Daily Kos - "How to Criticize Obama without being a racist."

Let's cut to the chase: It's TeaTard racists who caused Daily Kos to set some racially civil guidelines.

Hearing ******, ******, ****** gets old.

I really think you need to read the link the article is directed at those on the LEFT!

From the OP article:

OK, if you clicked that link, surely you are aware of the Great Purge of 2011, and resulting Great Boycott of 2011. You may or may not be aware that much of the Sturm und Drang is about the role of race in progressive criticism of President Obama. There were and are a group of Kossacks who believe that race plays a significant role in the heavy fire that is being directed towards the President from the left, some of whom took it upon themselves to "push back" against it. This push back did not for the most part go over well with the alleged perpetrators of these critiques who almost invariably believe that their feelings about the President have nothing to do with his race.

Daily Kos: How to Criticize Obama Without Being a Racist

I guess you are saying that the left wing progressive movement is full of Tea Partiers? :eek:
CaféAuLait;4138008 said:
Let's cut to the chase: It's TeaTard racists who caused Daily Kos to set some racially civil guidelines.

Hearing ******, ******, ****** gets old.

I really think you need to read the link the article is directed at those on the LEFT!

From the OP article:

OK, if you clicked that link, surely you are aware of the Great Purge of 2011, and resulting Great Boycott of 2011. You may or may not be aware that much of the Sturm und Drang is about the role of race in progressive criticism of President Obama. There were and are a group of Kossacks who believe that race plays a significant role in the heavy fire that is being directed towards the President from the left, some of whom took it upon themselves to "push back" against it. This push back did not for the most part go over well with the alleged perpetrators of these critiques who almost invariably believe that their feelings about the President have nothing to do with his race.

Daily Kos: How to Criticize Obama Without Being a Racist

I guess you are saying that the left wing progressive movement is full of Tea Partiers? :eek:

To understand the actual discussion would require the exchange of hyperbolic faux outrage for an average intelligence. Lakhota lacks the basic requirement for participating at the required level.
Let's cut to the chase: It's TeaTard racists who caused Daily Kos to set some racially civil guidelines.

Hearing ******, ******, ****** gets old.
The "guidelines" are black folks are victims, right?
So mentioning something about that he throws like a girl passes and his ears are like kite material?
This is why no one really respects the Daily Kos and any other leftwing lying organization. They have no character, they don't know the meaning of the word.
Let's cut to the chase: It's TeaTard racists who caused Daily Kos to set some racially civil guidelines.
And do you think TEA Party members are going to fall all over themselves abiding by those leftist guidelines? Further, do you think abiding by those guidelines is going to stop drolling morons such as yourself from flinging spurious charges of "Racism!!" at anything you don't like?

Actually, you don't think at all.
Hearing ******, ******, ****** gets old.
It would, if it had actually happened.

But it didn't. You were lied to. And you're too stupid to see it.
LOL, that is how MOST of the Left-wing websites operate.

They have to KEEP the children IN LINE.

Now you see why most of them seem like walking talking zombies..They CAN'T think for themselves. They have to be TOLD how to act and what to say.

My favorite saying.

Scratch a Liberal find a fascist.
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LOL, that is how MOST of the Left-wing websites operate.

They have to KEEP the children IN LINE.

My favorite saying.

Scratch a liberal find a fascist.

Thoughtcontrol. Control how people think, and you control their behavior.

Leftists love that shit.

Libz have a herd mentality

And apparently they lack a sense of self-preservation from existing within the herd for so long.
Hence the love of central authority and the urge to control..

BTW: that center video of yours seems to defy several laws of physics....
OH, so now you believe something from a leftist website... That's interesting...

I am actually mocking something from a leftist website.

By the way, I tend to believe truth when I see it, even if it is on a leftist website.
CaféAuLait;4138008 said:
Let's cut to the chase: It's TeaTard racists who caused Daily Kos to set some racially civil guidelines.

Hearing ******, ******, ****** gets old.

I really think you need to read the link the article is directed at those on the LEFT!

From the OP article:

OK, if you clicked that link, surely you are aware of the Great Purge of 2011, and resulting Great Boycott of 2011. You may or may not be aware that much of the Sturm und Drang is about the role of race in progressive criticism of President Obama. There were and are a group of Kossacks who believe that race plays a significant role in the heavy fire that is being directed towards the President from the left, some of whom took it upon themselves to "push back" against it. This push back did not for the most part go over well with the alleged perpetrators of these critiques who almost invariably believe that their feelings about the President have nothing to do with his race.
Daily Kos: How to Criticize Obama Without Being a Racist

I guess you are saying that the left wing progressive movement is full of Tea Partiers? :eek:

He is.
the people posting at daily kos are not all democrats.

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