Deadly Missile Strike in Northwest Pakistan


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
Pakistani intelligence officials say at least eight people have been killed in a suspected U.S. missile strike in northwest Pakistan.

Officials say the attack occurred Monday in the South Waziristan tribal region near the border with Afghanistan. Two vehicles were destroyed in the attacks, killing all eight people.

The region is considered a stronghold of Taliban and al-Qaida militants. There have been a series of missile strikes targeting alleged militants in northwest Pakistan in recent months.

USAF photo of a MQ-1L Predator UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) armed with AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, 2006 file photo
The strikes are widely believed to be from U.S. drones - unmanned, remote-controlled aircraft. Washington has refused to confirm or deny responsibility.

Media reports say the United States has carried out about 30 air strikes in Pakistan this year.

The Pakistani government has publicly condemned the air strikes, saying they undermine Pakistan's counter-terrorism efforts.

VOA News - Deadly Missile Strike in Northwest Pakistan

what are your feelings on the us crossing into a supposed ally (hacks up fur ball) nation to stop the killing of us soldiers?

myself, hunt the rats down ...
I think Pakistan ought to decalre those areas where they cannot control the comings and goings of the terrorists a free fire zone.

That or we ought to get the hell out of Iraq and let the Iraqi and Paki's deal with these folks themselves.

The moment American are gone those so called terrorists are going to go after their governments.

That's really what this so called war of terror is really all about, after all.

Controlling the Islamic world.
To me it would be no different if London launched an attack on Boston in response to its being a stronghold for IRA militants. That is, unacceptable.
We need to KILL Radical Islam anywhere and everywhere it is found in the world. Radical Islam's goal is to kill everybody who does not convert to their religion. I say kill all of them before they try to kill us.

We should never again be caught standing around waiting for a terrorist attack. Let them hide in total fear that we are going to kill them sooner or later.

Pakistani intelligence officials say at least eight people have been killed in a suspected U.S. missile strike in northwest Pakistan.

Officials say the attack occurred Monday in the South Waziristan tribal region near the border with Afghanistan. Two vehicles were destroyed in the attacks, killing all eight people.

The region is considered a stronghold of Taliban and al-Qaida militants. There have been a series of missile strikes targeting alleged militants in northwest Pakistan in recent months.

USAF photo of a MQ-1L Predator UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) armed with AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, 2006 file photo
The strikes are widely believed to be from U.S. drones - unmanned, remote-controlled aircraft. Washington has refused to confirm or deny responsibility.

Media reports say the United States has carried out about 30 air strikes in Pakistan this year.

The Pakistani government has publicly condemned the air strikes, saying they undermine Pakistan's counter-terrorism efforts.

VOA News - Deadly Missile Strike in Northwest Pakistan

what are your feelings on the us crossing into a supposed ally (hacks up fur ball) nation to stop the killing of us soldiers?

myself, hunt the rats down ...

a disingenuous line: "what are your feelings on the us crossing into a supposed ally (hacks up fur ball) nation to stop the killing of us soldiers?"
We are not bombing the targets for that reason or that reason alone. That is like saying needed to go into Iraq because of WMD.

I am not for frustrating Afghanistan's counter terrorism efforts, but the enemy needs to be targeted and if Afghanistan is too unstable to do it when we have the targets in sight ... bombs away.
but I know we will pay a price for these violations of trust and treaties. the law of unintended consequences will come back to bite us in the ass. I just happen to think it may be worth the price.

adive to you: be honest and screw the hyperbole and deceit. I agreed with you while not denying the costs and acknowledging we are doing wrong in the name of a right
Attacking and killing supposed militants inside Pakistan is a stupid policy.

Pakistan has a population of 172,000,000 million people. Killing 8 people is hardly something to brag about.

This action only infuriates the Pakistanian people. For every 1 militant killed, we have created a thousand more.
I think that we could be making the same mistake in Pakistan that Israel is making in Gaza. Its a very difficult situation to find a solution to. However, too often the US Military is put under more head than the militants in Pakistan. When was the last time that Pakistan sincerely condemned the militants within their own nation? It is obviously that some elements of the Pakistani government are in support of terrorism, or at least maintaining a good comfort level for terrorist to operate within Northern Pakistan.

Attacking and killing supposed militants inside Pakistan is a stupid policy.

Pakistan has a population of 172,000,000 million people. Killing 8 people is hardly something to brag about.

This action only infuriates the Pakistanian people. For every 1 militant killed, we have created a thousand more.

Its very easy to point the finger at NATO forces. Surely innocent people have been killed in these missile strikes. Also, I agree that the brightest military minds in the world should be able to find a better solution. But, if you're going to criticize, why not present a solution? What would your reaction to insurgency in Afghanistan coming from the tribal regions.
I think that it's good that the US is doing it. In fact, I think they should just send a couple of nukes to clear the area.

I mean, it's not like that might... you know, totally radicalize the population and bring about the unceremonious crash of the fledgling democracy, simultaneously producing a gigantic failed state (the third in the region). And then, who knows, maybe that's exactly what America needs to get it's act together again. This time it won't be a trillion dollar war, but a three trillion dollar war. I mean, everyone can get employment building bombs and granades, huh?

Sounds peachy. Keep at it, boys.
To me it would be no different if London launched an attack on Boston in response to its being a stronghold for IRA militants. That is, unacceptable.

That's a pretty far off analogy. Maybe we should try to be a bit more realistic in regards of military power comparison, relations, culture, and the actual situation. A better analogy would be if the United State allegedly sponsored terrorist attacks against Moscow, killing 2000 of their citizens. Then, US turns around and provides a stronghold in Boston for the terrorist leader who organized the attack. US refuses to allow the area to be searched and refuses to cooperate in anyway. Would it be unacceptable for Russia to declare war on the United States or launch missile strikes on Boston to initiate war?
Would it be unacceptable for Russia to declare war on the United States or launch missile strikes on Boston to initiate war?

That analogy is flawed. The Pakistani government's official position is to condemn the rebels in the western provinces. You have to remember... The Taliban represents an INFINITELY greater threat to the Pakistani government's survival than it could ever DREAM of representing to the Americans. It is in Pakistan's best interest to deal with the rebels, but we're talking about a dirt poor shithole with a months-old democracy. You say that the previous analogy doesn't take into account power relations, but the power relations between Russia and the US are a little more even than between the US and Pakistan. I mean, to claim that Pakistan is somehow "refusing to cooperate" doesn't make any sense, if by "cooperating" you mean actually trying to impose its power on its country. Of course if by "cooperating" you mean allowing a foreign power to wage war inside the country, then you're right, they aren't cooperating, and in that case the Americans (or any industrial country) would never 'cooperate'.

But your analogy would be better presented like this: If those same rebels were hiding somewhere in the Rockies and the US was inept at finding them quickly enough for the Russians sense of vengeance and self-satisfaction, would you accept Russian troops landing on the Western States to do it themselves? Would you be ok with that? Would anyone here? What do you think would happen to an administration that actually allowed Russian troops and missiles to station themselves in the Rockies? Well, it might be short of summary execution, but I'm fairly certain that THAT government's credibility might plummet. Dramatically. But hey, at least the Americans can actually prevent the Russians form doing so, because America's got the bombs and the tanks and all of the state of the art super-weapons from the movies. Pakistan doesn't, because Pakistan is weak. At least if the Russians went into America the Americans would have something to say about it. The Pakistani's just have to take it, because they don't gots all the bombs and fancy war satellites.

Now why should Pakistanis be any different? What would happen to this this newborn democracy if they had to face their people and say "Because we are so inept at doing what the Americans want us to do, we're turning over our internal security to them". I'm sorry, but that's the fastest way to get that government to summarily collapse. That'd be the end of any democracy in Pakistan for a long time.

Not like anybody here really cares about democracy in Pakistan. Democracy is for Americans, not for third world peasants. Am I rite? Am I rite?
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what are your feelings on the us crossing into a supposed ally (hacks up fur ball) nation to stop the killing of us soldiers?
I say keep on bombing. If Pakistan's too lazy to deal with these scum, then we need to kick it up a notch. Besides, with things getting sour between them and India...again, Pakistan's going to be diverting resources elsewhere, leaving the Talitubbies with a free rein again.
In reality, the Taliban is no threat to the US.

They have no means to attack or threaten America.

Their biggest crime was allowing Al Qaeda to reside there.

Al Qaeda has been basically driven out. The Taliban should be left alone.

We are just wasting tons of money for no good reason by being in Afghanistain.
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In reality, the Taliban is no threat to the US.

They have no means to attack or threaten America.

Their biggest crime was allowing Al Qaeda to reside there.

Al Qaeda has been basically driven out. The Taliban should be left alone.

We are just wasting tons of money for no good reason by being in Afghanistain.
The Taliban are criminals. They deserve to be destroyed.
In reality, the Taliban is no threat to the US.

They have no means to attack or threaten America.

Their biggest crime was allowing Al Qaeda to reside there.

Al Qaeda has been basically driven out. The Taliban should be left alone.

We are just wasting tons of money for no good reason by being in Afghanistain.
that has to be one of the dumbest posts you have ever made
a disingenuous line: "what are your feelings on the us crossing into a supposed ally (hacks up fur ball) nation to stop the killing of us soldiers?"

We are not bombing the targets for that reason or that reason alone. That is like saying needed to go into Iraq because of WMD.

I am not for frustrating Afghanistan's counter terrorism efforts, but the enemy needs to be targeted and if Afghanistan is too unstable to do it when we have the targets in sight ... bombs away.
but I know we will pay a price for these violations of trust and treaties. the law of unintended consequences will come back to bite us in the ass. I just happen to think it may be worth the price.

adive to you: be honest and screw the hyperbole and deceit. I agreed with you while not denying the costs and acknowledging we are doing wrong in the name of a right[/QUOTE]

wtf? i am not supportive of any of the wars we are engaged in....however, i am very supportive of the men/women fighting this war...if we ask warriors to go to war then we must respect and support them....the war is wrong....i still would rather see the other side die...i would prefer this country restore itself and try to not be the world police.

my advice to you: read more of my posts before you conclude anything about me or my honesty. ..
The US attacks on militants in the Northwest Frontier Provinces of Pakistan are done with the tacit approval of the Pakistani civilian government and military establishment. This area of the country has not been under government - any government - control, and the militants here pose as much a problem to Pakistan itself as they do to Afghanistan. The Pakistani government is incapable to tackling the problem, and the US is capable. So the Pakistanis make the appropriate noises of righteous indignation, but no one in the government or the military is really losing sleep over this.

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