Debunking White Racist Opinions

That isn't MY data--that comes from The Black Supremacists Eric Holder and Obama. Additionally, the data on Police Shootings comes from the Toxic Anti-White Washington Post. They started putting the names and faces of every person who died by Police contact, and the facts are the facts. What you are essentially saying is that any fact that you disagree with is racist. That's not an argument against it, nor does it prove your own point. It just demonstrates ever further that Blacks and whites need to keep away from each other. Reason, rule of law, rationality, and the scientific method are tenets of White societies, and Blacks-at large--don't seem to prefer to live in that type of system.

I think this has been a very bad marriage and it is time for a divorce.
Do it for the kids.​

Why some Black Americans are leaving the U.S. to reclaim their "destiny" in GhanaView attachment 542150

You're just repeating the same points again. I mean you have said the same thing three times in a row now and it's still


To be honest this is starting to turn into "Last man talking contest" that's a tactic white supremacists use were they try and out-talk everyone and then claim victory once they all lose patience and give up. “See! No one can prove me wrong!” Like you they just keep repeating there points over and over again.

The point is that once a person gets a certain idea into their mind, it is hard to get it out of their mind. Not even you believe the stuff you are writing.

People like you lack the ability to think rationally and probably send a lot of time watching TV and believe everything they see on TV.
No--What I am saying is that that Mixed Race people are Mixed Race people- Period. It doesn't matter how they present themselves, or which identity they select for themselves. If somebody is a Mixed race person, than that is their identity. That mix can be flushed out over many generations, but until that happens, they are Mixed and nothing more. A pizza with half of it with anchovies and the half with only peperoni is not a peperoni pizza.
Well it's either one other dude.

You said someone who passes as black isn't black ?

So someone who passes as black is black then ?

It's either one of the other.
Well it's either one other dude.

You said someone who passes as black isn't black ?

So someone who passes as black is black then ?

It's either one of the other.
No--it isn't. That is like claiming that Purple must be either Red or Blue.
Purple is Purple.
Screenshot 2021-09-21 120816.jpg

People like you lack the ability to think rationally and probably send a lot of time watching TV and believe everything they see on TV.

You must be psychologically projecting here because I haven't had TV since 2006...and claiming that every fact, data sheet, report, or survey is a racist lie--conjured up my some invisible White Suprmeacist conspiracy cabal- if you don't like the findings is-
The epitome of irrationality.



No--it isn't. That is like claiming that Purple must be either Red or Blue. Purple is Purple.

There is no-one you could show me that would treat the colour purple as if it were red or blue

But there many people that would treat the likes of Obama or Naomi Osaka as if they were black.

So terrible analogy
No--it isn't. That is like claiming that Purple must be either Red or Blue. Purple is Purple.

There is no-one you could show me that would treat the colour purple as if it were red or blue

But there many people that would treat the likes of Obama or Naomi Osaka as if they were black.

So terrible analogy
You wrote it in your previous message. You wrote that there is no such thing as a mixed-race person, because it is, "Either one or the other." That is incorrect no matter how you slice it.
People called Obama Black--not because he was black, but because he choose to identify that way for pollical benefits. Most Blacks accepted that because that want to see it that way, and most Whites accepted that to please Blacks. He is a Mulatto or "high Yellow."., but even that term Mulatto isn't used because some people want to deem its use to be offensive. They are who is forcing people to choose. And, which side do they always choose? The Privileged side, of course.

What are Puerto Ricans Black or White? They are largely a mixed-race people, made up of Taino, white, and Black. Are you saying that they must choose to be either Black or white? What about modern day Egyptians? They are a mix of Middle Eastern/Semites, White, and Black.
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  • Love
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People called Obama Black--not because he was black, but because he choose to identify that way for pollical benefits. Most Blacks accepted that because that want to see it that way, and most Whites accepted that to please Blacks. He is a Mulatto., but even that term isn't used because some people want to deem its use offensive. They are forcing people to choose. And, which side do they always choose? The Privileged side, of course.

So basically it comes back to what I said before a person who can pass as black is not black or may not be black

Right ?
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People called Obama Black--not because he was black, but because he choose to identify that way for pollical benefits. Most Blacks accepted that because that want to see it that way, and most Whites accepted that to please Blacks. He is a Mulatto., but even that term isn't used because some people want to deem its use offensive. They are forcing people to choose. And, which side do they always choose? The Privileged side, of course.

Obama would not be a mulatto if he was on Americas most wanted. There would be no calling him a mullatto, no consideration of the white side of his family. Before Obama was president and as an average citizen he was considered black. Therefore he is black.
People called Obama Black--not because he was black, but because he choose to identify that way for pollical benefits. Most Blacks accepted that because that want to see it that way, and most Whites accepted that to please Blacks. He is a Mulatto., but even that term isn't used because some people want to deem its use offensive. They are forcing people to choose. And, which side do they always choose? The Privileged side, of course.

Obama would not be a mulatto if he was on Americas most wanted. There would be no calling him a mullatto, no consideration of the white side of his family. Before Obama was president and as an average citizen he was considered black. Therefore he is black.
That is NOT reality. No matter how you slice it, your hero is Half white.
People called Obama Black--not because he was black, but because he choose to identify that way for pollical benefits. Most Blacks accepted that because that want to see it that way, and most Whites accepted that to please Blacks. He is a Mulatto., but even that term isn't used because some people want to deem its use offensive. They are forcing people to choose. And, which side do they always choose? The Privileged side, of course.

So basically it comes back to what I said before a person who can pass as black is not black or may not be black

Right ?
Is this guy Black or White?
Paul Essien
Screenshot 2021-09-21 134219.jpg
A person who is mixed race is a person who is mixed race.
No one. No where on the planet looks at Obama at anything other than black. I've never heard white man say "Hey you mixed racial son of a b*tch"

Comes back to what I said before. Black men are the only race of men who can reproduce ourselves with any woman.
No one. No where on the planet looks at Obama at anything other than black. I've never heard white man say "Hey you mixed racial son of a b*tch"

Comes back to what I said before. Black men are the only race of men who can reproduce ourselves with any woman.
Sorry--but some abstract guy using a racial epitaph doesn't get to determine biology, that applies to you and your "white man."
And I'll ask you again, is this a Black woman?

She is a mentally ill White women who took jobs as a Black women, including being President of the NAACP.
Here is her real appearance and below that is a photo of her real parents.


So, you Paul Essien ---IM2 explain to me how she is really Black (or not). The world thought she was, other Black people thought she was, she had Jobs due to her presentation as a black women, too.
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Entrapping a thief, huh? Maybe if they weren't a thief, they wouldn't be busted.

In a system of white supremacy. To be black is to be a thief.

Put a Nike truck out front of me and I will walk on by. But, I'm not a thief.

And that's because you have a system of white supremacy that protects you
Everyone is responsible for their own actions, Paul.
If I broke the law, I would be held accountable for my own actions, just like you are.

Yes he white, That you're ancestor. You're father if you wish.

All white people are all albino’s or have albinism, every single one of them.

Like in nature. The white chimps comes from the black chimp.


You should thank me because I'm actually helping you white nationalists. If Whites admitted the truth about what they are that you are infact albino’s. It would help Whites in western society greatly and in understanding themselves and their racist behaviors as a result. White people have a form of albinsim in that they lack significantly the ability to produce melanin in their skin which is what “whiteness” is phenotypically.

Whites are basically blacks/indians racially with OCA-1,2,3; Oculocutaneous albinism expanded and in English; there are several levels of albinism. Mainstream media thinks that albinism is just having red eyes/white hair with extreme pale skin.

These look a lot like “white” people to me. Blonde/yellow hair, blue eyes and extremely pale skin.

There are various types of albinism


Some Albino people don’t produce melanin at all. That’s why they don’t have it in hair or eyes. White and Asian people have less melanin than black people, but it’s there. Your genes simply mutated to your setting after a few hundred/thousand years, and well there ya go. whites 101.

Plus the different eye colour from black people.

Biologically, strictly biologically and physiologically speaking, the fact of having less (and not NONE, because albino people “lack” it) melanin in one’s skin is not “lack”, it is the result of adaptation to less sunny climates. It is the only way to produce vitamin D and others things to make sure you’re healthy. It’s a thousand-year necessary process. Some peoples like the Inuits balanced the lack of vitamin D with a specific diet and their skin remained dark.

What I find perplexing is why whites have a hard time accepting that they are basically albino humans. They are all albino’s hence their whiteness; red hair/blonde hair and green/blue eyes are symptoms and signs of albinism, so virtually all white europeans regardless of country of origin are infact albino’s.

It’s a irrefutable and undisputed fact that ALL WHITES have albinism or are full fledge albino’s. Not only do the albinism markers of classic albinism match that of Whites but Albinism is also highly likely probability when you inbreed amongst a family; is it a coincidence that White geneticists are saying inbreeding CAUSED THE APPEARANCE of White characteristics and appearances? I think not, what White geneticists are really saying indirectly is that Whites are albino’s but they are just not saying it DIRECTLY BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT TO ADMIT IT

Who knew this would lead to a extremely aggressive population establishing political and cultural
hegemony or a global dominance hierarchy based primarily on lies and violence.
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Sorry--but some abstract guy using a racial epitaph doesn't get to determine biology, that applies to you and your "white man."And I'll ask you again, is this a Black woman?

That's Rachel Dozeal. She is white and just put dark on make up to look darker. She does not have a black mother or father and lets be honest Rachel Dozelal was WAY more attractive when she blackened up. I can't blame her


Remember black people can produce black and white babies. White men can only reproduce themselves with white women. Black men are the only race of men who can reproduce ourselves with any woman

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