Democrats are hoping that the public are idiots with short memories. Their leaders are also HACKS

They don’t need to hope. The American electorate has all the memory of a fruit fly.
Again, why do Democrats want people to come here that we no nothing about that start their journey here as CRIMINALS?

Why do they LIE, and call them "IMMIGRANTS" when immigration is a LEGAL process that requires DOCUMENTATION? If they were being honest they would call them what they are. ILLEGAL ALIENS, not "undocumented immigrants".

Why do Democrats have to be dishonest? What are they hiding? They are the party of lies, and deception.
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The democrats have said PUBLICLY that their voters are morons. We actually have them on video openly declaring it.

I personally think the democrats are actually stunned at just how stupid their base actually is. Not to mention how willing their dumb blacks robotic voters are in allowing themselves to be used as political weapons and that is directly dependent on them being poor and pissed. Those people sure are fucking dumb and we all know it. Especially the white patronizing racist rich liberal who all live in predominately white neighborhoods behind guarded walls who use them.

Schumer has flip flopped 100% on illegal immigration and border security, but what's changed?

NOTHING, except the man in the oval office.

Trump has flipped flopped on Mexico buying a wall..

Are you ripping Schumer a new one for flipping with the same frequency you complain about Trump?

Somehow, I don't think so.

You don't think that is the problem..I hate politicians, they change their minds because that is what their master behind the curtains tells them to say.
The democrats have said PUBLICLY that their voters are morons. We actually have them on video openly declaring it.

I personally think the democrats are actually stunned at just how stupid their base actually is. Not to mention how willing their dumb blacks robotic voters are in allowing themselves to be used as political weapons and that is directly dependent on them being poor and pissed. Those people sure are fucking dumb and we all know it. Especially the white patronizing racist rich liberal who all live in predominately white neighborhoods behind guarded walls who use them.
The whites get used by the GOP, next...

Schumer has flip flopped 100% on illegal immigration and border security, but what's changed?

NOTHING, except the man in the oval office.

Trump has flipped flopped on Mexico buying a wall..

Are you ripping Schumer a new one for flipping with the same frequency you complain about Trump?

Somehow, I don't think so.

Moonglow is one of the board idiots. Never take him seriously

Don't ever take me anywhere.....
The democrats have said PUBLICLY that their voters are morons. We actually have them on video openly declaring it.

I personally think the democrats are actually stunned at just how stupid their base actually is. Not to mention how willing their dumb blacks robotic voters are in allowing themselves to be used as political weapons and that is directly dependent on them being poor and pissed. Those people sure are fucking dumb and we all know it. Especially the white patronizing racist rich liberal who all live in predominately white neighborhoods behind guarded walls who use them.

Jonathan Gruber, architect of Obamacare was caught on video calling the American voter STUPID. Even CNN admitted it.

Washington (CNN) -- Years-old but newly scrutinized videos of MIT economics professor Jonathan Gruber ignited a political firestorm this week because the self-described architect of Obamacare thanks "the stupidity of the American voter" for leading to passage of the president's signature piece of legislation.

Obamacare: Voters, are you stupid? -

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