Democrats Are A Terrorist Organization


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Democrats are the most disruptive force in America today.
What's worse is they're using our money to create hate, violence, and chaos.

Bernstein: Democrats are Terrorists, Should Be Banned

Josh Bernstein, one of the most extreme voices on the far right, says that the Democratic Party is a terrorist organization just like ISIS or Al Qaeda and they should be dissolved as a party and banished forever. Because that’s a totally rational position to take.

totally rational position to take.

“They are Islamic compliant,” he said. “They are Marxist/Leninist/Stalinist/Maoist, if you will, in their ideology. They support terrorism. They are anti-Israel. They support open borders, which means that they’re fine with having Americans be killed by illegal aliens. They are for taxing you to death. They are for controlling every aspect of your life.”


“I think, at this point, based on their platform, based on their advanced leftist ideology, that the Democratic Party should be dissolved, they should be banned from all elections,” Bernstein continued. “They’re pro-death. They’re demonic … and to be quite frankly, they should be labeled as a terrorist organization, just like ISIS, just like al Qaeda, just like Hamas, just like Hezbollah, just like Antifa, just like white supremacist groups.”
“They are a terrorist organization right now and they are literally terrorizing this country,” he added. “They are killing infants. They are murdering people and getting away with it legally, they’re passing more and more laws to do this. These people are evil.”

Bernstein: Democrats are Terrorists, Should Be Banned



House Dems to replace terrorism panel with one investigating Trump

Democrats who say there is no threat of terrorists crossing our border are delusional

Not really.
Democraps are using regulations and social media to cause fear and intimidation.
Antifa is their baby.....and they're the thugs....the Brownshirters.

I'm not exaggerating......not even a smidgen.

NATO defines terrorism in the AAP-06 NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions, Edition 2014 as "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against individuals or property in an attempt to coerce or intimidate governments or societies to achieve political, religious or ideological objectives".​
Not sure what trump is waiting for! They are hurting Americans for political reasons, people are dying
The GOP is the Taliban according to the left and the Right now want to label the Democrats as Terrorists...

Alright, I need to start drinking again because society has gone loony tune crazy...

Democrats are the most disruptive force in America today.
What's worse is they're using our money to create hate, violence, and chaos.

Bernstein: Democrats are Terrorists, Should Be Banned

Josh Bernstein, one of the most extreme voices on the far right, says that the Democratic Party is a terrorist organization just like ISIS or Al Qaeda and they should be dissolved as a party and banished forever. Because that’s a totally rational position to take.

totally rational position to take.

“They are Islamic compliant,” he said. “They are Marxist/Leninist/Stalinist/Maoist, if you will, in their ideology. They support terrorism. They are anti-Israel. They support open borders, which means that they’re fine with having Americans be killed by illegal aliens. They are for taxing you to death. They are for controlling every aspect of your life.”


“I think, at this point, based on their platform, based on their advanced leftist ideology, that the Democratic Party should be dissolved, they should be banned from all elections,” Bernstein continued. “They’re pro-death. They’re demonic … and to be quite frankly, they should be labeled as a terrorist organization, just like ISIS, just like al Qaeda, just like Hamas, just like Hezbollah, just like Antifa, just like white supremacist groups.”
“They are a terrorist organization right now and they are literally terrorizing this country,” he added. “They are killing infants. They are murdering people and getting away with it legally, they’re passing more and more laws to do this. These people are evil.”

Bernstein: Democrats are Terrorists, Should Be Banned



House Dems to replace terrorism panel with one investigating Trump

Democrats who say there is no threat of terrorists crossing our border are delusional


considering the fact you ALWAYS do THIS-

when the corruption of the republicans is exposed how they are every bit as corrupt as the dems and there is no difference in the two parties,we should really listen to mr biased here.:lmao::rofl:
The GOP is the Taliban according to the left and the Right now want to label the Democrats as Terrorists...

Alright, I need to start drinking again because society has gone loony tune crazy...

whats loony crazy is people like the OP who live in a fantasyland that cant come to grips with reality BOTH parties are corrupt and there is no difference in the two DESPITE how BOTH have been caught too many times LYING to americans over and over again never going through with what they say they will do.,:abgg2q.jpg: you dont last long at all in washington as a politician if you are NOT corrupt and not part of the two party corrupt system:rolleyes:
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The GOP is the Taliban according to the left and the Right now want to label the Democrats as Terrorists...
Alright, I need to start drinking again because society has gone loony tune crazy...

Worse, they're serious.

Sad part is I am insane and yet they out nutter me... I remember when I was one of the most foul writing posters on the net and now I am just the Newt Gingrich of this nutters...

Sanity has left the building...
The GOP is the Taliban according to the left and the Right now want to label the Democrats as Terrorists...
Alright, I need to start drinking again because society has gone loony tune crazy...

Worse, they're serious.

Sad part is I am insane and yet they out nutter me... I remember when I was one of the most foul writing posters on the net and now I am just the Newt Gingrich of this nutters...

Sanity has left the building...
It's probably not a good sign that words pretty much don't mean anything any more.

Even crazy people have to communicate!
The GOP is the Taliban according to the left and the Right now want to label the Democrats as Terrorists...
Alright, I need to start drinking again because society has gone loony tune crazy...

Worse, they're serious.

Sad part is I am insane and yet they out nutter me... I remember when I was one of the most foul writing posters on the net and now I am just the Newt Gingrich of this nutters...

Sanity has left the building...
It's probably not a good sign that words pretty much don't mean anything any more.

Even crazy people have to communicate!

Worst invention in human history is the cellphone because idiots believe they can talk while doing anything and the next is the damn internet because lunatics can now have a voice that is not filtered...
The GOP is the Taliban according to the left and the Right now want to label the Democrats as Terrorists...
Alright, I need to start drinking again because society has gone loony tune crazy...

Worse, they're serious.

Sad part is I am insane and yet they out nutter me... I remember when I was one of the most foul writing posters on the net and now I am just the Newt Gingrich of this nutters...

Sanity has left the building...
It's probably not a good sign that words pretty much don't mean anything any more.

Even crazy people have to communicate!

Worst invention in human history is the cellphone because idiots believe they can talk while doing anything and the next is the damn internet because lunatics can now have a voice that is not filtered...
The worst invention in American history is the Democratic Party.
Can you name anything they've done that is worth the price we're paying for all of the chaos they create?

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