Democrat led congress worst of all time!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Yep. And, the pity is they think they done great things.

Clueless in clunkerland.
They did do great things, and would have done more had not the Neanderthal Repukes constantly filibustered everything until they could add another near trillion dollars of debt for the benefit of the very wealthy.
They did do great things, and would have done more had not the Neanderthal Repukes constantly filibustered everything until they could add another near trillion dollars of debt for the benefit of the very wealthy.

please point out where the "added" another near trillion for the wealthy
They did do great things, and would have done more had not the Neanderthal Repukes constantly filibustered everything until they could add another near trillion dollars of debt for the benefit of the very wealthy.

please point out where they "added" another near $$trillion for the wealthy

Well lets see. First there's the straight-up tax cut for the next two years, thats about $200b, then there's the "American Jobs Creation Act" that let them move 14,000 factories overseas AND get tax breaks for the cost. Then there's all those off-shore tax shelters, like Swiss Bank accounts.

I'm sure there's more, but I know I didn't get any of the $5Trillion just added to the Debt since 2008, so where did all that money go????
They did do great things, and would have done more had not the Neanderthal Repukes constantly filibustered everything until they could add another near trillion dollars of debt for the benefit of the very wealthy.

Um.............the tax cuts for the wealthy didn't add 1 penny to our debt.

The massive spending added the debt. The tax cuts did nothing except keep that debt unpaid. But the private citizen can NOT add to the debt of the gov't. ONLY the gov't can add to it's debt by spending more than it takes.

Simpler terms: If I have credit card debt, and my boss decides to not give me a raise, and I keep spending more on my credit card, then I am adding to my debt, NOT my boss.
They did do great things, and would have done more had not the Neanderthal Repukes constantly filibustered everything until they could add another near trillion dollars of debt for the benefit of the very wealthy.

please point out where they "added" another near $$trillion for the wealthy

Well lets see. First there's the straight-up tax cut for the next two years, thats about $200b, then there's the "American Jobs Creation Act" that let them move 14,000 factories overseas AND get tax breaks for the cost. Then there's all those off-shore tax shelters, like Swiss Bank accounts.

I'm sure there's more, but I know I didn't get any of the $5Trillion just added to the Debt since 2008, so where did all that money go????

No private citizen can add to government debt.

Only the government spending beyond it's means can add to it's debt.

The rich did not add to debt by not forfieting THEIR money to the government.

The government DID add to debt by spending way more than they had.

Thats how debt works. It's the government's job to cut spending. NOT the people's job to have more taken from them.

This congress racked up more debt than the first 100 congress's combined!!!!

111th Congress Added More Debt Than First 100 Congresses Combined: $10,429 Per Person in U.S. |

Well over 10K per person.............just in the last 4 years!!!!!!!

And look what it got us!!!:rofl::blowup: This is a joke.........these people are walking out of DC next week laughing their balls off at the American people.

What a disgrace..............

In 2012, we either roll back the Progressive Jihad or hit Ctrl Alt Del twice and reboot the whole operation
please point out where they "added" another near $$trillion for the wealthy

Well lets see. First there's the straight-up tax cut for the next two years, thats about $200b, then there's the "American Jobs Creation Act" that let them move 14,000 factories overseas AND get tax breaks for the cost. Then there's all those off-shore tax shelters, like Swiss Bank accounts.

I'm sure there's more, but I know I didn't get any of the $5Trillion just added to the Debt since 2008, so where did all that money go????

No private citizen can add to government debt.

Only the government spending beyond it's means can add to it's debt.

The rich did not add to debt by not forfieting THEIR money to the government.

The government DID add to debt by spending way more than they had.

Thats how debt works. It's the government's job to cut spending. NOT the people's job to have more taken from them.

All they have is rhetoric & bumper sticker slogans.
They did do great things, and would have done more had not the Neanderthal Repukes constantly filibustered everything until they could add another near trillion dollars of debt for the benefit of the very wealthy.

please point out where the "added" another near trillion for the wealthy

Dont take him seriously............he's got the political IQ of a small soap dish.:lol:
Sorry, skooker, but the inaccuracies of your source's claims have been comprehensively debunked in the other thread about this. I suggest you go read it.

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