Cuts in taxes, spending and regulations


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Got us in the mess in the first place and being revisited by Romney/Ryan plan.

Romney/Ryan want to pay down the deficit and create jobs with more tax cuts for the rich that do not create jobs because they take the tax cut and put thing in Swiss banks or invest in their businesses but do not create jobs. Cuts in Government programs and services hurt the already hurting. Seniors, disabled and children and cuts jobs.
More than 2 million jobs will be lost if automatic spending cuts kick in, report says
More than 2 million jobs will be lost if automatic spending cuts kick in, report says | Fox News
Any plan to pay down the deficit must include an increase in revenue or it will be a plan for disaster. No, thanks, Romney/Ryan.
Tax cuts for the rich will cost more than it’s worth. Businessmen make bad politicians. Case in point? Bush.
4.4 million jobs have been created since Obama took office. Romney promise to create 12 million jobs. Obama has a proven plan. Romney/Ryan has a promise.
4.4 million jobs is not exactly a failure.
ObamaCare gives affordable healthcare to 45 million American that did not have healthcare , not exactly a failure.
Getting Osama Bin Laden, not exactly a failure.
Ending the Iraq war and bring troops home alive instead of in a flag draped caskets, not exactly a failure.
Bail our of banks and GM which have had records sales and save thousands of jobs, not exactly a failure.
Stimulus that right winger ask for and used saved and created jobs, not exactly a failure.
Romney/Ryan same disaster plan that got us in financial ruin in the first place. Plus promise war against Iran on more borrowed money.

Ps. Don’t Iran have the right to protect it’s self from threats from Israel and the U.S.?
Obama ignored warning and 4 people died.
Bush ignored warnings and millions died.
Granny wantin' to know how ya s'posed to keep up with what the rules are if dey ain't tellin' anybody...
GAO: 35% of Major Federal Regulations Were Issued Without Public Notice
February 8, 2013 – According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), 35 percent of major federal regulations – those with at least $100 billion in annual economic impact – were issued without a public notice from 2003 to 2010.
The GAO also said that 44 percent of non-major regulations were issued without a public notice, which is referred to as a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM). “During calendar years 2003 through 2010, agencies published 568 major rules and about 30,000 nonmajor rules,” the GAO said in a December report to Congress. “[Federal] agencies published about 35 percent of major rules and about 44 percent of nonmajor rules without an NPRM during those years.”

The GAO found a large spike in this practice under President Barack Obama, with the percentage of major rules issued without public notice jumping from 26 percent in 2008 to 40 percent in 2009. The number of major rules issued this way also hit a high point in both 2009 and 2010. (Obama’s first year in office as president began in January 2009.) “In particular, from 2008 to 2009, the percentage of major rules without an NPRM increased from 26 percent to 40 percent,” reported the GAO. “Agencies issued the largest numbers of major rules without an NPRM in 2009 and 2010 (34 in each year), though the percentage was higher in 2009 than in 2010.”

The Obama administration also drastically increased the use of so-called interim final rules. These rules are effective immediately and issued without public notice but often allow public comment once they are issued. Interim final rules differ from the normal federal rulemaking process in that they skip the normal notice-and-comment period in favor of simply issuing final regulations immediately, with the possibility that the rule can be changed later. From 2003 to 2010, the GAO found that about 47 percent of all rules without an NPRM were interim rules.

The GAO found a spike in such immediate rulemaking under the Obama administration, jumping from about 11 percent of federal rules in 2008 to 13 percent in 2009 to 22 percent in 2010. Some of the regulations the GAO found that had been issued without public notice have been some of the most controversial rules issued in the past several years, including the Obama administration’s moratorium on offshore drilling, its Cash for Clunkers program, its rule that adult children up to age 26 could remain on their parents’ health insurance, and the rules for the TARP bank bailout program begun under former President George W. Bush and continued under President Obama.



GOP Cuts Harm ‘Seniors, Middle Class, Disabled Kids’ to Benefit Oil Companies
February 7, 2013 – Barely an hour after President Barack Obama spoke at a prayer breakfast about humility in bridging divisive political debates, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney used populist rhetoric to describe Republican ideas for spending cuts to harm children and the elderly and helping corporations.
Obama and Congress are negotiating how to avoid a sequester, or automatic across the board spending cuts that take place on March 1. Carney called reports of Republican ideas “terrible.” “It’s a series of measures that says seniors, middle class families, disabled kids and others will solely bear the burden in buying down the sequester while the wealthiest get held harmless,” Carney told reporters Thursday. “I don’t know where Republicans have been of late, but that is not a winning approach that the American people support, and it is not an approach that this president will accept. We need balance.”

Politico reported Wednesday that GOP House members were considering several measures to reduce spending that must be agreed to in order to avoid the sequester that includes changes to Medicare and Medicaid. “It is not acceptable to say, seniors, the bill is in the mail, bail us out, but those who enjoy the benefit of a loophole for their corporate jet or get subsidies for their large and profitable oil and gas company, we’re not going to ask anything of you, but senior citizen in her 70s, on a fixed income, who depends on Medicare, or a senior citizen at 65, you’re going to pay the bill,” Carney continued. “That’s what apparently House Republicans are saying. We’ve heard that before, and the American public said no thank you. We can make tough choices, but we have to do it in a way that is balanced and fair for everybody,” he said.

These proposals reportedly include upping the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67 to save $110 billion; changes to Medicare premiums to save $35 billion; reforming federal pensions to save up to $35 billion, a change to measuring the consumer price index to determine how government benefits are calculated; reforming farm subsidies to save $25 billion; and tax reform that would reducing funding to the Internal Revenue Service by $20 billion.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Wednesday that taxes were already increased in the New Year’s deal to avoid to the fiscal cliff. “Listen, the American people believe that the tax question has been settled. They know the president called for a ‘balanced’ approach to the debt – a combination of revenues and spending cuts. And they know he’s gotten his revenue,” Boehner told reporters. “The American people do not believe the president will use further tax revenues to lower the debt. After having seen this president attempt to spend his way into prosperity over the last four years, they know he’ll spend it,” Boehner added.

Before the Carney press conference, at the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday morning, Obama said political divisions today are not as severe as those of the days of President Abraham Lincoln and the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., but he said the divisions are real. “In the midst of all these debates, we must keep that same humility that Dr. King and Lincoln and Washington and all our great leaders understood is at the core of true leadership,” Obama said. “In a democracy as big and as diverse as ours, we will encounter every opinion, and our task as citizens – whether we are leaders in government or business or spreading the word – is to spend our days with open hearts and open minds; to seek out the truth that exists in an opposing view and to find the common ground that allows for us as a nation, as a people, to take real and meaningful action,” Obama added. “And we have to do that humbly, for no one can know the full and encompassing mind of God, and we have to do it every day, not just at a prayer breakfast,” he said.


See also:

Obama: Everything Discussed at Prayer Breakfast ‘Forgotten on the Same Day'
February 7, 2013 – President Barack Obama said Thursday at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., that “everything we’ve been talking about … at the prayer breakfast seems to be forgotten – on the same day as the prayer breakfast.”
“I do worry sometimes that as soon as we leave the prayer breakfast, everything we’ve been talking about the whole time at the prayer breakfast seems to be forgotten – on the same day as the prayer breakfast. You’d like to think that the shelf life wasn’t so short. I go back to the Oval Office, and I start watching the cable news networks, and it’s like we didn’t pray,” Obama said.

This is the president’s fifth prayer breakfast. The National Prayer Breakfast began in 1953 and is a series of meetings, luncheons and dinners. Every president since Dwight Eisenhower has taken part in the event.

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Don't you ever get tired of lying your ass off. There are fewer people working today than when your dear leader took office, so he has created negative net jobs. Which means he has created no jobs. Maobamacare gives nothing, you have to own something to give it, the federal government only own the military and VA systems and no civilians are elegible to receive care under those systems, except select politicians of course.

That's enough I'm not going to waste time on the rest.
Granny says, "Dat ain't right - tax code shouldn't be longer dan the Bible...
Tax Code 4 Times Longer Than the Bible
April 12, 2013 - Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) said the U.S. tax code is now four times longer than the Bible. She spoke Friday at a “Countdown to Tax Day” press conference organized by Americans for Tax Reform.
“I want to point out that the tax code is four times more than our Bible. And if you look at it, not only is this impossible in terms of the size of it, but look at the fine print. It’s impossible, almost, to read,” Foxx said. It’s not just the number of pages, she said. Given the fine print on those pages, “it belies the real heft of what we’re dealing with here.”

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax code is 3.8 million words long, and there are around 774,746 words in the Bible, depending on what version is counted. That makes the tax code about 4.9 times longer than the Bible, based on word count. In pages, however, the tax code is 57.7 times longer than the Bible. There are 73,954 pages in the tax code, while only 1,281 pages in the Bible (again, depending on the version).

As the April 15 deadline approaches for filing federal tax returns, Rep. Foxx said it takes a minimum of 13 hours for the average person to fill out their taxes. Sixty percent of Americans pay someone else to do their taxes, she said, because the job is “so onerous.”

Congresswoman: Tax Code 4 Times Longer Than the Bible | CNS News

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