Dem civil war: Hamas supporters viciously assault Native American woman at UCLA

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
She's lucky they didn't behead her. The "police" in California certainly didn't do anything to stop this attack.

Add Native American women to the groups of people who aren't safe in Joe Biden's America.

Fucking feral animals. There's no way I wouldn't exit a scene like that without leaving behind a trail of dead bodies and being dragged out of there in handcuffs by the police.

Guess that's why I always steer clear of such events.
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If the kill a black criminal male then all holy hell jihad will break loose.
Fucking feral animals. There's no way I wouldn't exit a scene like that without leaving behind a trail of dead bodies and being dragged out of there in handcuffs by the police.

Guess that's why I usually steer clear of such events.

I still don't understand why the "police" and the administrators of these universities are allowing their institutions to be occupied by terrorists.
I still don't understand why the "police" and the administrators of these universities are allowing their institutions to be occupied by terrorists.

Because nobody's pulled out a gun at one of the "protests" yet.

Watch all hell break loose if that happens. :laughing0301:
Go tell some bangers that your heard the Hamas crowd "disrespecting" them....Then break-out the popcorn. ;)

Better yet, invite them to the "block party".

Then tell the Antifa faggots in the crowd that Hamas had sex with their mommies, for extra hilarity.
Fucking feral animals. There's no way I wouldn't exit a scene like that without leaving behind a trail of dead bodies and being dragged out of there in handcuffs by the police.

Guess that's why I always steer clear of such events.

Hey, what can I say? I'm really a peaceful kinda guy who would rather un-ass a situation and walk away from a fight. I relinquished my right to be an asshole when I started carrying a weapon.

Then tell the Antifa faggots in the crowd that Hamas had sex with their mommies, for extra hilarity.
This is not for queasy stomachs so vecwsrned

After the sex Hamas slits them open from vagina to throat. That’s what libs are going to bat for. MSM will Never provide the lurid and ghastly details.
I just did and rightfully puked doing so
This is not for queasy stomachs so vecwsrned

After the sex Hamas slits them open from vagina to throat. That’s what libs are going to bat for. MSM will Never provide the lurid and ghastly details.
I just did and rightfully puked doing so

I could watch that without blinking, I just don't want to.

Every one of those Hamas animals should die.
Hey, what can I say? I'm really a peaceful kinda guy who would rather un-ass a situation and walk away from a fight. I relinquished my right to be an asshole when I started carrying a weapon.

Relinquish your right to talk bullshit on the internet.
It's nearly all theatre .
Most of the aggressive pro- Israel front people are being paid by the agencies or are regular Crisis Actors

This is a section within a False Flag that started just over 6 months ago .
Let it play out ,and wait until the serious players make their moves .
Stop being so Gullible .
Filthy Muslims have never gotten along with anyone, not even themselves

Neither have the Christians. You wouldn't even have a nation if the Catholic Church wasn't driving the non-Catholics out of Europe after the Reformation, and during the Spanish Inquisition. Then there's the "troubles" in North Ireland.

There are lots of secular conflicts amongst Christians as well.
Neither have the Christians. You wouldn't even have a nation if the Catholic Church wasn't driving the non-Catholics out of Europe after the Reformation, and during the Spanish Inquisition. Then there's the "troubles" in North Ireland.

There are lots of secular conflicts amongst Christians as well.
40% of the Irish Left Ireland over a 90 year span and wherever they went they did not bring the Troubles with them ( Gangs of New York was an embellished Lie )
She's lucky they didn't behead her. The "police" in California certainly didn't do anything to stop this attack.

Add Native American women to the groups of people who aren't safe in Joe Biden's America.

Whew, good thing it wasn't a black or gay person, otherwise Biden would be all over this.

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