Democraps Hold Unemployment Benefits Over The Republicans Once Again


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Well, folks. It's obvious we're dealing with someone who can't tell the truth. You see it all depends on who you're willing to believe. Being honest doesn't seem to help Democrats' chances at all, so they voted in a 60 day extension which kicks the can down the road a bit longer till they can figure out how they're gonna lie their way out of it next year.

So the Do-Nothing Senate only extended the Bush tax-cuts two months just so they could get out of town in time for the parties in their home states. The House wants it extended for a full year till after the election. David Axelrod is lying that holding up this maneuver is just the GOP trying to screw up the economy. Nancy Pelosi is blaming everything on the Republicans, forgetting the fact that Senate Democrats haven't passed a budget since she won the House back in 06' and refused to make the tax-cuts permanent. They figure eventually everyone will grow tired of the constant battles over the cuts and start asking "What are the benefits of these cuts anyway???", even though that should be obvious. But that doesn't stop wishy-washy retards from asking that question.

The sticking point seems to be the Keystone pipeline deal. The GOP put it in the bill and caused the Dems to do a double-take. So the Dems don't want to do anything with it till after the election. They've figured out a way to use the tax-cut and unemployment benefits as a foil to stop the GOP from forcing through the deal......a deal that the Dems will only end up caving on next year anyway. But in the meanwhile they're lying about the GOP trying to stop your unemployment benefits and stopping your tax-cuts. Looks like they have all of their bases covered to keep the campaign donations coming in. They keep lying and delaying and putting off doing anything of substance, meanwhile they can paint the GOP as a bunch of Do-nothing troublemakers.

This is what you get when you have leaders that see no need to solve problems.....only perpetuate them.

[ame=]NewsBusted 12/6/11 - YouTube[/ame]
jesus your a propaganda whore

That's funny coming from you.

If you can explain how extending the damned thing only two months helps feel free.

Fact is, it was just a way to allow the Dems to shirk their responsibilities and get out of town. The bean-counters in Washington figured out that the agreement can't even be implemented and they'll just have to do it all over again when they come back off of vacation.
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Obama left town without signing anything and the deal isn't law, so it looks like the Dems skipped town and the GOP just wants a deal before they go home.
The R's have gone all in to protect their base, corporate America. It will be very interesting to see which party benefits from the fiasco which is the best way to describe Boehners leadership.

[What has Boehner been promised and by who?]

One must expect partisan hacks to place the blame on the Democrats, tis the season. But the majority of the American people, upward of 75%, see The Congress as too partisan, too divided and incapable of solving the myriad of problems facing us.

In particular freshman Congressmen and women elected as Tea Party supporters have failed on all fronts; few cuts have been seriously considered and gridlock has become the ultimate reality; legislation passed by the House of Reps. has been focused on wedge issues and the ongoing effort of the most conservative to privatize social security and Medicare. The American people are dissatisfied and angry, an anger which will continue to grow until November 2012 when we'll sea another change in the political landscape.
The Tea Party Republicans fight tooth and nail to preserve tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans (they claim those wealthy Americans 'create' jobs, but they ignore the fact that DEMAND creates jobs) and then hold up the payroll tax cut that benefits millions of poor and middle class Americans.

Who's buttering the bread for the Tea Party?
the cons are going to be shocked come september of next year.

They wont know what hit them.

they will turn arround and complain that Romeny was forced on them and that he is a rino.

Then they will curl up and try to scrape the tea party off the party for another decade
The Tea Party Republicans fight tooth and nail to preserve tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans (they claim those wealthy Americans 'create' jobs, but they ignore the fact that DEMAND creates jobs) and then hold up the payroll tax cut that benefits millions of poor and middle class Americans.

Who's buttering the bread for the Tea Party?

Wait a minute......didn't the Dems call the Bush tax-cut only a tax-cut for the wealthy for years?????

Didn't the Dems refuse to make the cut permanent????

Aren't the Dems attempting to gain political points by only extending it two months so they can leave town?????

At this point it's not a cut but simply and extension that wouldn't have been needed if the Dems hadn't made it necessary in the first place?????

Who's lying about all of this after all???

The Democrats haven't been doing their funken jobs, so now they want to blame the GOP after the GOP already did their God Damned jobs. That's what this is all about. The Dems wouldn't be able to get away with this if the media was doing THEIR God Damned jobs as well. So you can shove your fucken class-warfare nonsense up your fucken ass.
The R's have gone all in to protect their base, corporate America. It will be very interesting to see which party benefits from the fiasco which is the best way to describe Boehners leadership.

[What has Boehner been promised and by who?]

One must expect partisan hacks to place the blame on the Democrats, tis the season. But the majority of the American people, upward of 75%, see The Congress as too partisan, too divided and incapable of solving the myriad of problems facing us.

In particular freshman Congressmen and women elected as Tea Party supporters have failed on all fronts; few cuts have been seriously considered and gridlock has become the ultimate reality; legislation passed by the House of Reps. has been focused on wedge issues and the ongoing effort of the most conservative to privatize social security and Medicare. The American people are dissatisfied and angry, an anger which will continue to grow until November 2012 when we'll sea another change in the political landscape.

Yes, the establishment in Congress on both sides have thwarted the will of the people, which is stop the massive spending and get to work. That is what the Americian people are angry about. The Tea Party congressmen don't have the power yet to get it done. If they did we wouldn't even be talking about this, dumb-ass.
The Tea Party Republicans fight tooth and nail to preserve tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans (they claim those wealthy Americans 'create' jobs, but they ignore the fact that DEMAND creates jobs) and then hold up the payroll tax cut that benefits millions of poor and middle class Americans.

Who's buttering the bread for the Tea Party?

Wait a minute......didn't the Dems call the Bush tax-cut only a tax-cut for the wealthy for years?????

Didn't the Dems refuse to make the cut permanent????

Aren't the Dems attempting to gain political points by only extending it two months so they can leave town?????

At this point it's not a cut but simply and extension that wouldn't have been needed if the Dems hadn't made it necessary in the first place?????

Who's lying about all of this after all???

The Democrats haven't been doing their funken jobs, so now they want to blame the GOP after the GOP already did their God Damned jobs. That's what this is all about. The Dems wouldn't be able to get away with this if the media was doing THEIR God Damned jobs as well. So you can shove your fucken class-warfare nonsense up your fucken ass.
Clearly the Tea Party types are to blame for this latest round of brinkmanship. If those freshman Republican comrades had ever been sincere about cutting the deficit, they would have realized that cutting taxes and borrowing the money to fight a useless war was the first step down the road to fiscal irresponsibility. They would know almost instinctively that budgets are made of income (taxes) and expenditures and they would seek balance between the two.

But acting out and petulance is the watchword of the day for this renegade group. You can thank them for a raft of political impasses, gridlock, Mexican standoffs and bitter partisanship that has lead to the downgrading of American credit.

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