Dear GOP, Remember the "PROMISE" about cheap Iraqi gas and oil? Oops!

What was the reason again?

Mushroom clouds?

I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

Saddam killed "millions" of people? Millions? You sure? You might want to "rethink" that statement.

It hasn't been THAT long since I heard some high level Dems say that those who earn $250k or more are millionaires. Three hundred thousand dead at the hands of Saddam and his underlings should merit the same relative assessment of importance IMO.
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Remember the whole reason we went there was for cheap gas from Iraq? Oops another lie.

What was the reason again?

Mushroom clouds?

I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

I don't recall any such statement out of the Bush administration; that was a canard thrown up by the left to accuse Bush of doing it just for oil. There were many reasons, and that wasn't one of them. all are saying that invading and occupying Iraq was the right thing to do and was worth the cost in lives?

Please answer....
I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

Saddam killed "millions" of people? Millions? You sure? You might want to "rethink" that statement.

over half a million is a more accurate figure.

IRAQ: Deaths under Saddam Hussein
Along with other human rights organizations, The Documental Centre for Human Rights in Iraq has compiled documentation on over 600,000 civilian executions in Iraq. Human Rights Watch reports that in one operation alone, the Anfal, Saddam killed 100,000 Kurdish Iraqis. Another 500,000 are estimated to have died in Saddam's needless war with Iran. Coldly taken as a daily average for the 24 years of Saddam's reign, these numbers give us a horrifying picture of between 70 and 125 civilian deaths per day for every one of Saddam's 8,000-odd days in power"

I'm no fan of Saddam, but I am a fan of the truth. Your link was weak and it links to another post that's not even there anymore.

As far a the Kurds, many in the Middle East believe around 5,000 were killed by the Iranians using poison gas during their 8 year war. Others think that Iraq tried to use the gas on the Iranians, but being incompetent, the wind blew the gas back to the Kurds.

We know the right wing will latch on to anything written they believe supports their dangerous agenda.

Recent examples:

Keystone will bring in a million jobs.

Obama took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day and included 32 warships and a carrier.

There is less drilling and more regulations under Obama than Bush.

The list is endless. You have to do better if you make such a claim.
Actually it was the radical left that said the Iraq conflict would result in cheaper gas. Democrats who signed on to boots on the ground became traitors when they thought the conflict would bring cheaper oil to the US. Who could forget traitor Harry Reid trying to get the US Troops to throw down their weapons when he used the power of the US Senate to tell them "the war is lost". Who could forget left wing democrats giggling about the full page ad in the NY Times calling the US commander "betray-us" or senator Kerry calling Soldiers "terrorists" or congressman Murtha calling Marines "murderers"?


Of course. Now I understand.
What was the reason again?

Mushroom clouds?

I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

I don't recall any such statement out of the Bush administration; that was a canard thrown up by the left to accuse Bush of doing it just for oil. There were many reasons, and that wasn't one of them. all are saying that invading and occupying Iraq was the right thing to do and was worth the cost in lives?

Please answer....

My answer is no... the rules of engagement have been wrong from the start and I say we shouldnt go if we dont intend to do it right.

All this 'winning their hearts and minds' BS is just that BULLSHIT.
As far a the Kurds, many in the Middle East believe around 5,000 were killed by the Iranians using poison gas during their 8 year war. Others think that Iraq tried to use the gas on the Iranians, but being incompetent, the wind blew the gas back to the Kurds.

This statement alone is enough for me to know that you are one dumb ass Mo Fo.... Jeez, I thought I had seen the limits to your stupidity, but you amaze me
I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

I don't recall any such statement out of the Bush administration; that was a canard thrown up by the left to accuse Bush of doing it just for oil. There were many reasons, and that wasn't one of them. all are saying that invading and occupying Iraq was the right thing to do and was worth the cost in lives?

Please answer....

My answer is no... the rules of engagement have been wrong from the start and I say we shouldnt go if we dont intend to do it right.

All this 'winning their hearts and minds' BS is just that BULLSHIT.

Unfortunately it looks like American Horse and Leweman disagree. :eusa_whistle: all are saying that invading and occupying Iraq was the right thing to do and was worth the cost in lives?

Please answer....

My answer is no... the rules of engagement have been wrong from the start and I say we shouldnt go if we dont intend to do it right.

All this 'winning their hearts and minds' BS is just that BULLSHIT.

Unfortunately it looks like American Horse and Leweman disagree. :eusa_whistle:

And they are free to if they choose to. That's the beauty of our Republic. We are free to disagree with one another and yet can live side by side and work together for our common good.
Remember the whole reason we went there was for cheap gas from Iraq? Oops another lie.

What was the reason again?

Mushroom clouds?

I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

And that is a lie. And not everyone believed that they had those weopons. The Inspectors were finding nothing, and stating that. Bush told them to get out, that he was going in anyway. The lies told by Bush and company cost us the lives of 4500+ of our sons and daughters and 3 trillion in national treasure.
Actually it was the radical left that said the Iraq conflict would result in cheaper gas. Democrats who signed on to boots on the ground became traitors when they thought the conflict would bring cheaper oil to the US. Who could forget traitor Harry Reid trying to get the US Troops to throw down their weapons when he used the power of the US Senate to tell them "the war is lost". Who could forget left wing democrats giggling about the full page ad in the NY Times calling the US commander "betray-us" or senator Kerry calling Soldiers "terrorists" or congressman Murtha calling Marines "murderers"?


Of course. Now I understand.

I highly doubt you do, though I wish you would attempt to.
What was the reason again?

Mushroom clouds?

I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

And that is a lie. And not everyone believed that they had those weopons. The Inspectors were finding nothing, and stating that. Bush told them to get out, that he was going in anyway. The lies told by Bush and company cost us the lives of 4500+ of our sons and daughters and 3 trillion in national treasure.

That was several years ago, and yes, Democrat and Republican ALL told us they had those weapons. Put down the KoolAid long enough to realize that BOTH sides lie to further the plan. Aren't we supposed to be beyond that now? If we can't get BEYOND that fact we're fucking DOOMED!!

Wake the FUCK UP!!
What was the reason again?

Mushroom clouds?

I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

I don't recall any such statement out of the Bush administration; that was a canard thrown up by the left to accuse Bush of doing it just for oil. There were many reasons, and that wasn't one of them. all are saying that invading and occupying Iraq was the right thing to do and was worth the cost in lives?

Please answer....
I think the final history of that, and whether or not "it was worth it" is yet to be written. Here's what Feisal Istrabadi had to say (Nov 2010) in part:

" . . . the Obama administration is trying to force what it perceives as the easiest path to a new government in Iraq – even if it is pro-Iranian – not because it is in the US national interest, but to enable it to head for the exits more quickly in advance of the president’s re-election campaign.

The administration’s policy in Iraq is now strengthening Iran regionally at the expense of America’s Arab allies, undermining America’s own efforts to forge a Middle East peace, and weakening Iraq’s nascent democracy. It is difficult to imagine a worse set of outcomes for US national security interests in this vital region."

Comment is by Feisal Amin Rasoul al-Istrabadi, Director of the Center for the Study of the Middle East at Indiana University, served as Iraq’s Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 2004-2007, and was principal legal drafter of its 2004 interim constitution.
Saddam killed "millions" of people? Millions? You sure? You might want to "rethink" that statement.

over half a million is a more accurate figure.

IRAQ: Deaths under Saddam Hussein
Along with other human rights organizations, The Documental Centre for Human Rights in Iraq has compiled documentation on over 600,000 civilian executions in Iraq. Human Rights Watch reports that in one operation alone, the Anfal, Saddam killed 100,000 Kurdish Iraqis. Another 500,000 are estimated to have died in Saddam's needless war with Iran. Coldly taken as a daily average for the 24 years of Saddam's reign, these numbers give us a horrifying picture of between 70 and 125 civilian deaths per day for every one of Saddam's 8,000-odd days in power"

I'm no fan of Saddam, but I am a fan of the truth. Your link was weak and it links to another post that's not even there anymore.

As far a the Kurds, many in the Middle East believe around 5,000 were killed by the Iranians using poison gas during their 8 year war. Others think that Iraq tried to use the gas on the Iranians, but being incompetent, the wind blew the gas back to the Kurds.

We know the right wing will latch on to anything written they believe supports their dangerous agenda.

Recent examples:

Keystone will bring in a million jobs.

Obama took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day and included 32 warships and a carrier.

There is less drilling and more regulations under Obama than Bush.

The list is endless. You have to do better if you make such a claim.

Saddam’s mass graves
Official Iraqi documents recovered after the fall of Saddam regime suggest a staggering 5 million executions were made during Baath era alone. Over 10 million were also imprisoned. They were all Shias save a small percentage of Kurds. It is also very interesting to note that after the 1991 Shia uprising over 300,000 were killed or captured never to be seen again, but there were no injured.

How Many People Has Hussein Killed? -
The largest number of deaths attributable to Mr. Hussein's regime resulted from the war between Iraq and Iran between 1980 and 1988, which was launched by Mr. Hussein. Iraq says its own toll was 500,000, and Iran's reckoning ranges upward of 300,000.
Accounts collected by Western human rights groups from Iraqi émigrés and defectors have suggested that the number of those who have "disappeared" into the hands of the secret police, never to be heard from again, could be 200,000.

Confederate Yankee: Liberal Math
Along with other human rights organizations, The Documental Centre for Human Rights in Iraq has compiled documentation on over 600,000 civilian executions in Iraq. Human Rights Watch reports that in one operation alone, the Anfal, Saddam killed 100,000 Kurdish Iraqis. Another 500,000 are estimated to have died in Saddam's needless war with Iran. Coldly taken as a daily average for the 24 years of Saddam's reign, these numbers give us a horrifying picture of between 70 and 125 civilian deaths per day for every one of Saddam's 8,000-odd days in power.
As far a the Kurds, many in the Middle East believe around 5,000 were killed by the Iranians using poison gas during their 8 year war. Others think that Iraq tried to use the gas on the Iranians, but being incompetent, the wind blew the gas back to the Kurds.

This statement alone is enough for me to know that you are one dumb ass Mo Fo.... Jeez, I thought I had seen the limits to your stupidity, but you amaze me

Why would you say that?

Allegations of Iranian involvement
An investigation into responsibility for the Halabja massacre, by Dr Jean Pascal Zanders, Project Leader of the Chemical and Biological Warfare Project at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute concluded in 2007 that Iraq was the culprit, and not Iran. The U.S. State Department, however, in the immediate aftermath of the incident, took the official position based on examination of available evidence that Iran was partly to blame.[13]
A preliminary Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) study at the time reported that it was Iran that was responsible for the attack, an assessment which was used subsequently by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for much of the early 1990s. The CIA's senior political analyst for the Iran-Iraq war, Stephen C. Pelletiere, co-authored an unclassified analysis of the war[25] which contained a brief summary of the DIA study's key points.

Halabja poison gas attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

And that is a lie. And not everyone believed that they had those weopons. The Inspectors were finding nothing, and stating that. Bush told them to get out, that he was going in anyway. The lies told by Bush and company cost us the lives of 4500+ of our sons and daughters and 3 trillion in national treasure.

That was several years ago, and yes, Democrat and Republican ALL told us they had those weapons. Put down the KoolAid long enough to realize that BOTH sides lie to further the plan. Aren't we supposed to be beyond that now? If we can't get BEYOND that fact we're fucking DOOMED!!

Wake the FUCK UP!!

Democrats didn't invade Iraq. Republicans pressured them to support that illegal invasion. "You are with us or with the terrorists". Despicable that one party would do such a thing that led to the deaths and maiming of 10's of thousands of Americans. Truly despicable.

And then to try to shift the blame? Really despicable.
Gas was cheaper. In 2008 the price was 1.89
At the end of Obama's 1st year it was 2.49.
Now it's 3.79.
Ever since Obama got into office the price of gas has gone up.
What was the reason again?

Mushroom clouds?

I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

Saddam killed "millions" of people? Millions? You sure? You might want to "rethink" that statement.

You and Ahmadinejad should get together for lunch and circle jerk. He discounts the holocaust. You'd be two peas in a pod.
What was the reason again?

Mushroom clouds?

I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

And that is a lie. And not everyone believed that they had those weopons. The Inspectors were finding nothing, and stating that. Bush told them to get out, that he was going in anyway. The lies told by Bush and company cost us the lives of 4500+ of our sons and daughters and 3 trillion in national treasure.

Company meaning Cheney and Haliburton of course.

The real reason for the invasion: The Republicans needed a war to rally behind and Haliburton needed money.

I wonder how many billions they made from it, bilking the taxpayers.
Might I suggest you have a look at what other nations pay for gas? Gas in the USA is ridiculously cheap by comparison to the vast majority of them.


Just got back from New Zealand where they pay over $7.00/gallon.

Americans whine about expensive gas when they have no idea how cheap it is here compared to the rest of the world.

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