just ejected from the competition; but if you're caught committing massive widespread voter fraud, we just shrug and say "meh, we can't say whether it had any effect on the outcome," because Democrats.
What this entire faux impeachment episode reveals is that the PM/DSA Democrats recognize that Trump is the legitimate President. Impeachment is for removing a government official from office, yet, according to Democrats, Joey Xi Biden is the President.
Since the election fraud was so blatant and overt, the Demamocrats may be concerned that at some later date, after serious judicial review, the election might be overturned, so they want to impeach Trump before that happens to make it impossible for him to return to the White House.

Summit News - Media Bias Fact Check

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A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following:e extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
  • Overall, we rate Summit News Questionable based on Extreme Right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, misleading and unproven stories, and a complete lack of transparency.

Don't be a retard, it is all over the news.

He can't help it. He IS a retard. No evidence will ever convince him of anything other than he hates trump, and he's a chinese stooge.
It would be perjury if this were a criminal or even civil trial. It is a political process. A real trial would not have a judge that was also a juror. And, a juror that had already expressed his vote.

EXCELLENT point. I was looking for a thread on this topic.

If a 'juror' is also a 'judge' shouldn't the judge recuse himself from voting as a juror?
This isn't a serious "impeachment" trial-never has been. There is zero evidence that Trump caused or encouraged anyone to storm the Capitol and take it over by force. In fact, there is only the opposite, where he asked for a peaceful demonstration. What actually happened at the Capitol is just a media circus, and the impeachment clown show is just an opportunity to perform for the cameras. The only thing that matters is what evidence there was of Trump actually encouraging and demanding a violent attack. There is none-in fact there is the opposite-his calls to remain peaceful.

The Dems have been on a 4 year roll to overturn a US presidential election and to overthrow the will of the American electorate. It has been one silly stunt after another-all of which ended in failure and embarrassment for the Democratic party, showing their impotence. This is their last grasp at establishing some sort of legitimacy....and they are desperate that it will be as much of a pathetic failure as their efforts of the last 4 years.
In the meantime Congress allows the 'Covid Help' bills to remain untouched - keeping more Americans, especially the ones that are teetering on the edge of survival, on their knees.
Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial
Made up phone calls and photoshopped tweets

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial – Summit News
11 Feb 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.
Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.
Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”
Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”
It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.
“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

As Lee shouted at him, Raskin admitted that the claim was fake and agreed to withdraw it.

Hmmm...., Falsifying evidence.... I think they word they are searcing for is PERJURY.
The Senate has the final say. Given that the clear evidence that the House managers are blatant liars and perjuers the Senate should reject the charge and acquit Donald Trump.
if Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats can steal an election, they can also present fabricated “evidence” in an already-illegitimate “trial”. Anything goes, the end justifies the means. Democrat philosophy at its worst.
The Impeachment trial is a fraud to begin with.
The mere fact that the Chief Justice of the Suprem Court Roberts has refused to preside over this sham trial is evidence enough.
Then there's the blatant factual of falsifying beginning with the appointmrnt of Leahy to preside over kangaroo Court.
Additionally the prosecution manager Rep Jamie Raskin began his prosecution by using false, perjurious and manufactured evidence., selectively diting Trump's January 6th speech.

Every DemoKKKrat involved in this sham trial needs to be removed and arrested.

...and executed.

Very important.

This kind of assault on the Constitution should be a capital offense.

It will not stop until people start dying.
In the meantime Congress allows the 'Covid Help' bills to remain untouched - keeping more Americans, especially the ones that are teetering on the edge of survival, on their knees.
The excuse of covid is being used to break the back of the American economy. It is right out of the Cloward Piven Strategy.

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