Democrat Devotion To their Deity


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!
At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!

Their deity is government, just like the Soviets
5. Try though they may, the Democrat Party cannot be expected to be 100% successful in their work to sow discord, chaos, lack of responsibility, and societal depravity.

“House Passes Fentanyl Ban Over Democratic Objections

The House of Representatives voted 320–88 on Wednesday evening to extend a federal ban on fentanyl and its analogs, despite the dissenting votes and voices of 86 Democrats.

…some House Democrats still voiced concerns over a bill they saw as too tough on crime..”
House Passes Fentanyl Ban Over Democratic Objections

Did you get that???
"... too tough on crime..”

Now, we can’t have that!!!

Clearly, not every Democrat official understands the program.

Any Democrat politician who doesn’t stand with Democrat pro-crime policies should be primaried!!!

After all, it isn’t as though there aren’t plenty of criminal Democrats to choose from….

Now, we can’t have that!!!

Clearly, not every Democrat official understands the program.

Any Democrat politician who doesn’t stand with Democrat pro-crime policies should be primaried!!!

After all, it isn’t as though there aren’t plenty of criminal Democrats to choose from….
The Deity of BOTH Party's is Other Peoples Money- their means of acquiring it is the same. Taking what doesn't belong to them through coercion, threat of force, incarceration or property loss. That one side does something the other side is upset with is not surprising- that's what BOTH sides thrive on and use as a tool to convince their side that their thievery is for better things- general welfare.
The common denominators for both sides are: LIES.Theft of Property. Restricting Liberty. Pretentiousness. SELF preservation. Lack of Honor. Lack of character. Control freak (sociopath) personality traits.

Feel free to add to the list.
At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!

If only you had the intellect to understand the irony of a Trump worshiper making this thread.
I have no deity, unlike the republicans who think tramp is their deity.

Face it, you are clueless as to what you believe and who or what you pray to.

You simply do what the party orders you to....and, per this thread, that means you support......worship.....crime, chaos, social depravity.

You just don't realize it because you're dummmmmmmmmb.
At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!

If only you had the intellect to understand the irony of a Trump worshiper making this thread.

So you have nothing to add outside of 'I hate Trump and I hate you!!!'

Government school grad, huh?
At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!

If only you had the intellect to understand the irony of a Trump worshiper making this thread.

So you have nothing to add outside of 'I hate Trump and I hate you!!!'

Government school grad, huh?

I do not hate either Trump nor you.

What an ignorant thing to say, though not unexpected.
At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!

If only you had the intellect to understand the irony of a Trump worshiper making this thread.

So you have nothing to add outside of 'I hate Trump and I hate you!!!'

Government school grad, huh?

I do not hate either Trump nor you.

What an ignorant thing to say, though not unexpected.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
The Bard.
At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!

If only you had the intellect to understand the irony of a Trump worshiper making this thread.

So you have nothing to add outside of 'I hate Trump and I hate you!!!'

Government school grad, huh?

I do not hate either Trump nor you.

What an ignorant thing to say, though not unexpected.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
The Bard.

Then you should stop.
At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!

It's Saturday and you are still stirring the you know what and irritating the leftist weanies......good for you, keep it up.....

At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!

If only you had the intellect to understand the irony of a Trump worshiper making this thread.

So you have nothing to add outside of 'I hate Trump and I hate you!!!'

Government school grad, huh?

I do not hate either Trump nor you.

What an ignorant thing to say, though not unexpected.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
The Bard.

Then you should stop.

The subject of the thread brought you to voluntarily subscribe....clearly it got under your scales.....yet you bring nothing to the table.

You are simply one more of those message board freeloaders.

Put it this way: were you to cease posting, you'd be the only one to know it.
At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!

There is a good column at American Thinker on why democrat party cities turn to crap....
At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!

There is a good column at American Thinker on why democrat party cities turn to crap....

And this, from your article, is perfect for this thread:

"...cities tend to go soft on crime,..."
At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!

There is a good column at American Thinker on why democrat party cities turn to crap....

And this, from your article, is perfect for this thread:

"...cities tend to go soft on crime,..."

The democrat party is the reason for 90-95% of our gun crime problem in the U.S...........stop them, and we reduce gun crime....allow them to run a city and gun murder and gun crime run free...
At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!

If only you had the intellect to understand the irony of a Trump worshiper making this thread.

Winner, winner chicken dinner!!!
The Deity of BOTH Party's is Other Peoples Money- their means of acquiring it is the same. Taking what doesn't belong to them through coercion, threat of force, incarceration or property loss. That one side does something the other side is upset with is not surprising- that's what BOTH sides thrive on and use as a tool to convince their side that their thievery is for better things- general welfare.
The common denominators for both sides are: LIES.Theft of Property. Restricting Liberty. Pretentiousness. SELF preservation. Lack of Honor. Lack of character. Control freak (sociopath) personality traits.

Feel free to add to the list.

You hit on one of my fav topics.....private property.

But, you are wrong to in that it is the single greatest difference between the two parties.

Another time, and I'll be sure to post a thread about the importance of private property to liberty.
At first glance, one might be led to believe that the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals, are atheists. Nay, nay….they worship daily and deeply….just, not the God Western Civilization worships.

Don’t mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!

Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats) smiles on your efforts, Democrats!!!

If only you had the intellect to understand the irony of a Trump worshiper making this thread.

Winner, winner chicken dinner!!!

So join the debate, coward.

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