**CWN NEWS FLASH: Went Missing?: Nope Never Was!


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

FROM THE DESK OF ************CWN*************

1. But it has come to *CWN*'s attention that the Ex-Hippy~Governor, of Hawaii can not produce Obamas Birth Certificate.
2. He said that he would produce it, and can't find it anywhere, he's looked all over.
3. Do liberal question now whether that Obama can produce a birth certificate?
4. Does it matter to you if he can?
5. What if he cant and was actually born in Kenya, would that matter enough to you, his mom was still an American right?
6. Is that okiefokie to you?
7. Read all about it!

HERE:Hawaii governor says Obama's birth record 'exists' but can't produce it | Mail Online

"Pressure was mounting on Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie today amid increasing confusion over whether President Obama was born there.
Abercrombie said on Tuesday that an investigation had unearthed papers proving Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.
He told Honolulu's Star-Advertiser: 'It actually exists in the archives, written down,' he said.
But it became apparent that what had been discovered was an unspecified listing or notation of Obama's birth that someone had made in the state archives and not a birth certificate.
And in the same interview Abercrombie suggested that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.
He said efforts were still being made to track down definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii."

Sorry bout that,

FROM THE DESK OF ************CWN*************

1. But it has come to *CWN*'s attention that the Ex-Hippy~Governor, of Hawaii can not produce Obamas Birth Certificate.
2. He said that he would produce it, and can't find it anywhere, he's looked all over.
3. Do liberal question now whether that Obama can produce a birth certificate?
4. Does it matter to you if he can?
5. What if he cant and was actually born in Kenya, would that matter enough to you, his mom was still an American right?
6. Is that okiefokie to you?
7. Read all about it!

HERE:Hawaii governor says Obama's birth record 'exists' but can't produce it | Mail Online

"Pressure was mounting on Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie today amid increasing confusion over whether President Obama was born there.
Abercrombie said on Tuesday that an investigation had unearthed papers proving Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.
He told Honolulu's Star-Advertiser: 'It actually exists in the archives, written down,' he said.
But it became apparent that what had been discovered was an unspecified listing or notation of Obama's birth that someone had made in the state archives and not a birth certificate.
And in the same interview Abercrombie suggested that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.
He said efforts were still being made to track down definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii."



BTW, this story was picked up from the completely dishonest WND and Jerome Corsi who have a long track record of selectively quoting people to make a story. Abercrombie (who is an idiot for even given lip service to the birthers) never said the things that are being attributed to him.
Nobody really cares, I mean what's the difference between a illegal working as a picker, and one who's POTUS?
Let me make it clear that I don't like Obama as President but I would've hated McCain also. But I do have a question:

Has any other President been ordered to produce a birth certificate after being elected?
Let me make it clear that I don't like Obama as President but I would've hated McCain also. But I do have a question:

Has any other President been ordered to produce a birth certificate after being elected?

Has there ever been significant doubt regarding a previous President's place of birth?
Sorry bout that,

1) So if this was played out to the end
2) you would prefer President "Gaffe" Biden
3) or even worse
4) President "Crybaby" Boehner
5) it will be over soon enough
6) 2012 approaches

Mickey Mouse's Basement
Let me make it clear that I don't like Obama as President but I would've hated McCain also. But I do have a question:

Has any other President been ordered to produce a birth certificate after being elected?

As far as i know, no ones birthplace has ever been questioned...until now.

Who cares, it's just a stinkin piece of paper anyways.
Let me make it clear that I don't like Obama as President but I would've hated McCain also. But I do have a question:

Has any other President been ordered to produce a birth certificate after being elected?

As far as i know, no ones birthplace has ever been questioned...until now.

Gee, I wonder why...what makes President Obama different than the other guys to hold the office?
Let me make it clear that I don't like Obama as President but I would've hated McCain also. But I do have a question:

Has any other President been ordered to produce a birth certificate after being elected?

Has there ever been significant doubt regarding a previous President's place of birth?

It would probably shock many in the GOP to find out that George W. Bush (POTUS 43) was born in Connecticut; not Texas.
Let me make it clear that I don't like Obama as President but I would've hated McCain also. But I do have a question:

Has any other President been ordered to produce a birth certificate after being elected?

No. And "birther doubts" alone aren't sufficient to create new law or demand a new standard for verification. Obama's BC was (twice) verified by the state of Hawaii, thus satisfyingly the legal requirements for running for office.

It was a moot point from the beginning.

This is why retard birthers are 0-72 in court cases on this matter and why a dumbass former LTC is now sitting in Leavenworth for refusing to deploy until Obama produced his long form BC. His new rank is "inmate".

Under Hawaii law, if you were born there, and request your BC, the only think you will get is the Certificate of Live Birth that Obama produced. They don't release or make copies of the "vault copy" anymore. Ironically, the above person, LTC Lakin, had a daughter who was born in Hawaii. He was unable to obtain her long form BC too. You'd have thought he'd have been smart enough to let it go at that point.

It doesn't matter. Obama could personally go door to door at to every Birther and show him his "long form BC" and the issue wouldn't go away.

This has nothing to do with the law and everything to do with trying to circumvent a legal election (or at least create doubts to try and affect the 2012 election) for whatever reason.
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