Democracy Brings Hamas into Power


Jan 15, 2004
Given the situation on the ground for the Palestinian people you can’t be surprised by the out come of the recent election in Palestine. The elections giving the Hamas leaders much more responsibility for the way things are going to be in the future for the Palestinian people. Hamas will be held accountable to the Palestinian people as well as to the Quartet. The newly elected leaders of Hamas will have to choose in the manner they are going to bring about change in Palestine.

The State of Israel as we known it today was established with the help of terrorists, some of who turn into political leaders of Israeli. Many people in their support of the State of Israel will deny there ever were acts of terrorists on behalf of Israel. Saying they were freedom fighters that were defending the Jewish homeland.

With in political parties there are many different fractions that make up the party. This is true in the United State, State of Israel, and Palestine as well as in any other nation major political party. Defending the philosophy of any of the extremist’s fractions within a major party is a difficult to near impossible with any degree of logic.

The actions and reactions of the people and governments of Palestine and Israel are being closely watch by the international community of nations. Only by the Quartet applying equal presser to both sides for reform can peace come about. The position of the governments on both side need to be more transparent for the people and government of the world to see. This could be done by creating an official website for the government of Palestine and Israel to post their positions and responses concerning the Peace Process. This would create a platform of equal footing for both sides. Giving the people of the world a window into the Peace Process.

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Don't worry .... be happy. Hamas is now a legitimate goverment responsible for a people and Nation. Any more tomfoolery out of your comprades gfets them declared a terrorist state and rogue Nation, and we KNOW what GW thinks about THAT.

So go ahead and celebrate, fool.
The Hamas Charter of 1988 is very frightening when you read it, so is the Likud Platform of 1977, 1996. Statements made by the Likud leader Mr. Binyamin Netanyahu or the leaders of Hamas are very divisive and are undermining the peace process. Hamas has helped raise more money for Israel as well as helping the Likud party get elected into power. The Hamas Charter sounds like a fundamentalist Islamic cleric wrote it. The Likud Platforms sound like a Zionist Lawyer wrote them that graduated from an Ivy League University.

It is time for the Arab League to help resolve the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis. The role of Arab League should include the following.

1. Provide financial resources for the re-construction of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
2. Help the Palestinian government in moderating and communicating their official position with the Israeli government to the world.
3. Help to defuse the tension between the Arab nations and the State of Israel.
4. Become an active member in the Peace negotiation between the Palestinians and Israelis.

Only with the United States government putting more pressure on the Israeli government and the Arab League putting more pressure on the Palestinian government to come to agreeable terms. Making the position of the governments on both sides more transparent for the world to see. This could be done with an official government website dedicated to the Palestinian-Israel Peace Process. The website would create a level forum that everything could be put on the table by both nations for the people of the world to see.

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David2004 said:
The Hamas Charter of 1988 is very frightening when you read it, so is the Likud Platform of 1977, 1996. Statements made by the Likud leader Mr. Binyamin Netanyahu or the leaders of Hamas are very divisive and are undermining the peace process. Hamas has helped raise more money for Israel as well as helping the Likud party get elected into power. The Hamas Charter sounds like a fundamentalist Islamic cleric wrote it. The Likud Platforms sound like a Zionist Lawyer wrote them that graduated from an Ivy League University.

It is time for the Arab League to help resolve the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis. The role of Arab League should include the following.

1. Provide financial resources for the re-construction of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
2. Help the Palestinian government in moderating and communicating their official position with the Israeli government to the world.
3. Help to defuse the tension between the Arab nations and the State of Israel.
4. Become an active member in the Peace negotiation between the Palestinians and Israelis.

Only with the United States government putting more pressure on the Israeli government and the Arab League putting more pressure on the Palestinian government to come to agreeable terms. Making the position of the governments on both sides more transparent for the world to see. This could be done with an official government website dedicated to the Palestinian-Israel Peace Process. The website would create a level forum that everything could be put on the table by both nations for the people of the world to see.

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You're funny. Yeah. Maybe we can get Iran to help moderate Hamas' position on Israel. Good thinkin', Abe Lincoln.
As a result of the Palestinian election there will be a changing of the guard between the Yellow (Fatah) and the Green (Hamas). The protest by Fatah in Gaza the day after elections is out of fear and frustration. For twelve years the Fatah Party has had absolute control of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas were the outsiders with little to no government power. With Hamas winning a clear majority of seats in the Palestinian Parliament. Hamas will be the party within the Palestinian government that is now officially responsible for the conditions on the ground within the Palestinian controlled territories. Now its Fatah turn to protest and reorganize their party for the next election.

Hopefully the Palestinians can have a political change of leaders with little to no violence. New political leaders rise to power and control of Palestine creating a democratic nation. You can destroy in one day what took years to build. The anger and frustration runs very deep in the Holy Land. The hardships suffered by the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and West Bank is coming to a pinnacle. No freedom of movement and no jobs is the only way of life that most Palestinian people know today. The unemployment of the Palestinian people between the ages of 16 to 24 is about 70%.

It can be assumed that Israel, the United States governments will try to get the European Union to cut off any financial aid to the Palestinian Authority governed by Hamas. This is where the Arab League and the wealthy Arab nations will have to step up to the plate to make the greatly needed financial contribution. Maybe Hamas with the help of the Arab League can improve the living conditions of the Palestine. The Palestinian people will have to have the humanitarian living conditions improved and their dignity restored before there will be any real peace. What must end is the extreme political rhetoric of one side stating the position of the other side. Let each side state their own position.
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