"Damn All You Americans! I Will Do As I Will! Obey Me!"

He's getting revenge on the United States.

He's setting up widespread domestic violence in the US for many years to.come.
Obama has stirred up hatred towards immigrants. He did it on purpose. When the Republicans take over, there will be terrible reckoning.
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Pushing back against efforts to bar Syrian refugees from resettling in the U.S., President Barack Obama vowed Saturday that his country will be a welcoming place for millions fleeing violence around the world "as long as I'm president."

My Way News - Obama visits Asian refugee center amid raging debate in US

you obamas-deranged wingers represent about 20% of the electorate. you don't determine what "americans" want. you can't even win a national election.

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Pushing back against efforts to bar Syrian refugees from resettling in the U.S., President Barack Obama vowed Saturday that his country will be a welcoming place for millions fleeing violence around the world "as long as I'm president."

My Way News - Obama visits Asian refugee center amid raging debate in US

you obamas-deranged wingers represent about 20% of the electorate. you don't determine what "americans" want. you can't even win a national election.


20? Aren't you feeling generous...
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Pushing back against efforts to bar Syrian refugees from resettling in the U.S., President Barack Obama vowed Saturday that his country will be a welcoming place for millions fleeing violence around the world "as long as I'm president."

My Way News - Obama visits Asian refugee center amid raging debate in US

Well, look...

obama is a Muslim insurgent in the White House. The Left elected the actuality of the fabled "Manchurian Candidate".

The Left exists to destroy the US Culture... and obama is here to be the final straw.

As far as I can tell everything is working perfectly.

All that remains to be done is clean it up.

When that happens is anyone's guess. All we can know for certain is that it will happen at the point where the Left crosses the line which presents sufficient evidence to a sufficient volume of US Citizens... that they no longer possess any desire to tolerate the Ideological Left. At which time, the US will be on Day one of the First US Civil War.

At the end of which, the Ideological Left will have been erased from the United States... it's ideas recognized for what they are.... and subsequent generations will be trained up, specifically to not just reject all senses of Left-think, but to annihilate the slightest sense of the perverse reasoning that causes Left-think.

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