Democrats are ignoring commons sense. GOP leading by example.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
What would any of us do in the shoes of the Wisconsin governor? He has a massive budget shortfall. It must be balanced. Not out of theory, but by the Wisconsin State Constitution the law says the state must have a balanced budget.

After Obama won, and Obamacare was shoved down our throats, we were told deal with it because "elections matter".

Well, now recent elections have swept the right wing back into power in the House and in many governor seats. And they are doing exactly what the Tea Party said to do. Cutting costs.

This morning at 5am, Boehner and the House GOP passed a budget that cuts $60 billion from the budget. The only answer. Cut spending, and they're doing it. If the gov't shuts down, it's Democrats fault (BTW, EVERY single House Dem voted against this budget)

And the Wisconsin governor is simply slashing the deficit in his state. It's common sense. Don't spend more than you have. The unions are being asked to take a small increase in paying for their OWN (Not someone elses) benefits. Crazy thought huh? YOU pay for your own stuff. But the unions are riotous in the Madison streets.

In South Carolina, the pro-Tea Party governor is trying to block unions from forming in the massive new Boeing and Google complexes being built in Charleston, combined to bring 10-12,000 good jobs to that region. SC is also cutting gov't spending, and passing laws that are very strictly against illegal immigrants, hopefully to free up more blue collar jobs for native SCarolinians.

And of course, we all know what miracles NJ Gov. Christie is working. A state that is in the deathclutch of union cancer is being slowly freed by the Gov who is slashing spending and union payouts.

It's common sense, folks. If you make $100,000 a year, you can't spend $110,000 a year every year and expect to keep your head over water. Dems say conservatives hate math and science. But to me, the math of this is so simple. Cost(X) + Spending(Y) = 0. Else, you're gonna be in debt. If Y is greater than X, you're gonna suffer. Common sense math, right?

The right wing, GOP and Tea Party are doing exactly what we said we would do: Save the country. We even have tried to stop the Patriot Act, which was written in 1995 by Vice President Joe Biden.

We have also defunded Planned Parenthood. PP was founded by a racist bigot who literally said we need to rid the population of negros and morons. Obama and H. Clinton praised PP somehow. Despite her support of racial eugenics, both supported the woman and PP. We also defunded Obamacare (aka socialist takeover of our lives), and slashed by 40% some of the wasteful gov't bloat factories like the EPA.

Thank you Tea Party and GOP. Finally, politicians actually doing GOOD for America.
So, in your opinion as a conservative, if a people's governments cannot afford to pay the bills they contracted to pay, they ought not to have to pay them?

So really, you believe that the government has that right to reneg on contracts?

But individuals do not have that right, correct?

But still, you claim to believe in the rights of the individual and you also believe limited government, right?

I find that POV somewhat confusing and inconsistent. You want a limited government but you want to give governments the right to run roughshod over contracts they've made with their employees?

What exactly am I getting wrong about you POV?

Am I misstating it, somehow?
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you cannot spend more than you have forever and not have it bite you in the ass.

some deficit spending is to be expected. No country has ever had a balanced budget in wartime.

but 3.7 TRILLION?? fuck that, it cant be done.

from washington to Bush, the country spent 10 trillion in the red, over the course of 230 years.

Obama has added 5 trillion to that in just 2 1/2 years

it cant be done

oh, and "raise taxes" is never the answer and it doesnt work
you cannot spend more than you have forever and not have it bite you in the ass.

some deficit spending is to be expected. No country has ever had a balanced budget in wartime.

but 3.7 TRILLION?? fuck that, it cant be done.

from washington to Bush, the country spent 10 trillion in the red, over the course of 230 years.

Obama has added 5 trillion to that in just 2 1/2 years

it cant be done

oh, and "raise taxes" is never the answer and it doesnt work

What a plethora of chain e-mails you have there, champ! Good for you!
So, in your opinion as a conservative, if a people's governments cannot afford to pay the bills they contracted to pay, they ought not to have to pay them?

So really, you believe that the government has that right to reneg on contracts?

But individuals do not have that right, correct?

But still, you claim to believe in the rights of the individual and you also believe limited government, right?

I find that POV somewhat confusing and inconsistent. You want a limited government but you want to give governments the right to run roughshod over contracts they've made with their employees?

What exactly am I getting wrong about you POV?

Am I misstating it, somehow?

Um, yeah, thats about right. I want limited government. THUS, the government shouldn't practice signing crippling union contracts.

You aren't misstating it at all. Previous government officials agreed to absurd, crippling contracts with greedy unions. WE the people can't afford it anymore. It was a mistake. Our current government is fixing it.

Bottom line: Don't depend on the government. Because the only other options are fire a bunch of teachers, or jack up taxes (aka, use men with guns to force the rest of the citizens to forfeit more money for the unions).

You didn't get me wrong at all. Thats the new Tea Party stance. We won the governorship. Elections matter. We're gonna do what we said. The era of massive government is slowly ending. Screw the unions. Yep, you got me right.
What would any of us do in the shoes of the Wisconsin governor? He has a massive budget shortfall. It must be balanced. Not out of theory, but by the Wisconsin State Constitution the law says the state must have a balanced budget.

After Obama won, and Obamacare was shoved down our throats, we were told deal with it because "elections matter".'s your turn (to most "conservatives", here, do):

What PART(S) of Health Care Reform give you the most grief???

What would any of us do in the shoes of the Wisconsin governor? He has a massive budget shortfall. It must be balanced. Not out of theory, but by the Wisconsin State Constitution the law says the state must have a balanced budget.

After Obama won, and Obamacare was shoved down our throats, we were told deal with it because "elections matter".'s your turn (to most "conservatives", here, do):

What PART(S) of Health Care Reform give you the most grief???

That's easy.

The part where the fucking government tells me I have to buy the insurance they approve of or else be taxed.
Got this in an email entitled...
Food for Thought
I have to make a comment about what's happening right now in Wisconsin. Surely, you've seen the news. A Republican governor is trying to balance the budget by making state workers give up some of their union privileges and asking them to begin contributing to their own pensions and paying a bit more for their health care premiums – 12.6%, up from 6%. I don't want to get bogged down in the details, because they don't really matter. Here's what matters and what in my mind hasn't been explained to the American people: The budget deficit in Wisconsin is $137 million this year. Over the next two years, the projected budget deficit in Wisconsin is $3.6 billion. That's more than 10% of the budget.

Now, we could show you that Wisconsin's state employees are overpaid compared to their private-sector counterparts. We could argue point for point about the role of unions in government, etc. We could do the Democrat vs. Republican stuff you'll surely see on TV. But none of that stuff approaches what really matters in this situation. This isn't a political issue. What really matters here is the plain truth: The people of Wisconsin cannot afford their government. That's not a political statement. That's an economic fact.

There are 5.6 million people living in the state of Wisconsin. The state is spending $32 billion per year. That's $5,714 per person. The per-capita income of the state (how much each person living in Wisconsin earns per year) is only $25,000. Thus, the people of Wisconsin are spending 20% of their total income on their state government. You can add another 20% to pay for the federal government… and another 2%-3% for local government. When you add it up, you'll find government now makes up more than 40% of the economy. The same is true almost everywhere in the United States. It should be obvious to any rational, thinking person that when we're spending more than 40% of our GDP to govern ourselves, we are doomed.

Wisconsin just happens to be the first to bring it to a head, wait for the other 48. . . . . . (I don’t include Alaska) you actually receive money from the Government for living there.
Party before Country. That really does sum up the Democrats & Unions at this point. Scott Walker is making the tough decisions that have to be made in Wisconsin. He's behaving like an adult while the Unions & Democrats are behaving like spoiled little brats. The same thing is going on in our Congress. The Republicans are actually attempting to tackle our nation's terrible problems while the Democrats continue to snipe at them and oppose them every step of the way. I'm with Scott Walker. He's doing his best to bring Wisconsin back. To Hell with the Unions & Democrats.

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