Democrats Are In A Hell Of A Bind

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Talk about a case of; damned if you do, damned if you don't.

If these loonie tunes in Congress do continue to perpetuate this collusion farce they will lose voters and they know it. If they don't continue this farce the far left will chastise them to no end.

So, a win/win for Republicans and the sane people of this country.

Great day for America.
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Talk about a case of if you do you're damned, and if don't you're damned

If these loonie tunes in Congress do continue to perpetuate this collusion farce they will lose voters and they know it. If they don't continue this farce the far left will chastise them to no end.

So, a win/win for Republicans and the sane people of this country.

Great day for America.

There's always tall buildings and bridges...
Sedition is a very serious crime.
The FBIgate conspirators have to be prosecuted.
It was a direct attack on our representative democracy.
They should follow it to the top.
Who gave the orders to do this?
We have a right to know.
If it’s all nothing , why are the cons preventing the release of the full report .
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They lost their best effort to overturn the election and they are putting up a gaggle of socialist clowns for the 2020 election. Wait till the indictment start coming out for the leaders of the attempted coup.
If it’s all nothing , why arebhe cons preventing the release of the full report .

So now you don't believe the person you hung your hat on for 2 years. Timmy, this isn't the satire forum. Enjoy your humility.
There is no stemming the demographic shift. The boomers will begin going like microwave popcorn soon. Trump was the last hope yet he is too busy fellating Shlomo to follow through on campaign promises. The Dems are playing the long game. They are going to win big time.
There is no stemming the demographic shift. The boomers will begin going like microwave popcorn soon. Trump was the last hope yet he is too busy fellating Shlomo to follow through on campaign promises. The Dems are playing the long game. They are going to win big time.

You clowns can't run an ice cream stand. If, and that's a big fucking if, libtardos take control the economy will crash so fast it will bring down the world. Just like the last time Pelosi got the gavel and it became obvious Obamakov was going to be elected.

Facts are facts.
If it’s all nothing , why are the cons preventing the release of the full report .
Talk about a case of; damned if you do, damned if you don't.

If these loonie tunes in Congress do continue to perpetuate this collusion farce they will lose voters and they know it. If they don't continue this farce the far left will chastise them to no end.

So, a win/win for Republicans and the sane people of this country.

Great day for America.
The next great day will be when they get Teflon Obama for his role in this 2 year sham on the American people and President Trump.
If it’s all nothing , why arebhe cons preventing the release of the full report .

So now you don't believe the person you hung your hat on for 2 years. Timmy, this isn't the satire forum. Enjoy your humility.

I don’t believe Barr. Trumps hand picked stooge .
Let me see if I have this right, basically because I don't follow stupid very well. You don't trust Barr because Mueller and all his democratic leaning crew would stay silent? There will be how many investigative reporters trying to get any little hint of the report or any attempt to misrepresent anything in it? The democrats in all their glory will be trying to get their hands on the report, if that does not happen then they will undoubtedly have Mueller, all his crew and Barr in front of them looking for an un dotted I or uncrossed t. Now here comes the crazy part only a complete moron would think that someone would put themselves in legal jeopardy when so many will be looking over your shoulder.
If it’s all nothing , why are the cons preventing the release of the full report .
Talk about a case of; damned if you do, damned if you don't.

If these loonie tunes in Congress do continue to perpetuate this collusion farce they will lose voters and they know it. If they don't continue this farce the far left will chastise them to no end.

So, a win/win for Republicans and the sane people of this country.

Great day for America.
The next great day will be when they get Teflon Obama for his role in this 2 year sham on the American people and President Trump.

Yes it will. Graham is going to kick these idiots asses just like he did in the Kavanaugh hearings.
Talk about a case of; damned if you do, damned if you don't.

If these loonie tunes in Congress do continue to perpetuate this collusion farce they will lose voters and they know it. If they don't continue this farce the far left will chastise them to no end.

So, a win/win for Republicans and the sane people of this country.

Great day for America.
Damn right they are!
Talk about a case of; damned if you do, damned if you don't.

If these loonie tunes in Congress do continue to perpetuate this collusion farce they will lose voters and they know it. If they don't continue this farce the far left will chastise them to no end.

So, a win/win for Republicans and the sane people of this country.

Great day for America.
There is no stemming the demographic shift. The boomers will begin going like microwave popcorn soon. Trump was the last hope yet he is too busy fellating Shlomo to follow through on campaign promises. The Dems are playing the long game. They are going to win big time.
They are toast. No credibility with American voters.
They lost their best effort to overturn the election and they are putting up a gaggle of socialist clowns for the 2020 election. Wait till the indictment start coming out for the leaders of the attempted coup.

They lost their best effort to overturn the election and they are putting up a gaggle of socialist clowns for the 2020 election. Wait till the indictment start coming out for the leaders of the attempted coup.

We will see what is in the report. MAGA Mueller Ain't Going Away baby.
If it’s all nothing , why are the cons preventing the release of the full report .

Again, why do you care if we get the report or not? The bottom line is no treason, no collusion, no obstruction of justice. That’s all anyone needs to know. There are reason to not publish the report, and you’ll never let it go anyway. Just be happy you have that one talking point about how we haven’t seen the report. You’re a bunch of babies and sore losers.
There is no stemming the demographic shift. The boomers will begin going like microwave popcorn soon. Trump was the last hope yet he is too busy fellating Shlomo to follow through on campaign promises. The Dems are playing the long game. They are going to win big time.


Hillary was just a sacrifice.


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