Democrat presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, has no problem with taking 90% of your income

He's a communist disguised as a socialist.

Good luck with that Bernie. Although the left is so fucking crazy it would not surprise me if this idiot won.
Wheee! He's talking about Billionaires! Whee!!!!!

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Billionaires will just hide their money stupid ass.

Ask bill gates where he hides his money. Private prisons where he gets Microsoft products made for free with no taxes.
Talk about inequality. The government has it all while you're at their mercy under his ideas.

Bernie Sanders A 90 tax rate sounds fine to me Hot Air

Gee, that's not what he said at all.

You've proved yourself to be a lying sack of shit again, Gramps.

Besides, your combined income from every year of your working life would not add up to enough to put you in a high tax bracket.

So don't sweat it gramps, no one wants a slice of that tiny pie you call your net worth.
Talk about inequality. The government has it all while you're at their mercy under his ideas.

Bernie Sanders A 90 tax rate sounds fine to me Hot Air

You mean like they did during the Eisenhower administration, when we created one of the greatest infrastructure programs of our history and entered into a period of unprecedented prosperity. What a horrible idea.
There were so many loopholes that no one actually paid the top rate. Reagan closed a lot of them when he lowered the top rate to a much more sensible one, so if we jacked it up there again, wealth would disappear faster than the mullet did.
Relax people. I doubt any of us on this message board have anything to fear from a 90% tax bracket.
Of course not. Who, however, believes for a minute that the other rates would stay where they are now? You'll never get enough money from the wealthy to fund more than a few months of the extra spending democrats want to do, so you have to get it from the middle class.
Bernie Sanders is a typical leftwing socialist moron who thinks wealth is finite and that whatever you have is preventing someone else from having some too.

I'd be fine with it as long as it's only put on those who are registered Democrats. They wail how they CARE more for others and don't mind one bit paying TAXES for all their pet projects

Aren't we all pining for this? a telling picture at the site

Ask Venezuelans How Sanders-Style Socialism Is Working Out for Them Venezuela's vibrant economy.

by MICHELLE MALKIN May 27, 2015 12:00 AM

Socialist genius Bernie Sanders has figured out what’s really ailing America.

Our store shelves have too many different brands of deodorant and sneakers. Just look at all those horrible, fully stocked aisles at Target and Walgreens and Walmart and Payless and DSW and Dick’s Sporting Goods. It’s a national nightmare!

If only consumers had fewer choices in the free market, fewer entrepreneurs offering a wide variety of products, and fewer workers manufacturing goods that people wanted, Sanders believes, we could end childhood hunger.

all of it here:

Read more at: Ask Venezuelans How Sanders-Style Socialism Is Working Out for Them National Review Online
The Moon Bats think it is OK to tax other people at a 90% rate but the greedy bastards sure as hell don't want to be taxed at that rate themselves. In fact they don't want to pay any taxes. They want other people to pay their share.

The filthy government collects about a trillion dollars a year in income tax and high income earners pay almost all of it but that is not good enough for these greedy Moon Bats. They want even more.

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