Deep State Intel Commnity At It Again: ICIG Altered Whistle Blower Rule To Make Complaint Possible

I presume you are admitting that your post is based on 2nd- or 3rd-hand account information ('Hearsay' - inadmissible' as evidence in a court of law). How about OTHER politically-biased, GOP-supporting sources?

Not at all. Go back and look at the links in the various threads...or do your own research.

There are 10 or so witnesses who have a 1st-hand account of the event.
Post a link. NAME THEM.
"Lost amid the cacophony of condemnation of Trump is the fact that the Criminal Division of the Justice Department examined the official record of the Trump-Zelensky telephone call and concluded there was no crime, not even a violation of campaign finance laws. “All relevant components of the Department agreed with this legal conclusion,” said the Justice Department."

Gregg Jarrett: Trump did NOT commit an impeachable offense on call with Ukraine’s president – Here’s why

Democrats just desperately want Trump out to protect themselves. Everyone knows from the transcript that the favor Trump was asking for was for the Ukraine to sort out what went on with the servers. He never at any point asked for false dirt, never mentioned a campaign, never mentioned Biden in the context of a political opponent, never pressured for money, never repeatedly mentioned Bidens name repeatedly as reported, BUT when Democrats saw that truth might be revealed they were forced to pre-emptively go on the attack and even going so far as having the Intelligence commitee chairman Schiff lie and twist every aspect of the transcript. My guess is that even though he had to appologize later and say it was parody, his goal was simply to get his lies in the headlines to influence the average American who doesnt search any deeper than the headlines.

What a complete mound of shit the Democratic party has become, its quite unbelievable how they get away with this on a daily basis. It's no wonder that they want to fill the US with foreign nationals as quickly as possible from places where our rule of law is not understood. Trump was right to propose term limits on senators in the beginning. Its only too bad that one thing was not accomplished.


The Ukraine PM has already debunked the false claim.
- The Australian PM has supported this by revealing he was also contacted by the President requesting assistance IAW Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance treaties.

The existence of Mutual Law Enforcement and Investigative Assistance & Cooperation treaties that are initiated by the President of the United States contacting these leaders and requesting assistance completely destroys this issue as a 'crime' or an 'Impeachable Offense'. On the contrary, what the President did was to execute those existing treaties...

Which is in very large part why every relevant criminal division within the DOJ UNANIMOUSLY already decided not only was this NOT a crime but revealed no evidence of potential crime.

The CIA Agent Whistle Blower may have been specially trained in European / Ukraine Geo-Political Operations, but they proved they don't know shit about such treaties and what constitutes crimes...and Democrats are proving those supporting this latest 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' doesn't either.
"The Intelligence Community Inspector General released a statement admitting the office changed its forms for whistleblowers between May 2018 and August 2019...The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.”

The ICIG makes it clear that the 'Whistle Blower' had / has no 1st-hand account knowledge of the details between President Trump and the Ukraine PM but that the WB wanted to have their complaint rushed to Congress...

The WB wasn't the only one who wanted to rush this non-scandal to Congress and leaked /dispersed out to the media.

They were in such a rush to get the manufactured complaint to Congress to create a NEW 'Impeachable Offense' that they didn't just change the rule just for this 1 case, they also totally ignored the existing Mutual Law Enforcement / Investigative Assistance and Cooperation treaties the United States has with European nations which are initiated by the leader of one nation making a request for assistance to another.

THIS means President Trump did NOT break any law - he was executing an existing treaty by requesting assistance from the Ukraine PM in investigating potential crimes - which the former VP admitted to in his video-taped confession. Oops - was the ICIG's complete failure to remember this small fact a result of his rushing to get this to Congress, or was it an intentional omission? Since we now know the IG for the Deep State Intel Community - that was found to have participated in Obama's failed coup attempt - changed the Whistle Blower rules just for this specific case, it sure seems like it was intentional.

The only way the hearsay / debunked false accusation made it to Congress and this whole Coup Attempt 2.0 became an issue is because THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY INSPECTOR GENERAL CHANGED THE WHISTLE BLOWER RULE JUST FOR THIS PERSON / THIS CASE TO CREATE THIS SCANDAL!

View attachment 282392

Intelligence Community Inspector General Admits to Secret Rule Change for Whistleblower Reports

how many times are you sheep going to post this lie?

this is like the 19th thread on the topic.

Here is the law the form was based off, what the form says is really irrelevant.

Section K(5) is the part that covers it.

The law is unchanged since January 3, 2016

Read it for yourself instead of relying on someone else.

Then why change the form?

Then why was the statement on the form in the first place?
He did not change the form, the IG previous to him clarified the form to match the law, May 24, 2018, longer than a year before this whistleblower made his or her complaint.

Please read the IG' statement on it, correcting Trump's LIE. Processing of Whistleblower Complaints.pdf
"The Intelligence Community Inspector General released a statement admitting the office changed its forms for whistleblowers between May 2018 and August 2019...The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.”

The ICIG makes it clear that the 'Whistle Blower' had / has no 1st-hand account knowledge of the details between President Trump and the Ukraine PM but that the WB wanted to have their complaint rushed to Congress...

The WB wasn't the only one who wanted to rush this non-scandal to Congress and leaked /dispersed out to the media.

They were in such a rush to get the manufactured complaint to Congress to create a NEW 'Impeachable Offense' that they didn't just change the rule just for this 1 case, they also totally ignored the existing Mutual Law Enforcement / Investigative Assistance and Cooperation treaties the United States has with European nations which are initiated by the leader of one nation making a request for assistance to another.

THIS means President Trump did NOT break any law - he was executing an existing treaty by requesting assistance from the Ukraine PM in investigating potential crimes - which the former VP admitted to in his video-taped confession. Oops - was the ICIG's complete failure to remember this small fact a result of his rushing to get this to Congress, or was it an intentional omission? Since we now know the IG for the Deep State Intel Community - that was found to have participated in Obama's failed coup attempt - changed the Whistle Blower rules just for this specific case, it sure seems like it was intentional.

The only way the hearsay / debunked false accusation made it to Congress and this whole Coup Attempt 2.0 became an issue is because THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY INSPECTOR GENERAL CHANGED THE WHISTLE BLOWER RULE JUST FOR THIS PERSON / THIS CASE TO CREATE THIS SCANDAL!

View attachment 282392

Intelligence Community Inspector General Admits to Secret Rule Change for Whistleblower Reports

how many times are you sheep going to post this lie?

this is like the 19th thread on the topic.

Here is the law the form was based off, what the form says is really irrelevant.

Section K(5) is the part that covers it.

The law is unchanged since January 3, 2016

Read it for yourself instead of relying on someone else.

Then why change the form?

Then why was the statement on the form in the first place?
He did not change the form, the IG previous to him clarified the form to match the law, May 24, 2018, longer than a year before this whistleblower made his or her complaint.

Please read the IG' statement on it, correcting Trump's LIE. News/2019/September 30 - Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints/ICIG Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints.pdf

Blah blah blah cover our asses blah blah.

I clicked on the twitter links to both the old and new form. The old form had a part clearly stating 1st hand information was required the 2nd form had a choice.
"The Intelligence Community Inspector General released a statement admitting the office changed its forms for whistleblowers between May 2018 and August 2019...The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.”

The ICIG makes it clear that the 'Whistle Blower' had / has no 1st-hand account knowledge of the details between President Trump and the Ukraine PM but that the WB wanted to have their complaint rushed to Congress...

The WB wasn't the only one who wanted to rush this non-scandal to Congress and leaked /dispersed out to the media.

They were in such a rush to get the manufactured complaint to Congress to create a NEW 'Impeachable Offense' that they didn't just change the rule just for this 1 case, they also totally ignored the existing Mutual Law Enforcement / Investigative Assistance and Cooperation treaties the United States has with European nations which are initiated by the leader of one nation making a request for assistance to another.

THIS means President Trump did NOT break any law - he was executing an existing treaty by requesting assistance from the Ukraine PM in investigating potential crimes - which the former VP admitted to in his video-taped confession. Oops - was the ICIG's complete failure to remember this small fact a result of his rushing to get this to Congress, or was it an intentional omission? Since we now know the IG for the Deep State Intel Community - that was found to have participated in Obama's failed coup attempt - changed the Whistle Blower rules just for this specific case, it sure seems like it was intentional.

The only way the hearsay / debunked false accusation made it to Congress and this whole Coup Attempt 2.0 became an issue is because THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY INSPECTOR GENERAL CHANGED THE WHISTLE BLOWER RULE JUST FOR THIS PERSON / THIS CASE TO CREATE THIS SCANDAL!

View attachment 282392

Intelligence Community Inspector General Admits to Secret Rule Change for Whistleblower Reports

how many times are you sheep going to post this lie?

this is like the 19th thread on the topic.

Here is the law the form was based off, what the form says is really irrelevant.

Section K(5) is the part that covers it.

The law is unchanged since January 3, 2016

Read it for yourself instead of relying on someone else.

Then why change the form?

Then why was the statement on the form in the first place?
He did not change the form, the IG previous to him clarified the form to match the law, May 24, 2018, longer than a year before this whistleblower made his or her complaint.

Please read the IG' statement on it, correcting Trump's LIE. News/2019/September 30 - Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints/ICIG Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints.pdf

Blah blah blah cover our asses blah blah.

I clicked on the twitter links to both the old and new form. The old form had a part clearly stating 1st hand information was required the 2nd form had a choice.
yes, it did.... and it was changed over a year ago.... by another IG, not this one... so how does this fit in to this conspiracy of the Trumpsters claiming this IG changed it for this Ukraine talk whistle blower? PLEASE ANSWER that instead of going nasty... ;)

And if you read the IG's statement that I linked you on, the rules for Urgent complaint claims, 1st and 2nd hand info has always been allowed, and it states the IG's office's job investigating and verifying the legitimacy of the urgent complaint found it both credible and urgent.... they verified the 2nd hand info on the call that the whistleblower mentioned as 2nd hand info.

again, how does that fit in to this absurd right wing conspiracy?
"The Intelligence Community Inspector General released a statement admitting the office changed its forms for whistleblowers between May 2018 and August 2019...The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.”

The ICIG makes it clear that the 'Whistle Blower' had / has no 1st-hand account knowledge of the details between President Trump and the Ukraine PM but that the WB wanted to have their complaint rushed to Congress...

The WB wasn't the only one who wanted to rush this non-scandal to Congress and leaked /dispersed out to the media.

They were in such a rush to get the manufactured complaint to Congress to create a NEW 'Impeachable Offense' that they didn't just change the rule just for this 1 case, they also totally ignored the existing Mutual Law Enforcement / Investigative Assistance and Cooperation treaties the United States has with European nations which are initiated by the leader of one nation making a request for assistance to another.

THIS means President Trump did NOT break any law - he was executing an existing treaty by requesting assistance from the Ukraine PM in investigating potential crimes - which the former VP admitted to in his video-taped confession. Oops - was the ICIG's complete failure to remember this small fact a result of his rushing to get this to Congress, or was it an intentional omission? Since we now know the IG for the Deep State Intel Community - that was found to have participated in Obama's failed coup attempt - changed the Whistle Blower rules just for this specific case, it sure seems like it was intentional.

The only way the hearsay / debunked false accusation made it to Congress and this whole Coup Attempt 2.0 became an issue is because THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY INSPECTOR GENERAL CHANGED THE WHISTLE BLOWER RULE JUST FOR THIS PERSON / THIS CASE TO CREATE THIS SCANDAL!

View attachment 282392

Intelligence Community Inspector General Admits to Secret Rule Change for Whistleblower Reports

how many times are you sheep going to post this lie?

this is like the 19th thread on the topic.

Here is the law the form was based off, what the form says is really irrelevant.

Section K(5) is the part that covers it.

The law is unchanged since January 3, 2016

Read it for yourself instead of relying on someone else.

Then why change the form?

Then why was the statement on the form in the first place?
He did not change the form, the IG previous to him clarified the form to match the law, May 24, 2018, longer than a year before this whistleblower made his or her complaint.

Please read the IG' statement on it, correcting Trump's LIE. News/2019/September 30 - Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints/ICIG Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints.pdf

Blah blah blah cover our asses blah blah.

I clicked on the twitter links to both the old and new form. The old form had a part clearly stating 1st hand information was required the 2nd form had a choice.
yes, it did.... and it was changed over a year ago.... by another IG, not this one... so how does this fit in to this conspiracy of the Trumpsters claiming this IG changed it for this Ukraine talk whistle blower? PLEASE ANSWER that instead of going nasty... ;)

And if you read the IG's statement that I linked you on, the rules for Urgent complaint claims, 1st and 2nd hand info has always been allowed, and it states the IG's office's job investigating and verifying the legitimacy of the urgent complaint found it both credible and urgent.... they verified the 2nd hand info on the call that the whistleblower mentioned as 2nd hand info.

again, how does that fit in to this absurd right wing conspiracy?

Why was it on the first form in the first place?
how many times are you sheep going to post this lie?

this is like the 19th thread on the topic.

Here is the law the form was based off, what the form says is really irrelevant.

Section K(5) is the part that covers it.

The law is unchanged since January 3, 2016

Read it for yourself instead of relying on someone else.

Then why change the form?

Then why was the statement on the form in the first place?
He did not change the form, the IG previous to him clarified the form to match the law, May 24, 2018, longer than a year before this whistleblower made his or her complaint.

Please read the IG' statement on it, correcting Trump's LIE. News/2019/September 30 - Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints/ICIG Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints.pdf

Blah blah blah cover our asses blah blah.

I clicked on the twitter links to both the old and new form. The old form had a part clearly stating 1st hand information was required the 2nd form had a choice.
yes, it did.... and it was changed over a year ago.... by another IG, not this one... so how does this fit in to this conspiracy of the Trumpsters claiming this IG changed it for this Ukraine talk whistle blower? PLEASE ANSWER that instead of going nasty... ;)

And if you read the IG's statement that I linked you on, the rules for Urgent complaint claims, 1st and 2nd hand info has always been allowed, and it states the IG's office's job investigating and verifying the legitimacy of the urgent complaint found it both credible and urgent.... they verified the 2nd hand info on the call that the whistleblower mentioned as 2nd hand info.

again, how does that fit in to this absurd right wing conspiracy?

Why was it on the first form in the first place?
for complaints that are not Urgent, urgent is defined as a matter of National Security....

The IG has different regulations to follow on requests designated as Urgent,

have it researched quickly and in no more than 14 days have it turned over to the DNI, if his office found it appeared to be credible and was a valid urgent designation, and he says they determine BOTH being credible and urgent, met their standards...

then the DNI has 7 days to turn it over to the Intelligence committees in the house and senate.

This IG has done 9 whistle blower complaints this year, and only 1, met the URGENT designation.... this Ukraine whistle blower complaint.
He did not change the form, the IG previous to him clarified the form to match the law, May 24, 2018, longer than a year before this whistleblower made his or her complaint. Please read the IG' statement on it, correcting Trump's LIE.

You keep calling it 'Trump's' lie, but it was not the President who initially made the claim:

"The Intelligence Community Inspector General released a statement admitting the office changed its forms for whistleblowers between May 2018 and August 2019..."

Much like former VP Biden's video-taped confession, you keep ignoring / skipping past confessions made.

If you have a problem with the ICIG's confession you really should take that up with him.
He did not change the form, the IG previous to him clarified the form to match the law, May 24, 2018, longer than a year before this whistleblower made his or her complaint. Please read the IG' statement on it, correcting Trump's LIE.

You keep calling it 'Trump's' lie, but it was not the President who initially made the claim:

"The Intelligence Community Inspector General released a statement admitting the office changed its forms for whistleblowers between May 2018 and August 2019..."

Much like former VP Biden's video-taped confession, you keep ignoring / skipping past confessions made.

If you have a problem with the ICIG's confession you really should take that up with him.
The IG admitted it was revised

MAY 24, 2018

And it was NOT changed by him, but changed by the PRIOR

Inspector General.....
Just move on to your next conspiracy bull crud theories, Trumpsters,

this one, has been Debunked!

What else can we argue about...?? :p
for complaints that are not Urgent, urgent is defined as a matter of National Security....

The IG has different regulations to follow on requests designated as Urgent,

have it researched quickly and in no more than 14 days have it turned over to the DNI, if his office found it appeared to be credible and was a valid urgent designation, and he says they determine BOTH being credible and urgent, met their standards...

then the DNI has 7 days to turn it over to the Intelligence committees in the house and senate.

This IG has done 9 whistle blower complaints this year, and only 1, met the URGENT designation.... this Ukraine whistle blower complaint.

You point out that it was the ICIG's responsibility to investigate and determine if the complaint was credible, if a crime was possibly committed, before pushing it to Congress. This has already been addressed and stressed that the ICIG completely FAILED to do his job.

1st-hand account requirements were removed from the form by the ICIG according to his own admission. Again, if you have a problem with this talk to him and ask him why he confessed to doing so if he did not as you claim.)

A complaint filed by a politically-biased, anti-Trump, 2020 Democrat Candidate-supporting CIA Agent based on no 1st-hand account knowledge AND other politically partisan sources does NOT equal 'Credible'...unless you want to launch another accusation of 'Collusion Delusion'.

Had the ICIG done even the smallest bit of investigating the complaint and source as he was required to do, such as conferring with the DOJ, specifically the criminal divisions within the DOJ, he would have been told not only was there no crime committed but there was no evidence of potential crime committed,. As reported and linked, which you continue to reject - much like Hillary's 2016 loss, ALL - 100% of the relevant criminal divisions within the DOJ all - UNANIMOUSLY - agreed there was no crime / no evidence of crime. Of course, had this happened they would not have been able to start '2.0'.

Had the ICIG investigated any at all, like talking to the 2nd person that was in the 2-Party phone call he would have found out from the Ukraine PM that what the Dems claim NEVER HAPPENED instead of hearing it from the Ukraine PM on TV after the Dems leaked '2.0' in the news.

Even if the ICIG had NOT done any investigating, which it is obvious he did not, he should have known about the Mutual Law Enforcement and Investigative Assistance and Cooperation Treaty between the US and other nations, to include the Ukraine. He would have / should have known this treaty calls for the President to talk to those nation's leaders to request assistance in investigating crimes. Perhaps if snowflakes were more intelligent / weren't so lazy / did not simply accept everything Democrats say as truth THEY would have known or found out about this treaty and realized before now that this entire stunt by the Democrats is another baseless excuse for launching 'Collusion Delusion 2.0'.

The ICIG is either part of the latest attempt to take down the President or is completely incompetent / stupid, as he clearly failed to do his job
Just move on to your next conspiracy bull crud theories, Trumpsters,

this one, has been Debunked!

What else can we argue about...?? :p
Why move on? The only thing debunked is the entire 'Collusion Delusion 2.0'

Quid Pro Quo? Pressure? Treason
- Transcript debunks
- Ukraine PM debunked
- Australian PM Debunked
- The Mutual Law Enforcement and Investigative Assistance & Cooperation Treaty debunks/destroys it
- The fact that all the criminal divisions of the DOJ UNANIMOUSLY agreed no crime / no evidence of a crime destroys it

What do you have left?

A WBer complaint by a politically partisan 2020 Dem Candidate supporting CIA agent -who just happened to specialize in Ukraine Geo-Political operations and temporarily assigned to the WH - based on zero personal knowledge of what happened and other politically-biased sources...

I used to think you were very intelligent.....used to. Your hatred has taken over.
"The Intelligence Community Inspector General released a statement admitting the office changed its forms for whistleblowers between May 2018 and August 2019...The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.”

The ICIG makes it clear that the 'Whistle Blower' had / has no 1st-hand account knowledge of the details between President Trump and the Ukraine PM but that the WB wanted to have their complaint rushed to Congress...

The WB wasn't the only one who wanted to rush this non-scandal to Congress and leaked /dispersed out to the media.

They were in such a rush to get the manufactured complaint to Congress to create a NEW 'Impeachable Offense' that they didn't just change the rule just for this 1 case, they also totally ignored the existing Mutual Law Enforcement / Investigative Assistance and Cooperation treaties the United States has with European nations which are initiated by the leader of one nation making a request for assistance to another.

THIS means President Trump did NOT break any law - he was executing an existing treaty by requesting assistance from the Ukraine PM in investigating potential crimes - which the former VP admitted to in his video-taped confession. Oops - was the ICIG's complete failure to remember this small fact a result of his rushing to get this to Congress, or was it an intentional omission? Since we now know the IG for the Deep State Intel Community - that was found to have participated in Obama's failed coup attempt - changed the Whistle Blower rules just for this specific case, it sure seems like it was intentional.

The only way the hearsay / debunked false accusation made it to Congress and this whole Coup Attempt 2.0 became an issue is because THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY INSPECTOR GENERAL CHANGED THE WHISTLE BLOWER RULE JUST FOR THIS PERSON / THIS CASE TO CREATE THIS SCANDAL!

View attachment 282392

Intelligence Community Inspector General Admits to Secret Rule Change for Whistleblower Reports

how many times are you sheep going to post this lie?

this is like the 19th thread on the topic.

Here is the law the form was based off, what the form says is really irrelevant.

Section K(5) is the part that covers it.

The law is unchanged since January 3, 2016

Read it for yourself instead of relying on someone else.
You seem to miss the part in that above link where the ICIG ADMIITED to changing the rules to adhere to the designated time frame during which it was his responsibility to investigate the matter and determine credibility before sending any complaint to Congress.

In the above the ICIG stated he made the decision to allow the 2nd-hand account - from an identified politically-biased, 2020 Dem Presidential candidate-supporting CIA agent who had no direct knowledge of the President's phone call to go forward to Congress.

So THAT is what you Trump-haters / snowflakes call 'credible evidence'?

I understand how Trump-hating Democrats and Deep State Intel Operatives can easily find that type of 'evidence' credible, but the rest of the world - especially considering the last 3 years - can not.

AFTER it was sent to Congress and the Democrats weaponized the hearsay / 2nd-hand false accusation, it QUICKLY, without any investigation of the matter by the ICIG - who was responsible for doing so before sending it to Congress, that 1) The Ukraine PM declared what the Democrats claimed happened NEVER HAPPENED, 2) the transcript of the call debunks the Democrats claim, and 3) The existing Mutual Law Enforcement and Investigative Assistance and Cooperation treaties completely shuts down / destroys the 2nd-hand 'this is what I heard' bullshit submitted by a Trump-hating, politically-biased, Dem-supporting Deep State Trump-hater.

Had the ICIG done his damn job Collusion Delusion 2.0 instead of facilitating the Democrats this manufactured scandal would nave have made it to the House, and we would not be forced to endure another round of butt-hurt Democrat Sedition and Treason.

The form is just form, the only rules come from the statute. The form is merely a means to report, it does not set the reporting requirements
"The Intelligence Community Inspector General released a statement admitting the office changed its forms for whistleblowers between May 2018 and August 2019...The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.”

The ICIG makes it clear that the 'Whistle Blower' had / has no 1st-hand account knowledge of the details between President Trump and the Ukraine PM but that the WB wanted to have their complaint rushed to Congress...

The WB wasn't the only one who wanted to rush this non-scandal to Congress and leaked /dispersed out to the media.

They were in such a rush to get the manufactured complaint to Congress to create a NEW 'Impeachable Offense' that they didn't just change the rule just for this 1 case, they also totally ignored the existing Mutual Law Enforcement / Investigative Assistance and Cooperation treaties the United States has with European nations which are initiated by the leader of one nation making a request for assistance to another.

THIS means President Trump did NOT break any law - he was executing an existing treaty by requesting assistance from the Ukraine PM in investigating potential crimes - which the former VP admitted to in his video-taped confession. Oops - was the ICIG's complete failure to remember this small fact a result of his rushing to get this to Congress, or was it an intentional omission? Since we now know the IG for the Deep State Intel Community - that was found to have participated in Obama's failed coup attempt - changed the Whistle Blower rules just for this specific case, it sure seems like it was intentional.

The only way the hearsay / debunked false accusation made it to Congress and this whole Coup Attempt 2.0 became an issue is because THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY INSPECTOR GENERAL CHANGED THE WHISTLE BLOWER RULE JUST FOR THIS PERSON / THIS CASE TO CREATE THIS SCANDAL!

View attachment 282392

"The Complainant on the form he or she submitted on August 12, 2019 in fact checked two relevant boxes: The first box stated that, “I have personal and/or direct knowledge of events or records involved”; and the second box stated that, “Other employees have told me about events or records involved.”
And this thread predictably ends up exactly where it should be: in the land of tin foil and hapless dipshittery.
"The Intelligence Community Inspector General released a statement admitting the office changed its forms for whistleblowers between May 2018 and August 2019...The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.”

The ICIG makes it clear that the 'Whistle Blower' had / has no 1st-hand account knowledge of the details between President Trump and the Ukraine PM but that the WB wanted to have their complaint rushed to Congress...

The WB wasn't the only one who wanted to rush this non-scandal to Congress and leaked /dispersed out to the media.

They were in such a rush to get the manufactured complaint to Congress to create a NEW 'Impeachable Offense' that they didn't just change the rule just for this 1 case, they also totally ignored the existing Mutual Law Enforcement / Investigative Assistance and Cooperation treaties the United States has with European nations which are initiated by the leader of one nation making a request for assistance to another.

THIS means President Trump did NOT break any law - he was executing an existing treaty by requesting assistance from the Ukraine PM in investigating potential crimes - which the former VP admitted to in his video-taped confession. Oops - was the ICIG's complete failure to remember this small fact a result of his rushing to get this to Congress, or was it an intentional omission? Since we now know the IG for the Deep State Intel Community - that was found to have participated in Obama's failed coup attempt - changed the Whistle Blower rules just for this specific case, it sure seems like it was intentional.

The only way the hearsay / debunked false accusation made it to Congress and this whole Coup Attempt 2.0 became an issue is because THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY INSPECTOR GENERAL CHANGED THE WHISTLE BLOWER RULE JUST FOR THIS PERSON / THIS CASE TO CREATE THIS SCANDAL!

View attachment 282392

Intelligence Community Inspector General Admits to Secret Rule Change for Whistleblower Reports

how many times are you sheep going to post this lie?

this is like the 19th thread on the topic.

Here is the law the form was based off, what the form says is really irrelevant.

Section K(5) is the part that covers it.

The law is unchanged since January 3, 2016

Read it for yourself instead of relying on someone else.
You seem to miss the part in that above link where the ICIG ADMIITED to changing the rules to adhere to the designated time frame during which it was his responsibility to investigate the matter and determine credibility before sending any complaint to Congress.

In the above the ICIG stated he made the decision to allow the 2nd-hand account - from an identified politically-biased, 2020 Dem Presidential candidate-supporting CIA agent who had no direct knowledge of the President's phone call to go forward to Congress.

So THAT is what you Trump-haters / snowflakes call 'credible evidence'?

I understand how Trump-hating Democrats and Deep State Intel Operatives can easily find that type of 'evidence' credible, but the rest of the world - especially considering the last 3 years - can not.

AFTER it was sent to Congress and the Democrats weaponized the hearsay / 2nd-hand false accusation, it QUICKLY, without any investigation of the matter by the ICIG - who was responsible for doing so before sending it to Congress, that 1) The Ukraine PM declared what the Democrats claimed happened NEVER HAPPENED, 2) the transcript of the call debunks the Democrats claim, and 3) The existing Mutual Law Enforcement and Investigative Assistance and Cooperation treaties completely shuts down / destroys the 2nd-hand 'this is what I heard' bullshit submitted by a Trump-hating, politically-biased, Dem-supporting Deep State Trump-hater.

Had the ICIG done his damn job Collusion Delusion 2.0 instead of facilitating the Democrats this manufactured scandal would nave have made it to the House, and we would not be forced to endure another round of butt-hurt Democrat Sedition and Treason.

The form is just form, the only rules come from the statute. The form is merely a means to report, it does not set the reporting requirements

AND......the Whistleblower cited first hand knowledge as part of the complaint. Which our little collaborator Easy knows.

But really hopes you don't.
Then why change the form?

Then why was the statement on the form in the first place?
He did not change the form, the IG previous to him clarified the form to match the law, May 24, 2018, longer than a year before this whistleblower made his or her complaint.

Please read the IG' statement on it, correcting Trump's LIE. News/2019/September 30 - Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints/ICIG Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints.pdf

Blah blah blah cover our asses blah blah.

I clicked on the twitter links to both the old and new form. The old form had a part clearly stating 1st hand information was required the 2nd form had a choice.
yes, it did.... and it was changed over a year ago.... by another IG, not this one... so how does this fit in to this conspiracy of the Trumpsters claiming this IG changed it for this Ukraine talk whistle blower? PLEASE ANSWER that instead of going nasty... ;)

And if you read the IG's statement that I linked you on, the rules for Urgent complaint claims, 1st and 2nd hand info has always been allowed, and it states the IG's office's job investigating and verifying the legitimacy of the urgent complaint found it both credible and urgent.... they verified the 2nd hand info on the call that the whistleblower mentioned as 2nd hand info.

again, how does that fit in to this absurd right wing conspiracy?

Why was it on the first form in the first place?
for complaints that are not Urgent, urgent is defined as a matter of National Security....

The IG has different regulations to follow on requests designated as Urgent,

have it researched quickly and in no more than 14 days have it turned over to the DNI, if his office found it appeared to be credible and was a valid urgent designation, and he says they determine BOTH being credible and urgent, met their standards...

then the DNI has 7 days to turn it over to the Intelligence committees in the house and senate.

This IG has done 9 whistle blower complaints this year, and only 1, met the URGENT designation.... this Ukraine whistle blower complaint.


Sorry, but after all we have seen I simply don't trust the bureaucracy of the federal government anymore.

They want Trump out, and they don't care how they do it. They have anointed themselves the new nobility, and fuck the peasants who voted in their supposed boss.

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