Democrats Buying Votes Sending $500 Checks to Social Security Recipients


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Oct 10, 2009
In your head
Democrats Buying Votes Sending $500 worth of checks to Social Security Recipients rich & poor alike.

The Democrats know that Old People are the largest block of voters in a non-presidential election year. So they give them a heavy dose of pandering to make sure they vote for them during this congressional election cycle.

So under the stimulus bill they mailed out $250 checks to Social Security Recipients.

Now Democrat Pomeroy Introduces the Seniors Protection Act of 2010 that will send another $250 check to Social Security Recipients just before the November elections. At the same time these slime-balls are running ads saying Republicans want to take away their Social Security & Medicare to scare seniors.
This is idiotic. There was no cost of living increase in Social Security because....


The cost of living did not increase. So WTF are seniors being protected from? Stable prices?
The failed economic policies of the prior Administration left the nation in such a deep recession that, for the first time since automatic cost-of-living-adjustments (COLAs) began in 1975, recipients of Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Veterans Administration Pension and Disability Compensation, and Railroad Retirement benefits did not receive a COLA in January of this year.

Social Security benefit levels are quite modest – only $14,000 a year for the average retiree. Yet, the median income for senior households is a mere $24,000, reflecting just how much Social Security means to most elderly Americans. Six in ten seniors rely on Social Security for more than half of their income. About a third of retirees have little other than Social Security to live on.

Although economy-wide measures of inflation have shown no net increase since the last COLA, which reflected price levels in the third quarter of 2008, Medicare premiums and health care costs have continued to rise. Moreover, seniors’ other sources of income have weakened as a result of the economic downturn: the financial collapse reduced the value of their IRAs; interest rates are low, reducing income from seniors’ savings; and the housing crash reduced seniors’ home equity. The one-time $250 payment for retirees and other beneficiaries would represent less than two percent of the average annual Social Security benefit.

I'm not sure how giving $250 once in 2009 and maybe $250 once in 2010 is buying votes. :eusa_eh:
Notice how they said the first $250 check was a one time payment?

Now they are again calling this next $250 check a one time payment.
This is idiotic. There was no cost of living increase in Social Security because....


The cost of living did not increase. So WTF are seniors being protected from? Stable prices?

The rate of inflation in 2009 was about 2-3%, wasn't it?

The COLAs for 2009 won't be paid.

So $250 is actually less costly than the COLA.

And in the longer run, that $250 is much, much cheaper than the COLAm since that 2-3% increase would continue to be paid every year thereafter.

So what you pne person might see as a cynical attempt to buy votes was also an enormous tax savings, not only this year, but every year thereafter, too.
This is idiotic. There was no cost of living increase in Social Security because....


The cost of living did not increase. So WTF are seniors being protected from? Stable prices?

The rate of inflation in 2009 was about 2-3%, wasn't it?

The COLAs for 2009 won't be paid.

So $250 is actually less costly than the COLA.

And in the longer run, that $250 is much, much cheaper than the COLAm since that 2-3% increase would continue to be paid every year thereafter.

So what you pne person might see as a cynical attempt to buy votes was also an enormous tax savings, not only this year, but every year thereafter, too.
I have no idea if those checks helped the Dems, but they certainly helped the people who got them.

And by extention, that helped the immediate economy somewhat.

Hey, remember ...Bush II send everybody $300, too didn't he?
I have no idea if those checks helped the Dems, but they certainly helped the people who got them.

And by extention, that helped the immediate economy somewhat.

Hey, remember ...Bush II send everybody $300, too didn't he?

This is not everybody. This is pay-off is much larger & is targeted at the group of old people who are the majority of voters in a non-presidential election & are largely Dependant on government hand-outs.
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Let's see:

Saying Voters can be "bought," is ok.

Saying Latinos are stupid for voting R, insulting.

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