Death of a people

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Feb 25, 2012
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Israeli genocide continues apace. You would think they had learned nothing from the Holocaust and particularly from the Warsaw Ghetto !!!

Amendments made to the report reduced the amount of lands Bedouins will receive to 100,000 dunam.

The government's approval of the plan stirred a firestorm of controversy. The Adallah legal center claims the legislation violates the fundamental rights of Bedouins and will see "tens of thousands uprooted from their homes and the destruction of many villages."

Dr. Thabet Abu Rass said that "the Israeli government has declared war on the Bedouins in the Negev. The government's approval of the report proves it sees the Bedouins as a security issue and not as equal citizens."

The Bedouin once roamed over 12,172,944 dunam and now Israel wishes to put them on reservations that are 100,000 dunam.

The PM further added, "The attempts of a loud and violent minority to deprive a bigger community of a better future is very severe."

Seems I have heard this song before.

Quotes are from this article:

Protesters clash with police over Bedouin resettlement plan - Israel News, Ynetnews
What is more amazing is that you are trying to divert from Israel's responsibility in failing to preserve and protect a culture native to the region. Other countries have, over the years, began to realize the importance of doing so and acknowledge their failures and wrong doings. Israel, however, seems determined, in their lust for land and their disregard for native people, to compel the Bedouin to travel their own "Trail of Tears".

The Bedouin have served Israel well and deserve Israel's respect for the Bedouin culture and lifestyle. Walls are not made only out of brick and mortar, or should I say "seperation barrier" and Israel should be, and someday will be, ashamed of their treatment of these noble and loyal people.
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Zionist/israeli/jews are the new nazis.

It's amazing how the Jew haters conveniently overlook the mass killings that are going on in Muslim countries. People like Alfalfa would have made top notch guards in a concentration camp.

What is more amazing is that you are trying to divert from Israel's responsibility in failing to preserve and protect a culture native to the region. Other countries have, over the years, began to realize the importance of doing so and acknowledge their failures and wrong doings. Israel, however, seems determined, in their lust for land and their disregard for native people, to compel the Bedouin to travel their own "Trail of Tears".

The Bedouin have served Israel well and deserve Israel's respect for the Bedouin culture and lifestyle. Walls are not made only out of brick and mortar, or should I say "seperation barrier" and Israel should be, and someday will be, ashamed of their treatment of these noble and loyal people.

Since this is the Middle East Forum, which naturally takes in a lot of countries in the Arab world, why are you not criticizing what is happening to the Christian Copts whose ancestors were originally in that area before the Arabs invaded that country, forcing many of the Copts to convert and killing many who refused. It appears that the Muslims want to clear the country of these Copts, and you are so busy bashing Israel that you forget about these people. In the same vein, you also seem to be forgetting all the Christians and even Muslims who are being killed in the Syrian War. We all are aware of how the Muslims are busy killing other Muslims because of their sect in many places, but you are so silent about this on a Middle East forum. Maybe all the people who are being murdered are no concern of yours because the Jews/Israelis can't be brought into the equation. Additionally, I would think that the issue of the Israelis and the Beduoins would be something posted on the Israel/Palestine forum. It appears that some posters are loathe to post on that board for some reason and feel they have to bash Israel on this forum.
It's amazing how the Jew haters conveniently overlook the mass killings that are going on in Muslim countries. People like Alfalfa would have made top notch guards in a concentration camp.

What is more amazing is that you are trying to divert from Israel's responsibility in failing to preserve and protect a culture native to the region. Other countries have, over the years, began to realize the importance of doing so and acknowledge their failures and wrong doings. Israel, however, seems determined, in their lust for land and their disregard for native people, to compel the Bedouin to travel their own "Trail of Tears".

The Bedouin have served Israel well and deserve Israel's respect for the Bedouin culture and lifestyle. Walls are not made only out of brick and mortar, or should I say "seperation barrier" and Israel should be, and someday will be, ashamed of their treatment of these noble and loyal people.

Since this is the Middle East Forum, which naturally takes in a lot of countries in the Arab world, why are you not criticizing what is happening to the Christian Copts whose ancestors were originally in that area before the Arabs invaded that country, forcing many of the Copts to convert and killing many who refused. It appears that the Muslims want to clear the country of these Copts, and you are so busy bashing Israel that you forget about these people. In the same vein, you also seem to be forgetting all the Christians and even Muslims who are being killed in the Syrian War. We all are aware of how the Muslims are busy killing other Muslims because of their sect in many places, but you are so silent about this on a Middle East forum. Maybe all the people who are being murdered are no concern of yours because the Jews/Israelis can't be brought into the equation. Additionally, I would think that the issue of the Israelis and the Beduoins would be something posted on the Israel/Palestine forum. It appears that some posters are loathe to post on that board for some reason and feel they have to bash Israel on this forum.

So in other words, israel is not to be discussed in the Mideast Forum?

As for the bolded part, You know, as opposed to the MIDEAST FORUM.
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It's amazing how the Jew haters conveniently overlook the mass killings that are going on in Muslim countries. People like Alfalfa would have made top notch guards in a concentration camp.
Even the head of Mossad has stated that Israeli policy toward Palestine is a national security problem for America. Terrorists use this humanitarian disaster as a recruiting tool. And, when America talks to other nations, these other nations point to our connection with Israel and call BS on our claims of interest in peace and our ideas on a better way.

Get that? Israel is a roadblock against American success in doing what you are suggesting.

If we can't convince Israel to follow a moral and democratic path, why would you think other nations in the region would do so?

Surely you aren't claiming that Israel is WORSE than the rest in the region, right?

America needs Israel to end its program of ethnic cleansing.
How nice of Patrick the way he overlooks all the vulgarities which anti Israel people post; these he does not consider rude and crude. Patrick wants me to address whatever topics are against the Israelis, but has anyone ever seen Patrick address what is happening to Christianity in the Middle East that even the Pope is very concerned. All those Christians being murdered en masse and Patrick conveniently closes his eyes to it. Moreoever, this is the Middle East forum which is the perfect place for Patrick to talk about the Pope's concerns about what is happening to the Christians in the Middle East.. You and your are very tedious, Patrick, because we have heard the same old nonsense from people just like you throughout the years on forums.
"...address what is happening to Christianity in the Middle East that even the Pope is very concerned."

We need Israel to do its part. We sponsor Israel in multiple highly visible ways. Asking others to stop atrocities when our key ally in the region is continuing their atrocities next door leads to us being ineffective.

What needs to happen to have Israel stop its program of ethnic cleansing???
Zionist/israeli/jews are the new nazis.

It's amazing how the Jew haters conveniently overlook the mass killings that are going on in Muslim countries. People like Alfalfa would have made top notch guards in a concentration camp.

What is more amazing is that you are trying to divert from Israel's responsibility in failing to preserve and protect a culture native to the region. Other countries have, over the years, began to realize the importance of doing so and acknowledge their failures and wrong doings. Israel, however, seems determined, in their lust for land and their disregard for native people, to compel the Bedouin to travel their own "Trail of Tears".

The Bedouin have served Israel well and deserve Israel's respect for the Bedouin culture and lifestyle. Walls are not made only out of brick and mortar, or should I say "seperation barrier" and Israel should be, and someday will be, ashamed of their treatment of these noble and loyal people.

Wall between WHAT??

There are no walls between Jews and Bedouins!
How nice of Patrick the way he overlooks all the vulgarities which anti Israel people post; these he does not consider rude and crude. Patrick wants me to address whatever topics are against the Israelis, but has anyone ever seen Patrick address what is happening to Christianity in the Middle East that even the Pope is very concerned. All those Christians being murdered en masse and Patrick conveniently closes his eyes to it. Moreoever, this is the Middle East forum which is the perfect place for Patrick to talk about the Pope's concerns about what is happening to the Christians in the Middle East.. You and your are very tedious, Patrick, because we have heard the same old nonsense from people just like you throughout the years on forums.
"...address what is happening to Christianity in the Middle East that even the Pope is very concerned."

We need Israel to do its part. We sponsor Israel in multiple highly visible ways. Asking others to stop atrocities when our key ally in the region is continuing their atrocities next door leads to us being ineffective.

What needs to happen to have Israel stop its program of ethnic cleansing???

There is no ethnic cleansing in Israel. There is a war between two nations which their worlds collide.
Israeli genocide continues apace. You would think they had learned nothing from the Holocaust and particularly from the Warsaw Ghetto !!!

Amendments made to the report reduced the amount of lands Bedouins will receive to 100,000 dunam.

The government's approval of the plan stirred a firestorm of controversy. The Adallah legal center claims the legislation violates the fundamental rights of Bedouins and will see "tens of thousands uprooted from their homes and the destruction of many villages."

Dr. Thabet Abu Rass said that "the Israeli government has declared war on the Bedouins in the Negev. The government's approval of the report proves it sees the Bedouins as a security issue and not as equal citizens."

The Bedouin once roamed over 12,172,944 dunam and now Israel wishes to put them on reservations that are 100,000 dunam.

The PM further added, "The attempts of a loud and violent minority to deprive a bigger community of a better future is very severe."

Seems I have heard this song before.

Quotes are from this article:

Protesters clash with police over Bedouin resettlement plan - Israel News, Ynetnews

I'd try and explain the subject to you, but you're so filled up by propaganda I have the feeling I'd be wasting time.

Normal propaganda trash is that OP, btw,
It's amazing how the Jew haters conveniently overlook the mass killings that are going on in Muslim countries. People like Alfalfa would have made top notch guards in a concentration camp.
Even the head of Mossad has stated that Israeli policy toward Palestine is a national security problem for America. Terrorists use this humanitarian disaster as a recruiting tool. And, when America talks to other nations, these other nations point to our connection with Israel and call BS on our claims of interest in peace and our ideas on a better way.

Get that? Israel is a roadblock against American success in doing what you are suggesting.

If we can't convince Israel to follow a moral and democratic path, why would you think other nations in the region would do so?

Surely you aren't claiming that Israel is WORSE than the rest in the region, right?

America needs Israel to end its program of ethnic cleansing.

We have heard that one before about Mossad. In fact, we have heard so many things ad nauseam. When the Israelis start murdering people en masse like we see in many other countries in the Middle East as well as other parts of the world, why not then get back to castigating Israel? If there were no Jews governing Israel but Hindus or Buddhists instead you would still see the Muslims trying to derstroy the little state. They believe that only Muslims should be ruling in the Middle East. Furthermore, you seem to overlook the many Muslims who have said that democracy is incompatible with Islam. I wonder if Mr.Readmore can tell us if Israel is the fault of the Sunnis and Shia suicide and car bombing each other all the time. I certainly can't figure out how Isreal can be responsible for this all over the Muslim world.
How nice of Patrick the way he overlooks all the vulgarities which anti Israel people post; these he does not consider rude and crude. Patrick wants me to address whatever topics are against the Israelis, but has anyone ever seen Patrick address what is happening to Christianity in the Middle East that even the Pope is very concerned. All those Christians being murdered en masse and Patrick conveniently closes his eyes to it. Moreoever, this is the Middle East forum which is the perfect place for Patrick to talk about the Pope's concerns about what is happening to the Christians in the Middle East.. You and your are very tedious, Patrick, because we have heard the same old nonsense from people just like you throughout the years on forums.

"...address what is happening to Christianity in the Middle East that even the Pope is very concerned."

We need Israel to do its part. We sponsor Israel in multiple highly visible ways. Asking others to stop atrocities when our key ally in the region is continuing their atrocities next door leads to us being ineffective.

What needs to happen to have Israel stop its program of ethnic cleansing???

Yes, let us equate all the killings in the other Muslim countries to the "atrocities" that Israel is supposedly doing. Why are you not asking all the Muslim countries in the Middle East to do their part in convincing their population that every human being should have the right to their religious beliefs without being murdered. Isn't it strange that there are groups of even Muslims for Israel, but apparently Mr. Readmore doesn't want to join them? All people like Mr. Readmore and his fellow travelers want to think the worse of Israel, and close their eyes to what is happening elsewhere. That is why you never see them posting any articles about what is going on in other Middle East country even here on a Middle East forum. Every day people are being murdered in the Middle East, and it is like a code of silence among some on this Middle East forum.
Since this is the Middle East Forum, which naturally takes in a lot of countries in the Arab world, why are you not criticizing what is happening to the Christian Copts whose ancestors were originally in that area before the Arabs invaded that country,
Okay Sally, I'll bite......"who were the Coptic Christian's ancestors?" .... :cool:
Since this is the Middle East Forum, which naturally takes in a lot of countries in the Arab world, why are you not criticizing what is happening to the Christian Copts whose ancestors were originally in that area before the Arabs invaded that country,

Okay Sally, I'll bite......"who were the Coptic Christian's ancestors?" .... :cool:

They were probably the ancient Egyptians, just like those on the Arabian Peninsula were pagans worshipping some moon god before your Prophet moved in on them. No doubt, Sunni Man, as a good Sunni Muslim now, has no problem with what his fellow Sunnis are doing to the Copts, the same way he has no problems with what they are doing to others in the Muslim world even when it comes to Muslims of different sects. No wonder the Ahmadiyya say the only place they feel safe is her in America because they realize how the Sunnis are always after them, even in places like Great Britain..
Since this is the Middle East Forum, which naturally takes in a lot of countries in the Arab world, why are you not criticizing what is happening to the Christian Copts whose ancestors were originally in that area before the Arabs invaded that country,

Okay Sally, I'll bite......"who were the Coptic Christian's ancestors?" .... :cool:

They were probably the ancient Egyptians, just like those on the Arabian Peninsula were pagans worshipping some moon god before your Prophet moved in on them.
Again, who do you say were the ancient Coptic Christians were?

In Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, etc. the ancient Coptic Christian were arabs. .. :cool:
Okay Sally, I'll bite......"who were the Coptic Christian's ancestors?" .... :cool:

They were probably the ancient Egyptians, just like those on the Arabian Peninsula were pagans worshipping some moon god before your Prophet moved in on them.
Again, who do you say were the ancient Coptic Christians were?

In Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, etc. the ancient Coptic Christian were arabs. .. :cool:

Gee, and here i thought that the Arabs were from the Saudi Arabian Peninsula and left that Peninsula to invade the surrounding countries. I don't believe those people there considered themselves as Arabs. Maybe you could talk to some Copts, Assyrians and Chaldeans and ask them about this. Tell us about how the Arabs invaded Iran and what the Persians thought of that. Maybe that is why so many Iranians say they are Persian and not Arabs.
They were probably the ancient Egyptians, just like those on the Arabian Peninsula were pagans worshipping some moon god before your Prophet moved in on them.
Again, who do you say were the ancient Coptic Christians were?

In Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, etc. the ancient Coptic Christian were arabs. .. :cool:

Gee, and here i thought that the Arabs were from the Saudi Arabian Peninsula and left that Peninsula to invade the surrounding countries. I don't believe those people there considered themselves as Arabs. Maybe you could talk to some Copts, Assyrians and Chaldeans and ask them about this. Tell us about how the Arabs invaded Iran and what the Persians thought of that. Maybe that is why so many Iranians say they are Persian and not Arabs.
If you happen to notice I didn't include the Iranians.

Geeeze you are such a nitwit. ... :cuckoo:
How nice of Patrick the way he overlooks all the vulgarities which anti Israel people post; these he does not consider rude and crude. Patrick wants me to address whatever topics are against the Israelis, but has anyone ever seen Patrick address what is happening to Christianity in the Middle East that even the Pope is very concerned. All those Christians being murdered en masse and Patrick conveniently closes his eyes to it. Moreoever, this is the Middle East forum which is the perfect place for Patrick to talk about the Pope's concerns about what is happening to the Christians in the Middle East.. You and your are very tedious, Patrick, because we have heard the same old nonsense from people just like you throughout the years on forums.
"...address what is happening to Christianity in the Middle East that even the Pope is very concerned."

We need Israel to do its part. We sponsor Israel in multiple highly visible ways. Asking others to stop atrocities when our key ally in the region is continuing their atrocities next door leads to us being ineffective.

What needs to happen to have Israel stop its program of ethnic cleansing???

There is no ethnic cleansing in Israel. There is a war between two nations which their worlds collide.
This is a serious subject.

Let's try to stay rational here.

There most definitely is ethnic cleansing going on in West Bank, being carried out by Israel. All you have to do is look at the maps and listen to the news.

We in America know full well what it means to round up the natives and move them to some restricted location. We did it, too. But, that is NOT a justification.
Again, who do you say were the ancient Coptic Christians were?

In Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, etc. the ancient Coptic Christian were arabs. .. :cool:

Gee, and here i thought that the Arabs were from the Saudi Arabian Peninsula and left that Peninsula to invade the surrounding countries. I don't believe those people there considered themselves as Arabs. Maybe you could talk to some Copts, Assyrians and Chaldeans and ask them about this. Tell us about how the Arabs invaded Iran and what the Persians thought of that. Maybe that is why so many Iranians say they are Persian and not Arabs.
If you happen to notice I didn't include the Iranians.

Geeeze you are such a nitwit. ... :cuckoo:

I think the nitwit here is you, Sunni Man, although I realize it makes a little man feel good about himself calling people that. Go to an Assyrian Church in your area and ask them if they considered themselves Arabs or descendents of the early Christians in the Middle East. In fact, there are Assyrians who are taking classes in Aramaic to be able to speak in the same tongue as Jesus did.
"...address what is happening to Christianity in the Middle East that even the Pope is very concerned."

We need Israel to do its part. We sponsor Israel in multiple highly visible ways. Asking others to stop atrocities when our key ally in the region is continuing their atrocities next door leads to us being ineffective.

What needs to happen to have Israel stop its program of ethnic cleansing???

There is no ethnic cleansing in Israel. There is a war between two nations which their worlds collide.
This is a serious subject.

Let's try to stay rational here.

There most definitely is ethnic cleansing going on in West Bank, being carried out by Israel. All you have to do is look at the maps and listen to the news.

We in America know full well what it means to round up the natives and move them to some restricted location. We did it, too. But, that is NOT a justification.

There is no ethnic cleansing anywhere in Israel done by Israel. I look at the map and see Israel separating itself from the Palestinians because the Palestinians want Israel destroyed.

Palestinian propaganda won't change the truth.
We have heard that one before about Mossad. In fact, we have heard so many things ad nauseam. When the Israelis start murdering people en masse like we see in many other countries in the Middle East as well as other parts of the world, why not then get back to castigating Israel? If there were no Jews governing Israel but Hindus or Buddhists instead you would still see the Muslims trying to derstroy the little state. They believe that only Muslims should be ruling in the Middle East. Furthermore, you seem to overlook the many Muslims who have said that democracy is incompatible with Islam. I wonder if Mr.Readmore can tell us if Israel is the fault of the Sunnis and Shia suicide and car bombing each other all the time. I certainly can't figure out how Isreal can be responsible for this all over the Muslim world.

Israel is responsible for the ethnic cleansing it is carrying out in West Bank.

Your comments on what "Muslims" say is obvious nonsense. The UN Security Council has stated that Palestine has achieved a level of government required for being an independent nation.

Israel is at fault for stealing land and ethnic cleansing in West Bank. That has NOTHING to do with security.
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