Cyber-Club: Trump Driven


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Has the virtually unlimited Internet (a highway for accessible discussion) changed the way we talk about free-speech in America?

The Internet is 'commerce-friendly,' so how will President Trump (a pro-capitalist) respond to criticisms that his 'capitalism-baron' background makes him a 'standard representative' of free-speech 'hype' (given his incendiary/controversial statements made in the press during his presidential campaign in 2016)?

I myself hope that the Trump Administration will inspire motivational 'cyber-populism storytelling'!

There's no reason we have to assume that a capitalism-baron will repeat the errors of our last celebrity prez (Ronald Reagan). So let the optimistic gibberish flow!


Tom Berenger, Tom Cruise, Dinesh D'Souza (all media-personalities/celebrities) were following (privately) the idealistic pro-democracy Internet blogs on World Discussion Forum by an Albanian-American Ivy League graduate named Ajay Satan who insisted that dialogue about immigration must primarily include a discussion about crime. Cruise decided to contact Ajay and ask him to meet with him, Berenger, and D'Souza (the three were already acquaintances/friends after attending a symposium about McCarthyism). Ajay agreed, and the four called themselves The Censorship Four.

The Censorship Four wanted to understand how the marketing of graphic horror films such as Friday the 13th in America reflected a national/cultural interest in the relationship between humanity and criminality. "Why do Americans care as much about movies as they do about the proverbial 'American Dream'?" was the type of question The Censorship Four considered. They began blogging on the Internet together (using identity-masking comic book derived aliases/avatars --- 'Spider-Man,' 'Flash,' 'Iceman,' 'Ant-Man'). The Censorship Four would suggest in their blogs that graphic images in American movies represented an investment in both free-speech and cultural representation through psychology.

The Censorship Four got the attention of many readers/members on World Discussion Forum and were mentioned on the politics-culture spotlight TV program The Charlie Rose Show. Charlie Rose himself suggested that such 'passionate citizenry-engaged' political discussion on the globally-accessible Internet revealed how the cyber-highway was creating 'virtual playspaces' for political theory and therefore helped forge 'virtual think-tanks' (like a 'cyber-chic' rendition of the democracy-service Lions Club International!). Berenger really liked Rose's comment and suggested to the other members of The Censorship Four that they post on the Internet, "The American horror film avatar Leatherface (a chainsaw-wielding cannibal) symbolizes pure immigration paranoia!" The post changed the quality of free-speech dialogue on the Internet.


Lions Club International

THE CENSORSHIP FOUR (Berenger, Cruise, D'Souza, Satan)


This modernism-themed short-story about Internet and literature (as they relate to education) I wrote represents a new political investment in resource-based learning. There’s no reason we should be cynical about, Wikipedia, eBay, and Does the Trump Administration agree?


A certain typical American high school in New Jersey (Midland High School), which boasted a diverse student body and handsome investment-based refurbishments, hired three new Advanced Placement (AP) English teachers to guide students in the modern age curious about the integration of literature and technology (i.e., Internet). The first teacher, Mrs. Pamela Dice, taught freshman-year AP English and believed the best way to introduce literature students interested in the Internet was to show them secondary-source research online resources (e.g., Wikipedia). The second teacher, Mrs. Barbara Bach, taught sophomore-year AP English and believed the best way to introduce literature students interested in the Internet was to show them how to navigate through Internet discussion-forums which welcomed interpretations/translations of texts and history (e.g., Internet Movie Database [IMDb]). The third teacher, Mrs. Susan Reese, taught junior-year AP English and believed the best way to introduce literature students interested in the Internet was to show them how to valuate translations of great works of literature distributed on book-resource websites (e.g.,

The Midland administration board believed Mrs. Dice’s approach to Internet-based literature education was the best approach. That is why Midland invested in the formal dissemination of Wikipedia-referenced research/citations. Mrs. Dice was considered the most educated, since she held an Education degree from Yale University. However, Mrs. Bach and Ms. Reese were not happy with this decision, since they both agreed that while Wikipedia was very valuable, the IMDb and were also very educational for students interested in the integration of literature and technology. Bach and Reese decided to hold a special referendum-based PTA meeting during which they asked parents of Midland students to sign a petition requesting that the school’s administration also invest in the resources presented on IMDb and A certain journalist, the son of a U.S. senator, caught wind of these intriguing education-related developments at Midland High School and decided to write a story for the Washington Post, a story which led to his assassination:

“The raging debate at Midland High School regarding the educational value of Internet resources for students interested in literature has people in New Jersey talking about how modern technology (computers, Internet, etc.) can be integrated with classical texts, resources, and books. I have no doubt that the result of this debate will be the enhanced federal appreciation of the complexity of intellectual-property issues as they relate to the dissemination of standard texts, translations, adaptations, and interpretations on the Internet. That is why many political leaders should take an active role in studying modernism-relevant debates such as what I have termed the ‘Midland Internet Portfolio Argument’! Hopefully, the current U.S. President will agree, and Americans will consider how the Internet can be used to enhance intellectual freedom and the citation of pluralism-incendiary modern media resources such as Al Jazeera TV for new age geo-political (and cultural) discussions (e.g., education resources such as ESL for immigrants)!”



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