Delta airlines being sued for dumping jet fuel


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Famous legal hack Gloria Allred is representing a group of L.A teachers and school kids who had jet fuel rained on them from a passenger jet that dumped fuel after experiencing engine trouble after takeoff. The plane may or may not have followed proper procedure when it dumped 15,000 gallons of jet fuel to comply with the recommended landing weight when it had to return to the airport. Apparently the "correct" procedure is to dump jet fuel at a high altitude so it is "atomized" when it ultimately reaches the ground or it is dumped on "sparsely populated areas" (or the ocean?) . My point is how often does this happen throughout the world? How often do airliners (legally) jettison thousands of gallons of raw fuel into the atmosphere? Elitists like to travel by air but they hate my gas guzzling 8 cylinder truck. Jet fuel dumping makes the push for electric cars sound trivial.
They rarely dump fuel. It's an emergency landing procedure. They are supposed to dumb in proscribed areas. This time they didn't.
Famous legal hack Gloria Allred is representing a group of L.A teachers and school kids who had jet fuel rained on them from a passenger jet that dumped fuel after experiencing engine trouble after takeoff. The plane may or may not have followed proper procedure when it dumped 15,000 gallons of jet fuel to comply with the recommended landing weight when it had to return to the airport. Apparently the "correct" procedure is to dump jet fuel at a high altitude so it is "atomized" when it ultimately reaches the ground or it is dumped on "sparsely populated areas" (or the ocean?) . My point is how often does this happen throughout the world? How often do airliners (legally) jettison thousands of gallons of raw fuel into the atmosphere? Elitists like to travel by air but they hate my gas guzzling 8 cylinder truck. Jet fuel dumping makes the push for electric cars sound trivial.

How often do you dump fuel from your truck during an emergency parking?
Meh....some teachers had a bad hair day.

Compared to being strapped in to a 400mph flying gas tank about to crash....
Famous legal hack Gloria Allred is representing a group of L.A teachers and school kids who had jet fuel rained on them from a passenger jet that dumped fuel after experiencing engine trouble after takeoff. The plane may or may not have followed proper procedure when it dumped 15,000 gallons of jet fuel to comply with the recommended landing weight when it had to return to the airport. Apparently the "correct" procedure is to dump jet fuel at a high altitude so it is "atomized" when it ultimately reaches the ground or it is dumped on "sparsely populated areas" (or the ocean?) . My point is how often does this happen throughout the world? How often do airliners (legally) jettison thousands of gallons of raw fuel into the atmosphere? Elitists like to travel by air but they hate my gas guzzling 8 cylinder truck. Jet fuel dumping makes the push for electric cars sound trivial.

How often do you dump fuel from your truck during an emergency parking?
I don't do much emergency parking but I do notice that the local government calls out Haz-Mat teams when a tractor trailer overturns and the potential is a hundred gallons of leaked diesel similar to jet fuel. I'm not offering solutions only pointing out that the 15,000 gallons of jet fuel dropped around LAX is apparently standard operating procedure and probably wouldn't have been an issue if it wasn't part of a law suit. How many times does it happen throughout the world?
If I had jet fuel rained down on me, I might be pretty pissed about it too.
Famous legal hack Gloria Allred is representing a group of L.A teachers and school kids who had jet fuel rained on them from a passenger jet that dumped fuel after experiencing engine trouble after takeoff. The plane may or may not have followed proper procedure when it dumped 15,000 gallons of jet fuel to comply with the recommended landing weight when it had to return to the airport. Apparently the "correct" procedure is to dump jet fuel at a high altitude so it is "atomized" when it ultimately reaches the ground or it is dumped on "sparsely populated areas" (or the ocean?) . My point is how often does this happen throughout the world? How often do airliners (legally) jettison thousands of gallons of raw fuel into the atmosphere? Elitists like to travel by air but they hate my gas guzzling 8 cylinder truck. Jet fuel dumping makes the push for electric cars sound trivial.

How often do you dump fuel from your truck during an emergency parking?
Retarded post of the day...congrats.
Famous legal hack Gloria Allred is representing a group of L.A teachers and school kids who had jet fuel rained on them from a passenger jet that dumped fuel after experiencing engine trouble after takeoff. The plane may or may not have followed proper procedure when it dumped 15,000 gallons of jet fuel to comply with the recommended landing weight when it had to return to the airport. Apparently the "correct" procedure is to dump jet fuel at a high altitude so it is "atomized" when it ultimately reaches the ground or it is dumped on "sparsely populated areas" (or the ocean?) . My point is how often does this happen throughout the world? How often do airliners (legally) jettison thousands of gallons of raw fuel into the atmosphere? Elitists like to travel by air but they hate my gas guzzling 8 cylinder truck. Jet fuel dumping makes the push for electric cars sound trivial.

How often do you dump fuel from your truck during an emergency parking?
Retarded post of the day...congrats.
People who use the word "retarded" rather than posting a logical argument seem....well....retarded.
This is going to boil down to the seriousness of the inflight emergency and the options they had. Facts none of us know...

Get pissed all you want but 235 dead vs 200 kids needing shower? This is probably going nowhere IMHO.. If they can show the dump was reasonable then nothing happens and they get to pay their own lawyers..
I can park my rig easily with a full tank of gas ... however, no one can land a commercial jet with full tanks ... runways aren't long enough ...

To answer Billy-Bob above ... I believe the issue was an engine went out ... and that's extremely serious, albeit very rare ... absolutely one must land at the closest airport, and if the emergency occurs right after take-off, we have to dump fuel ... dumping fuel over a city is ignorant, the pilots had time to fly out over the ocean and dump ...

Avgas causes chemical burns ... anyone who has siphoned gas and got it all up in their noses and throat know how painful it can be ... if Delta refuses to pay for the damages, then they should be sued and made to pay ...
This is going to boil down to the seriousness of the inflight emergency and the options they had. Facts none of us know...

Get pissed all you want but 235 dead vs 200 kids needing shower? This is probably going nowhere IMHO.. If they can show the dump was reasonable then nothing happens and they get to pay their own lawyers..
That's not how it works. It does not matter if it was "reasonable" or not. It's not about the lesser of two evils. It's about the fact that Delta dumped jet fuel on people.
I can park my rig easily with a full tank of gas ... however, no one can land a commercial jet with full tanks ... runways aren't long enough ...

To answer Billy-Bob above ... I believe the issue was an engine went out ... and that's extremely serious, albeit very rare ... absolutely one must land at the closest airport, and if the emergency occurs right after take-off, we have to dump fuel ... dumping fuel over a city is ignorant, the pilots had time to fly out over the ocean and dump ...

Avgas causes chemical burns ... anyone who has siphoned gas and got it all up in their noses and throat know how painful it can be ... if Delta refuses to pay for the damages, then they should be sued and made to pay ...
It's not merely about the chemical burns. The initial skin, eye, and lung irritation is not the only reason to avoid getting jet fuel on your skin or breathing in the vapors. Jet fuel contains substances such as naphthalene and benzene that are hepatotoxins and neurotoxins.
This is going to boil down to the seriousness of the inflight emergency and the options they had. Facts none of us know...

Get pissed all you want but 235 dead vs 200 kids needing shower? This is probably going nowhere IMHO.. If they can show the dump was reasonable then nothing happens and they get to pay their own lawyers..
That's not how it works. It does not matter if it was "reasonable" or not. It's not about the lesser of two evils. It's about the fact that Delta dumped jet fuel on people.
I'm betting that they will pay reasonable costs up front, i just dont see punitive damages without a reason.

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