Democracy, Socialism and Freedom


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
So it sounds like, in the next election, the two-party-system alternative to Trump will be socialism. At least that's what Democrats have been test-marketing. But this is new and improved socialism, a kinder gentler socialism they refer to as "Democratic Socialism".

They seem to think the "democratic" qualifier makes it all good. But the blind adherence to democracy as a universal good is exactly what bothers me about it. Democracy is a reasonable way to make decisions when conformity is required, when it's crucial that we're all on the same page. But when that's not required, it's just the majority bullying the minority for convenience sake.

Democratic socialism radically expands the scope and power of government. It applies the principle of majority rule to our economic decisions and, by extension, to every decision we make. If the government controls your income and your economic transactions, they control pretty much everything you do.

I suppose I shouldn't worry about it. I won't have to live with the results (for very long at least). The millennials will have to pick up the pieces. I've been dodging cops most of my life and don't mind living under the radar. I guess I'll make popcorn and watch the shit hit the fan.
If you like capitalism so much you should be working to save it from itself because socialism grows only when capitalism fails. Make it work for everyone who goes to work and you have nothing to worry about from socialism.
So it sounds like, in the next election, the two-party-system alternative to Trump will be socialism. At least that's what Democrats have been test-marketing. But this is new and improved socialism, a kinder gentler socialism they refer to as "Democratic Socialism".

They seem to think the "democratic" qualifier makes it all good. But the blind adherence to democracy as a universal good is exactly what bothers me about it. Democracy is a reasonable way to make decisions when conformity is required, when it's crucial that we're all on the same page. But when that's not required, it's just the majority bullying the minority for convenience sake.

Democratic socialism radically expands the scope and power of government. It applies the principle of majority rule to our economic decisions and, by extension, to every decision we make. If the government controls your income and your economic transactions, they control pretty much everything you do.

I suppose I shouldn't worry about it. I won't have to live with the results (for very long at least). The millennials will have to pick up the pieces. I've been dodging cops most of my life and don't mind living under the radar. I guess I'll make popcorn and watch the shit hit the fan.
In a democracy, the people rule. IF they want fascism, socialism communism, Trumpism, the popular vote will decide as in a mandate
So it sounds like, in the next election, the two-party-system alternative to Trump will be socialism. At least that's what Democrats have been test-marketing. But this is new and improved socialism, a kinder gentler socialism they refer to as "Democratic Socialism".

They seem to think the "democratic" qualifier makes it all good. But the blind adherence to democracy as a universal good is exactly what bothers me about it. Democracy is a reasonable way to make decisions when conformity is required, when it's crucial that we're all on the same page. But when that's not required, it's just the majority bullying the minority for convenience sake.

Democratic socialism radically expands the scope and power of government. It applies the principle of majority rule to our economic decisions and, by extension, to every decision we make. If the government controls your income and your economic transactions, they control pretty much everything you do.

I suppose I shouldn't worry about it. I won't have to live with the results (for very long at least). The millennials will have to pick up the pieces. I've been dodging cops most of my life and don't mind living under the radar. I guess I'll make popcorn and watch the shit hit the fan.
In a democracy, the people rule. IF they want fascism, socialism communism, Trumpism, the popular vote will decide as in a mandate

Which is the problem with democracy. It's why our founders sought to avoid it, except under very specific circumstances (eg elections).
So it sounds like, in the next election, the two-party-system alternative to Trump will be socialism. At least that's what Democrats have been test-marketing. But this is new and improved socialism, a kinder gentler socialism they refer to as "Democratic Socialism".

They seem to think the "democratic" qualifier makes it all good. But the blind adherence to democracy as a universal good is exactly what bothers me about it. Democracy is a reasonable way to make decisions when conformity is required, when it's crucial that we're all on the same page. But when that's not required, it's just the majority bullying the minority for convenience sake.

Democratic socialism radically expands the scope and power of government. It applies the principle of majority rule to our economic decisions and, by extension, to every decision we make. If the government controls your income and your economic transactions, they control pretty much everything you do.

I suppose I shouldn't worry about it. I won't have to live with the results (for very long at least). The millennials will have to pick up the pieces. I've been dodging cops most of my life and don't mind living under the radar. I guess I'll make popcorn and watch the shit hit the fan.
In a democracy, the people rule. IF they want fascism, socialism communism, Trumpism, the popular vote will decide as in a mandate
Not entirely correct but Nations that are actually responsive to the needs of the people are happier places to live.
So it sounds like, in the next election, the two-party-system alternative to Trump will be socialism. At least that's what Democrats have been test-marketing. But this is new and improved socialism, a kinder gentler socialism they refer to as "Democratic Socialism".

They seem to think the "democratic" qualifier makes it all good. But the blind adherence to democracy as a universal good is exactly what bothers me about it. Democracy is a reasonable way to make decisions when conformity is required, when it's crucial that we're all on the same page. But when that's not required, it's just the majority bullying the minority for convenience sake.

Democratic socialism radically expands the scope and power of government. It applies the principle of majority rule to our economic decisions and, by extension, to every decision we make. If the government controls your income and your economic transactions, they control pretty much everything you do.

I suppose I shouldn't worry about it. I won't have to live with the results (for very long at least). The millennials will have to pick up the pieces. I've been dodging cops most of my life and don't mind living under the radar. I guess I'll make popcorn and watch the shit hit the fan.
I would guess there are very few workers that have any democracy at their work place. Whatever the corporate leadership decision are made is without any input from the workers.
All they're trying to do is bring a vote to the workplace, within a market based economy.
So it sounds like, in the next election, the two-party-system alternative to Trump will be socialism. At least that's what Democrats have been test-marketing. But this is new and improved socialism, a kinder gentler socialism they refer to as "Democratic Socialism".

They seem to think the "democratic" qualifier makes it all good. But the blind adherence to democracy as a universal good is exactly what bothers me about it. Democracy is a reasonable way to make decisions when conformity is required, when it's crucial that we're all on the same page. But when that's not required, it's just the majority bullying the minority for convenience sake.

Democratic socialism radically expands the scope and power of government. It applies the principle of majority rule to our economic decisions and, by extension, to every decision we make. If the government controls your income and your economic transactions, they control pretty much everything you do.

I suppose I shouldn't worry about it. I won't have to live with the results (for very long at least). The millennials will have to pick up the pieces. I've been dodging cops most of my life and don't mind living under the radar. I guess I'll make popcorn and watch the shit hit the fan.
It is amazing how fast they managed to turn public opinion on socialism. There is a serious lack of understanding what rights are in this country and why they are important.
So it sounds like, in the next election, the two-party-system alternative to Trump will be socialism. At least that's what Democrats have been test-marketing. But this is new and improved socialism, a kinder gentler socialism they refer to as "Democratic Socialism".

They seem to think the "democratic" qualifier makes it all good. But the blind adherence to democracy as a universal good is exactly what bothers me about it. Democracy is a reasonable way to make decisions when conformity is required, when it's crucial that we're all on the same page. But when that's not required, it's just the majority bullying the minority for convenience sake.

Democratic socialism radically expands the scope and power of government. It applies the principle of majority rule to our economic decisions and, by extension, to every decision we make. If the government controls your income and your economic transactions, they control pretty much everything you do.

I suppose I shouldn't worry about it. I won't have to live with the results (for very long at least). The millennials will have to pick up the pieces. I've been dodging cops most of my life and don't mind living under the radar. I guess I'll make popcorn and watch the shit hit the fan.

It's easier to be a criminal in a socialist society. The black Market thrives because everyday necessities are hot commodities. I lived in turkey for a while back in the day. Used to have toilet paper shipped to me by a buddy in Germany. Made an absolute killing, just so people didn't have to wipe with their hands. I used to trade it for my rent and food everything. I could live for a month on $100.00 worth of Charmin. Turkish Tp was like the cheap brown paper towels you get in the restroom at the corner store. That's my back up plan to the socialists, just had to make sure I gave some to the proper authorities.
So it sounds like, in the next election, the two-party-system alternative to Trump will be socialism. At least that's what Democrats have been test-marketing. But this is new and improved socialism, a kinder gentler socialism they refer to as "Democratic Socialism".

They seem to think the "democratic" qualifier makes it all good. But the blind adherence to democracy as a universal good is exactly what bothers me about it. Democracy is a reasonable way to make decisions when conformity is required, when it's crucial that we're all on the same page. But when that's not required, it's just the majority bullying the minority for convenience sake.

Democratic socialism radically expands the scope and power of government. It applies the principle of majority rule to our economic decisions and, by extension, to every decision we make. If the government controls your income and your economic transactions, they control pretty much everything you do.

I suppose I shouldn't worry about it. I won't have to live with the results (for very long at least). The millennials will have to pick up the pieces. I've been dodging cops most of my life and don't mind living under the radar. I guess I'll make popcorn and watch the shit hit the fan.
It is amazing how fast they managed to turn public opinion on socialism. There is a serious lack of understanding what rights are in this country and why they are important.
Perhaps the most valuable right of all is economic mobility. While it is not specifically enumerated it is understood by all that steady employment at a good wage with a chance of advancement is crucial to a free country. Capitalistic social policies have failed to raise all boats and has no answer for the trap a working class lifestyle has become.
The problem with democracy is that in today's rapidly changing world that is so complex, the average citizen cannot keep up with all the developments and issues. And so we are forced to rely on our representatives to do right by us, which of course they aren't. Maybe they never did, but we just didn't notice until the scope and scale of everyday living got to be so huge and pretty much out of control. And of course, there's the problems of corruption, waste, and inertia. Plus, we are not getting the full truth from out MSM, there is too much bias and misinformation given to us.

But what is to be done about it? Is there a better form of gov't out there? Don't think so, socialism/communism sure as hell isn't the answer unless you want the vast majority all living pretty close to poverty, while the ruling class lives in splendor. So people here are looking at this thing called social democracy, which is sort of a hybrid of private enterprise and gov't control. Most people use the Nordic model as an example, which works for them but does have it's drawbacks. They provide numerous social services and have a very big gov't bureaucracy that requires a huge amount of taxes to pay for it, something that US politicians are unwilling to admit to the voters. And they have a small and fairly homogenous population that isn't as diverse or as contentious as America's are. These nations have willingly chosen a path of greater equality for all citizens and have demonstrated an ability to work through their political differences for the greater good of all.

Another issue with these social democracies is their difficulties accepting too many immigrants; it overburdens their social programs, forcing cutbacks to the benefits to the rest of their society, or increasing their national debt and deficits. And due to the smaller private sector, they do not innovate as much as they otherwise might. My main problem with social democracies is the expense; there's no two ways about it, SD countries carry a large tax burden that is shared by all, and I mean ALL. The Lib/Dems in this country are not honest about the costs of all these great social programs they want to create.
So it sounds like, in the next election, the two-party-system alternative to Trump will be socialism. At least that's what Democrats have been test-marketing. But this is new and improved socialism, a kinder gentler socialism they refer to as "Democratic Socialism".

They seem to think the "democratic" qualifier makes it all good. But the blind adherence to democracy as a universal good is exactly what bothers me about it. Democracy is a reasonable way to make decisions when conformity is required, when it's crucial that we're all on the same page. But when that's not required, it's just the majority bullying the minority for convenience sake.

Democratic socialism radically expands the scope and power of government. It applies the principle of majority rule to our economic decisions and, by extension, to every decision we make. If the government controls your income and your economic transactions, they control pretty much everything you do.

I suppose I shouldn't worry about it. I won't have to live with the results (for very long at least). The millennials will have to pick up the pieces. I've been dodging cops most of my life and don't mind living under the radar. I guess I'll make popcorn and watch the shit hit the fan.
I would guess there are very few workers that have any democracy at their work place. Whatever the corporate leadership decision are made is without any input from the workers.
All they're trying to do is bring a vote to the workplace, within a market based economy.

I hear this all the time from "woke lefties" THAT MEME
How do you take some of classical liberalisms tenants about government being responsible for basic infrastructure, basic services like a postal service ,defense and turn it into " see YOU'RE already socialists " ?

Thats the biggest load of horse do do

if you go to Singapore more than 70% of the population lives in subsidized housing of one form or another .Ask a Chinee spore if hes a socialist commie rat and he'll look at ya like you're from mars .

The other great group think point "we need to be more like the Swedes "
Sweden who privatized their version of social security AND gives parents school vouchers

Them and the rest of western Europe are ticking time bombs anyway .
14 weeks of rioting in France and counting THAT STARTED over a global warming tax no less
"Democratic Socialism"....humm it rings a bell. I remember a WW2 acronym that featured the words. Socialism by any other name equals government control and government control means less freedom.
The gop trolls new buzzword is “socialism “. Just ask them to provide an example of scary democrat “socialism” . They quickly scurry away .
Who is scared of friggin SWEDEN ? WHY do i have to be one IN The UNITED STATES of AMERICA ?
Because your gender studies professor wishes it ?
I like the vouchers though . I doubt the heavily left leaning teachers unions would

When AOC green new deal goes into full swing and we're all woke do you think we'll get our crickets n mealy worm dinners at government shops or panera bread pay what you can locations
... And they have a small and fairly homogenous population that isn't as diverse or as contentious as America's are.

Excellent post. My apologies for the excerpt, but I felt like this was a real gem. In a large, pluralistic society, freedom isn't just a nice-to-have. It's a requirement. When a culture is made up of many, significantly different groups of people, with significantly different values, you can't expect them to all toe the same line. At that point, live and let live is the only practical option.
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If you like capitalism so much you should be working to save it from itself because socialism grows only when capitalism fails. Make it work for everyone who goes to work and you have nothing to worry about from socialism.

“Socialism grows” when a nations filthy underclass becomes louder and more expansive than the good, decent, productive middle and upper class.
Simply put, we have way too many beggars, way too many filthy pieces of shits, way too many thirdworld wetbacks here these days.
The gop trolls new buzzword is “socialism “. Just ask them to provide an example of scary democrat “socialism” . They quickly scurry away .

Listen ... I'm not interested in guessing what you mean by socialism. And I don't want to argue over definitions. So why don't you just tell me how you define it, and we'll work with that, OK?
The gop trolls new buzzword is “socialism “. Just ask them to provide an example of scary democrat “socialism” . They quickly scurry away .

Listen ... I'm not interested in guessing what you mean by socialism. And I don't want to argue over definitions. So why don't you just tell me how you define it, and we'll work with that, OK?

You are the one starting threads on scary socialism taking over . You tell me !

Cause as far as I can tell Conservatives consider anything the government does that helps people = socialism .
who me
well the classical marxist will tell you that your democratic socialism is just the path to full communism
marx was nothing but a drunken bum who sponged off the guilty rich

sometimes its just the drip drip drip
or it moves super fast like the democratically elected in Venezuela

or do you want a more economic definition

what ya fishing for sweetie

don't worry when im fully woke ill come to the realization that American "socialist" and "communists" lead by community college community organizers will get it right this time
NO fooling
The gop trolls new buzzword is “socialism “. Just ask them to provide an example of scary democrat “socialism” . They quickly scurry away .

Listen ... I'm not interested in guessing what you mean by socialism. And I don't want to argue over definitions. So why don't you just tell me how you define it, and we'll work with that, OK?

You are the one starting threads on scary socialism taking over . You tell me !

Cause as far as I can tell Conservatives consider anything the government does that helps people = socialism .

Ok, I'll play your silly game.

"Socialism is an economic system characterised by social ownership and control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy, and a political philosophy advocating such a system.
"Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[1] with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of decentralized planned socialist economy."

Please commence with your dance.

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