Democrats and foreign enemies


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
What is it with Democrats bringing in foreign enemies into their inner circle? I would say they are doing it by design (for nefarious, anti-American purposes) but they really are that stupid.
  • You had Pakistani national Imran Awan embezzling money from the DNC, as well as stealing secrets.
  • You also had Russian spy Cynthia Murphy close with Clinton supporters.
  • And now you have idiot Eric Swalwell having sex with a Chinese spy.
It's not only Democrat policies that are dangerous to America. It's also their socializing that is dangerous to America. Bottom line, almost none of them are fit to serve.
What is it with Democrats bringing in foreign enemies into their inner circle? I would say they are doing it by design (for nefarious, anti-American purposes) but they really are that stupid.
  • You had Pakistani national Imran Awan embezzling money from the DNC, as well as stealing secrets.
  • You also had Russian spy Cynthia Murphy close with Clinton supporters.
  • And now you have idiot Eric Swalwell having sex with a Chinese spy.
It's not only Democrat policies that are dangerous to America. It's also their socializing that is dangerous to America. Bottom line, almost none of them are fit to serve.

President Trump needs to declare the DNC a national security threat, so they can be dealt with appropriately.
What is it with Democrats bringing in foreign enemies into their inner circle? I would say they are doing it by design (for nefarious, anti-American purposes) but they really are that stupid.
  • You had Pakistani national Imran Awan embezzling money from the DNC, as well as stealing secrets.
  • You also had Russian spy Cynthia Murphy close with Clinton supporters.
  • And now you have idiot Eric Swalwell having sex with a Chinese spy.
It's not only Democrat policies that are dangerous to America. It's also their socializing that is dangerous to America. Bottom line, almost none of them are fit to serve.

What is it with Democrats bringing in foreign enemies into their inner circle? I would say they are doing it by design (for nefarious, anti-American purposes) but they really are that stupid.
  • You had Pakistani national Imran Awan embezzling money from the DNC, as well as stealing secrets.
  • You also had Russian spy Cynthia Murphy close with Clinton supporters.
  • And now you have idiot Eric Swalwell having sex with a Chinese spy.
It's not only Democrat policies that are dangerous to America. It's also their socializing that is dangerous to America. Bottom line, almost none of them are fit to serve.
You forgot to mention Hunter Biden – a dishonest conservatives never forgets to mention Hunter Biden.
What is it with Democrats bringing in foreign enemies into their inner circle? I would say they are doing it by design (for nefarious, anti-American purposes) but they really are that stupid.
  • You had Pakistani national Imran Awan embezzling money from the DNC, as well as stealing secrets.
  • You also had Russian spy Cynthia Murphy close with Clinton supporters.
  • And now you have idiot Eric Swalwell having sex with a Chinese spy.
It's not only Democrat policies that are dangerous to America. It's also their socializing that is dangerous to America. Bottom line, almost none of them are fit to serve.
You forgot to mention Hunter Biden – a dishonest conservatives never forgets to mention Hunter Biden.

Only because you trust a crack-head.
And trump has been a "constitutional conservative' in what way?
Literally in every way. The most constitutional president since Thomas Jefferson in 1809.
The stain is a disaster. You know it
Yeah...nothing says “disaster” like:
  • Record low unemployment for African-Americans
  • Record low unemployment for Latino-Americans
  • Record low unemployment for Asian-Americans
  • Record low unemployment for women
  • Record market highs
  • Increased wages across the US
  • Lower taxes
  • Energy independence
  • Secured borders
  • Vastly improved trade agreements
  • Four historic peace agreements
  • Not a single war
Unprecedented prosperity
Defend this shit stain.
Just did and it was so easy because we’ve never seen a more effective politician in our lifetime.
Yeah...nothing says “disaster” like:
  • Record low unemployment for African-Americans
  • Record low unemployment for Latino-Americans
  • Record low unemployment for Asian-Americans
  • Record low unemployment for women

All of which were wiped out by his recession. Trump will be the first president since Herbert Hoover to preside over a net job loss.

New York (CNN Business)President Donald Trump is heading into the general election with the worst jobs numbers of any president, based on records that go back to World War II.
That's not going to change in the two months between now and Election Day, no matter how the economy does.
The US economy is down 4.7 million jobs since January 2017 when Trump took office, according to the Labor Department.

Energy independence

NOpe, we're still importing oil.


Four historic peace agreements

You mean.. Countries that don't have a common border with the Zionist Entity and never took up arms against it signed "Peace Treaties" with it. Hey, Trump negotiated a peace treaty between the Zionist Entity and Outer Mongolia!

The real problem is the same problem with the more substative peace treaties signed between the Zionist Entity and Egypt or Jordan. They run contrary to what most of the people want in those countries.

The reality- Trump has effectively ceded Iraq, Syria and Lebanon to the Iranians and Afghanistan to the Taliban. We are not safer. Neither is the Zionist Entity, really. Not that I care about that.

Vastly improved trade agreements

Really, Poodle?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. trade deficit surged in July to $63.6 billion, the highest level in 12 years, as imports jumped by a record amount.

When Donald Trump campaigned for president in 2016 he pledged to sharply lower the country's large trade deficits, especially with China, which for years has been the country with the largest trade surplus with the United States.
But despite a number of high-profile trade battles and a renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico, America's trade deficits have remained stubbornly high.
Phew! It’s a good thing you guys got that “Blue Wave”! :lmao:
The wave appeared where it had to. By 7 million votes.
Hahahahahaha!! Is that your new narrative now, after getting your ass kicked coast-to-coast? You lost seats in the House. Republicans maintained control of the Senate. And you got obliterated in state and local elections across the nation.

And, as if that weren't enough, President Trump received more votes than any candidate in US history. More than Obama. More than Clinton. More than FDR. :laugh:
All of which were wiped out by his recession.
Hey...look whose back! Where have you been, Joseph (Stalin)? Yeah, President Trump didn't have a "recession". What he had were Dumbocrat Governors across the nation shutting down states to halt the economy that was hitting on all cylinders. Dems knew they were going to have their ass handed to them again.
Phew! It’s a good thing you guys got that “Blue Wave”! :lmao:
The wave appeared where it had to. By 7 million votes.
Hahahahahaha!! Is that your new narrative now, after getting your ass kicked coast-to-coast? You lost seats in the House. Republicans maintained control of the Senate. And you got obliterated in state and local elections across the nation.

And, as if that weren't enough, President Trump received more votes than any candidate in US history. More than Obama. More than Clinton. More than FDR. :laugh:
Trump got flushed, and neither party has too much power.


Yeah, I'm good.
What is it with Democrats bringing in foreign enemies into their inner circle? I would say they are doing it by design (for nefarious, anti-American purposes) but they really are that stupid.
  • You had Pakistani national Imran Awan embezzling money from the DNC, as well as stealing secrets.
  • You also had Russian spy Cynthia Murphy close with Clinton supporters.
  • And now you have idiot Eric Swalwell having sex with a Chinese spy.
It's not only Democrat policies that are dangerous to America. It's also their socializing that is dangerous to America. Bottom line, almost none of them are fit to serve.
You forgot to mention Hunter Biden – a dishonest conservatives never forgets to mention Hunter Biden.
He's all over the news right now. You scum are getting all your ducks in a row to impeach the puppet Joe Biden and put Kammie in as prez. Guess who will be VP? I'm betting on Fang Fang.
Four historic peace agreements
You mean.. Countries that don't have a common border with the Zionist Entity and never took up arms against it signed "Peace Treaties" with it. Hey, Trump negotiated a peace treaty between the Zionist Entity and Outer Mongolia!
The only thing Joseph (Stalin) loves as much as his propaganda is his antisemitism. He combined both in this one post! Kind of impressive really. :laugh:

But no, comrade, there was no treaty with Mongolia. He did however, broker a historic peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Israel and Bahrain, Israel and Sudan, and Serbia - Kosovo economic normalization.

Thank you, Joseph (Stalin). I always enjoy exposing your ignorance and propaganda to the board!
Trump got flushed...
What does that comment tell you about the maturity and intellect of Mac? We experienced unprecedented prosperity under President Trump (see above) but his tweets made little Mac's butt hurt, so he wanted someone who wasn't a big "meanie" in the White House.

Geezus, it's like dealing with a pre-school when you deal with Mac and his fellow leftists.

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