Democratic Debate - Part 1


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Impressions of last night's debate:

Format- Not enough time given for complete responses to original questions, and too much time given to rebuttals.

Content- Too much time spent on health care, too little time spent on foreign policy.

Policies- Universal health care will be a loser in the general election. Most voters like what they have and don't want to pay for illegals. Same with climate change.

Candidates- All losers, with the possible exception of Steve Bullock. However, it is a steep climb for a straight white male.

Overall- Trump hatred alone will not win the White House.
When Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren was asked by Dana Bash about if she (Warren) "If you would decriminalize Illegal Border Crossing". And Warren's response was a resound and plain "Yes!".

What she doesn't realize (or even care) is the fact, she is also anti-guns and those folks she wants to decriminalize that comes over across the border may have guns. She doesn't seem to understand (or even care) the predicament of her own ideology.

I say, "Have fun when that happens." Lol
Impressions of last night's debate:

That was my impression since the democrats chose to only show it on cable TV on a channel only leftards watch. It was not even covered by any nationally available network channel nor PBS, so the Dimwits didn't want the nation to see it!

Content- Too much time spent on health care, too little time spent on foreign policy.
What foreign policy? Their only policy is capitulation. That's why other countries like them so much.
Let's see if Part 2 is any better. Right now my money is on a Biden-Harris ticket, assuming that Sleepy Joe can stay awake long enough.
People actually watched that crap without being paid to? What did they expect, something sane happening, or a pro-American slogan or two accidently working their way in?

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