Define Extremist


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

To me an extremist isn't wanting to cut spending and fix the government. It's not wanting to be able to pay your bills and have enough left over to take a short vacation every few months. And it's not wanting to be able to drive your gas-guzzler without having to take out a loan, or keep your AC at 73.

Extremists are the folks that think we can make a car that runs off of solar power.
Extremists think that the best way to curb consumption is drive up the price of everything.
Extremists believe that everyone is too stupid and lazy to take care of themselves so they tax them for being stupid and lazy.
An Extremist has to lie about his policies because they're too extreme for the voters to get behind them. An Extremist feels you have to break it to them slowly instead of all at once.


It seems that the Dems in Washington are all about extremism yet they have decided to use the availability cascade tactic once again to redefine what extremism is. The Dems ran up this extreme debt and now they want to paint anyone who tries to pay it off as an extremist. You're gonna be hearing this BS for the next few weeks and the Dems hope it will take hold. If you're not paying attention, just going about your daily lives, I think it's highly possible you'll fall for it.

Ever get the feeling you're being manipulated??????
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Nancy Pelosi is an extremist. She is extremely stupid, extremely Democratic, and extremely ugly. She perfectly defines an extremists.
Nancy Pelosi is an extremist. She is extremely stupid, extremely Democratic, and extremely ugly. She perfectly defines an extremists.


[ame=]YouTube - Sen. Schumer on the Three Branches of Government[/ame]

extremely dangerous for the supremes, the fourth branch.

etremelt dangerous place between "chucky" and the camera.
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There are 20% on about either side of the fence that I'd describe as extremist.
Tea Party folks are a band of extremists.
The majority of the Right currently are exhibiting extremist tendencies.

[ame=]YouTube - Movie mascot mow.wmv[/ame]
Depends on what dictionary you read;
Republican dictionary:
Extremist = person who beheads foreign aid workers in response to a burnt book.

Democrat dictionary:
Extremist = anyone who has worked for and achieved something liberals haven't stolen yet.
Tea Party folks are a band of extremists.
The majority of the Right currently are exhibiting extremist tendencies.

What about the dude in your avatar, how do you consider him?
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Extremists are those individuals who insist that it's only Democratic/liberal politicians who have "ruined" the country, too blinded to bother with facts.

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Thank you, United States Conservative Supreme Court, for that ^ can only get worse.

Browse the pages, then tell us who actually runs the country for only their benefit, and doesn't care how much the rest of us get stepped on in the process.

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