Deficit spending not sustainable. The Fed spends more on INTEREST ON DEBT than DEFENSE

These born again Republican debt scolds are not serious.

And you can tell that pretty easily

Ask them if they’re willing to raise taxes (primarily on the wealthy) to help reduce the debt and you’ll get nothing but pushback.

This game has been playing out for decades.
Anyone who says, “Trump did it too”. Is a fucking dipshit.


WE SHOULD HAVE A $2T surplus every year and we should pay down the debt over the next 20 years.
You know how we all agree that government is way too big? And I'm sure each department would get along just fine if half their staff were cut? No one can disagree with this. But, what we need is an example.

Name a state where they have cut their government jobs in half? Name the Republican governor, Senator or House member who has half the staff his peers have. Like, he has 1 aid working for him.

Same goes for unregulated free market capitalism. Name the state that has it all figured out. Instead of talking shit about Florida, start bragging about your state and Republican governor. And small government. Show us that your state doesn't take more federal dollars than it pays.
States and the federal government have a major difference. States can't print imaginary money, the federal government can.

I think you’re confused as to what that word means
I am speaking like Progs do. From the stage. Emoting. Ukraine means nothing to the United States, It means a lot to politicians who seem to owe others. Does the juggling of the massive global debts cross Ukraine among other areas with payoffs part of the corrupted system? So we will spend endless dollars on it. Except there is still a dwindling number of people on the planet who are a percentage of Republicans in a major party of the greatest nation who are questioning it.
I am speaking like Progs do. From the stage. Emoting. Ukraine means nothing to the United States, It means a lot to politicians who seem to owe others. Does the juggling of the massive global debts cross Ukraine among other areas with payoffs part of the corrupted system? So we will spend endless dollars on it. Except there is still a dwindling number of people on the planet who are a percentage of Republicans in a major party of the greatest nation who are questioning it.
We knuckle under to Putin on Ukraine and he goes after other states to his west. Maybe even Poland

We knuckle under to Putin and Xi goes after Taiwan

You see those things as good?

It is straight math. It will get worse and worse and worse.

What are the plans to get out of it? I see none by anyone.

Atomic bomb vcation destroy.jpg
There is no plan. Washington does not INTEND to eliminate or even reduce the debt until it is forced to and everything crashes. I'm not kidding.

Why would they, every time we vote the same people back into office we are giving them our approval for their actions.
We knuckle under to Putin on Ukraine and he goes after other states to his west. Maybe even Poland

We knuckle under to Putin and Xi goes after Taiwan

You see those things as good?
IOW, we're the world's police force and we need to get involved in all the conflicts. How the left has changed from Viet Nam.

You do know you sound exactly like the war hawks from that era, right?
IOW, we're the world's police force and we need to get involved in all the conflicts. How the left has changed from Viet Nam.

You do know you sound exactly like the war hawks from that era, right?
Do you know you sound exactly like Chamberlain prior to WWII?
These born again Republican debt scolds are not serious.

And you can tell that pretty easily

Ask them if they’re willing to raise taxes (primarily on the wealthy) to help reduce the debt and you’ll get nothing but pushback.

This game has been playing out for decades.
You will need to change the tax code first, dingus. They get out of taxes because of the corporatists you vote for, remember?
You know how we all agree that government is way too big? And I'm sure each department would get along just fine if half their staff were cut? No one can disagree with this. But, what we need is an example.

Name a state where they have cut their government jobs in half? Name the Republican governor, Senator or House member who has half the staff his peers have. Like, he has 1 aid working for him.

Same goes for unregulated free market capitalism. Name the state that has it all figured out. Instead of talking shit about Florida, start bragging about your state and Republican governor. And small government. Show us that your state doesn't take more federal dollars than it pays.
When a system is infected with government overseeing it does not just go away. In fact there are positives from it to a degree. And there are subsets to those degrees. The federal government is massive. We are taxed massively. Taking the money and returning some of it makes political careers. This is not small government. It is getting it under control. So we freeze government employment. So we may need to freeze government union contracts. So, we freeze pension checks and benefits. How much fun is that? For 4 years perhaps. And people will retire and they will not e replaced. This could happen.
When a system is infected with government overseeing it does not just go away. In fact there are positives from it to a degree. And there are subsets to those degrees. The federal government is massive. We are taxed massively. Taking the money and returning some of it makes political careers. This is not small government. It is getting it under control. So we freeze government employment. So we may need to freeze government union contracts. So, we freeze pension checks and benefits. How much fun is that? For 4 years perhaps. And people will retire and they will not e replaced. This could happen.
If we shrunk government in half, we'd survive. We have 9 million unfilled jobs. Now would be the time to do it.

I believe our largest employer in America is the government. Teachers, cops, state and federal politicians and all the people who work for them. Department of this and that.

My aunt worked for Wayne County Community Mental Health. They were in a huge building in Detroit. That's just one department. There are thousands of beurocracies like that in America.

The public sector employs 20.2 million people in the US, approximately 14.5 percent of the workforce. Public sector employment is generally divided into three categories: federal, state and local government.

There were nearly 118 million private sector jobs in May 2020, representing 85 percent of U.S. employment. State government had 4.6 million jobs (3.3 percent) and local government had 14.1 million jobs (10.1 percent).

So let's start in red states eliminating those local government jobs. 14%. Get it down to 7%
If we shrunk government in half, we'd survive. We have 9 million unfilled jobs. Now would be the time to do it.

I believe our largest employer in America is the government. Teachers, cops, state and federal politicians and all the people who work for them. Department of this and that.

My aunt worked for Wayne County Community Mental Health. They were in a huge building in Detroit. That's just one department. There are thousands of beurocracies like that in America.

The public sector employs 20.2 million people in the US, approximately 14.5 percent of the workforce. Public sector employment is generally divided into three categories: federal, state and local government.

There were nearly 118 million private sector jobs in May 2020, representing 85 percent of U.S. employment. State government had 4.6 million jobs (3.3 percent) and local government had 14.1 million jobs (10.1 percent).

So let's start in red states eliminating those local government jobs. 14%. Get it down to 7%
No, we want to start at the top, at the entity that sucks trillions out of the economy every year, that prints its own money to saddle untold future generations with debt. Then we tackle the biggest blueberry that runs billions in deficits every year, California.
These born again Republican debt scolds are not serious.

And you can tell that pretty easily

Ask them if they’re willing to raise taxes (primarily on the wealthy) to help reduce the debt and you’ll get nothing but pushback.

This game has been playing out for decades.

Raise which Taxes? By how much? on Business? On Individuals? What do you propose to take from them? You don’t have a clue do you? without killing the GDP and causing less overall revenue? So Sad, the parott Leftist.
No, we want to start at the top, at the entity that sucks trillions out of the economy every year, that prints its own money to saddle untold future generations with debt. Then we tackle the biggest blueberry that runs billions in deficits every year, California.
So you want to take on the Federal Reserve first?

Do you live in California?

Why don't we take on all the red states who in fact take more federal dollars than they pay? Blue states pay more than they take. We are the makers red states are the takers.
Raise which Taxes? By how much? on Business? On Individuals? What do you propose to take from them? You don’t have a clue do you? without killing the GDP and causing less overall revenue? So Sad, the parott Leftist.

Don't just roll back the Trump tax breaks, or the Bush tax breaks

Raise which Taxes? By how much? on Business? On Individuals? What do you propose to take from them? You don’t have a clue do you? without killing the GDP and causing less overall revenue? So Sad, the parott Leftist.

Twice as many companies pay zero taxes under Trump tax plan​

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. In its first year, the number of companies paying no taxes went from 30 to 60.

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