Curious about your thoughts on Petraeus considered as Secretary of State?

This is not to mention that the person he shared this information with was also in the military, and had security clearance herself, just not the type of clearance to see that information.

Additionally, he was honest enough to own up to his mistake and take his punishment, unlike someone else who shared classified information and denied doing anything wrong. I think General Petraeus will be a good SoS.

"Petraeus resigned as CIA direct in November 2012, was convicted of a misdemeanor in 2015, and is currently on probation for sharing classified information with his biographer and mistress, former Army intelligence officer Paula Broadwell."
Y'all are kidding right?

Are you saying he did not own up to it?

Silly far left drone!
No im not saying that. I'm saying Patraeus showed intent by choosing to disclose classified info to somebody who did not have the clearance. Clinton showed carelessness but no intent

There was plenty of intent, especially from someone that has been in politics for 30+ years!

The intent was that she was going to do whatever she wanted and the rules be damned.

But only a far left drone would believe their was no intent!
Who fucking cares!!! You have your biased partisan opinions and I have my opinions, neither matter, stick to the facts. I just laid them all out and provided a transcript to testimony by the director of the FBI. Come back to reality
No it is not, it is not even in the same realm..

Only a far left drone would seem them as the same!
Care to make a point?
He made the point that your post identifies you as either a liar or an idiot.
Baseless insults by somebody who can't make an intelligent arguement.
Not insults, observations. Your claim that Petraeus' single error in judgement in confiding classified information in an intelligence officer he had strong reasons to trust who had not been cleared for that particular information and Clinton's reckless and irresponsible disregard for security concerns clearly marks you as either a liar or an idiot.
Nice attempt at spin. What did I lie about?
Patraeus intentionally gave classified info to his mistress who did not have clearance. It was illegal. He was convicted. It was not disputed. These are facts.

Clinton carelessly mishandled classified information by using a private email server instead of the state departments servers. The FBI investigated for months. They concluded that it was careless but they did not see enough cause to prosecute. Facts

I provided a link That provides many quotes from the director of the FBI Commenting under oath and in detail about the Patraeus case vs the Clinton case.

Yes the FBI director that was scared of repercussions if Hilary got elected!

The Clintons have a history that can be followed if you cross them!

Additionally, he was honest enough to own up to his mistake and take his punishment, unlike someone else who shared classified information and denied doing anything wrong. I think General Petraeus will be a good SoS.

"Petraeus resigned as CIA direct in November 2012, was convicted of a misdemeanor in 2015, and is currently on probation for sharing classified information with his biographer and mistress, former Army intelligence officer Paula Broadwell."
Y'all are kidding right?

Are you saying he did not own up to it?

Silly far left drone!
No im not saying that. I'm saying Patraeus showed intent by choosing to disclose classified info to somebody who did not have the clearance. Clinton showed carelessness but no intent

There was plenty of intent, especially from someone that has been in politics for 30+ years!

The intent was that she was going to do whatever she wanted and the rules be damned.

But only a far left drone would believe their was no intent!
Who fucking cares!!! You have your biased partisan opinions and I have my opinions, neither matter, stick to the facts. I just laid them all out and provided a transcript to testimony by the director of the FBI. Come back to reality

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

The far left runs from facts and you have yet to post any!
Do you think he will be able to get his sex / sending classified information scandal behind him, or does he not have a chance..?

David Petraeus shared classified info. Can he be secretary of state? -

View attachment 100796
Petraeus is a brilliant talented leader who would be the most qualified for the job and he is very impressive when testifying before Congress so I think he would be easily confirmed. He did have an affair while married, but America just elected a president who has had three wives and cheated on at least one of them, so I don't think this will stand in his way.

He didn't send classified information, he confided classified information to some one he had reason to trust and while this is a crime, the question is, does this single instance of poor judgement mean he can't be trusted in the future?
FYI-trump cheated on ALL of his wives, including Melania.

You are wrong, he did give his mistress and book writer CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET information in paperwork and files, including special Military classified codes, and when investigated by the FBI he lied about it and tried to hide it but the FBI had info that SHOWED he knew he was breaking the law by handing her that top secret information...

And mistresses are KNOWN to be the common spy used by foreign nations, he should NOT have trusted any mistress.... it was not simply poor judgement due to him thinking thru his one eyed trouser worm, or heart.

other than that, I agree...Petreaus is very knowledgeable and qualified if it weren't for his intentional and knowing breach...I'm sure he's learned a lesson...but............ I dunno?
You are letting your imagination run away with you. Paula Brodwell was an intelligence officer in the Army Reserves at the time, major I believe. If she had been on active duty at the time, there would have been no problem giving her the clearance to see this information, but since she was not on active duty and there was no military necessity to read her in, confiding in her was an infraction of the rules but not a security risk.

There is no comparison between Petraeus' infraction of the rules and Clinton's reckless and irresponsible disregard for security.
YOU are wrong wrong wrong on this, see my post right above!
No im not saying that. I'm saying Patraeus showed intent by choosing to disclose classified info to somebody who did not have the clearance. Clinton showed carelessness but no intent
Yeah...but look what he got in return...Hillary got nuthin'....
Because the FBI deemed the case unprosecutable. And let's be honest, she lost the election because of it
That finding should have been made by the atty general or a special prosecutor/ grand jury. But Bubba pulled a fast one...and it blew up in his pants. We are not that stupid.
Stop with the Excuses and campaign rhetoric.... it is what it is, get off the conspiracy train. The GOP blew this thing way out of proportion to win an election and it worked.

There is a reason why Trump went from "lock her up" to "owing her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country"
I'm're right. How could I not believe the Clintons are transparent, truthful and honest. There is no evidence of it.....really....none. (Passing gas)
Did I say any of that? No. Why do you need to put words in my mouth? I'm sticking to facts, I'm posting quotes and testimony and referencing historical events... you respond by injecting partisan opinion and false narratives.
Do you think he will be able to get his sex / sending classified information scandal behind him, or does he not have a chance..?

David Petraeus shared classified info. Can he be secretary of state? -

View attachment 100796

If Hilary can run for president for having a unsecured server with state secrets that has been hacked, why not?
I'd think that those who said that Hillary was unfit to serve because of her email issues would have to hold Patraeus to the same standards... otherwise it's straight partisan hypocrisy
Unfit to serve because she violated a protocol or because she was unrepentant and kept lying about it?
5th post
Care to make a point?
He made the point that your post identifies you as either a liar or an idiot.
Baseless insults by somebody who can't make an intelligent arguement.
Not insults, observations. Your claim that Petraeus' single error in judgement in confiding classified information in an intelligence officer he had strong reasons to trust who had not been cleared for that particular information and Clinton's reckless and irresponsible disregard for security concerns clearly marks you as either a liar or an idiot.
Nice attempt at spin. What did I lie about?
Patraeus intentionally gave classified info to his mistress who did not have clearance. It was illegal. He was convicted. It was not disputed. These are facts.

Clinton carelessly mishandled classified information by using a private email server instead of the state departments servers. The FBI investigated for months. They concluded that it was careless but they did not see enough cause to prosecute. Facts

I provided a link That provides many quotes from the director of the FBI Commenting under oath and in detail about the Patraeus case vs the Clinton case.

Yes the FBI director that was scared of repercussions if Hilary got elected!

The Clintons have a history that can be followed if you cross them!
Ok, it's one big conspiracy, you keep running with that... I'm not going to argue with a nut job conspiracy theorist. I'm sticking to reality.
Do you think he will be able to get his sex / sending classified information scandal behind him, or does he not have a chance..?

David Petraeus shared classified info. Can he be secretary of state? -

View attachment 100796
Petraeus is a brilliant talented leader who would be the most qualified for the job and he is very impressive when testifying before Congress so I think he would be easily confirmed. He did have an affair while married, but America just elected a president who has had three wives and cheated on at least one of them, so I don't think this will stand in his way.

He didn't send classified information, he confided classified information to some one he had reason to trust and while this is a crime, the question is, does this single instance of poor judgement mean he can't be trusted in the future?
FYI-trump cheated on ALL of his wives, including Melania.

You are wrong, he did give his mistress and book writer CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET information in paperwork and files, including special Military classified codes, and when investigated by the FBI he lied about it and tried to hide it but the FBI had info that SHOWED he knew he was breaking the law by handing her that top secret information...

And mistresses are KNOWN to be the common spy used by foreign nations, he should NOT have trusted any mistress.... it was not simply poor judgement due to him thinking thru his one eyed trouser worm, or heart.

other than that, I agree...Petreaus is very knowledgeable and qualified if it weren't for his intentional and knowing breach...I'm sure he's learned a lesson...but............ I dunno?
You are letting your imagination run away with you. Paula Brodwell was an intelligence officer in the Army Reserves at the time, major I believe. If she had been on active duty at the time, there would have been no problem giving her the clearance to see this information, but since she was not on active duty and there was no military necessity to read her in, confiding in her was an infraction of the rules but not a security risk.

There is no comparison between Petraeus' infraction of the rules and Clinton's reckless and irresponsible disregard for security.
YOU are wrong wrong wrong on this, see my post right above!

You mean like someone that has had 30+ years of political experience running a unsecured private server in their basement and thinks that none of the documents belongs to government?

Silly far left drone!
He made the point that your post identifies you as either a liar or an idiot.
Baseless insults by somebody who can't make an intelligent arguement.
Not insults, observations. Your claim that Petraeus' single error in judgement in confiding classified information in an intelligence officer he had strong reasons to trust who had not been cleared for that particular information and Clinton's reckless and irresponsible disregard for security concerns clearly marks you as either a liar or an idiot.
Nice attempt at spin. What did I lie about?
Patraeus intentionally gave classified info to his mistress who did not have clearance. It was illegal. He was convicted. It was not disputed. These are facts.

Clinton carelessly mishandled classified information by using a private email server instead of the state departments servers. The FBI investigated for months. They concluded that it was careless but they did not see enough cause to prosecute. Facts

I provided a link That provides many quotes from the director of the FBI Commenting under oath and in detail about the Patraeus case vs the Clinton case.

Yes the FBI director that was scared of repercussions if Hilary got elected!

The Clintons have a history that can be followed if you cross them!
Ok, it's one big conspiracy, you keep running with that... I'm not going to argue with a nut job conspiracy theorist. I'm sticking to reality.

Says the far left drone that voted for Hilary!
Petreaus is STILL on PROBATION....can you hold a Secretary position while still on probation?

I'm torn over this....I like him and think he is more qualified than all other candidates....but the baggage is huge...?
Ok, so Patraeus intentionally exposed classified information and Clinton was careless by keeping it in an unsecured server. So Patraeus had the more severe offense. You're right, not the same... but don't just take my word for it

Wait a minute. Petreaus exposed that information to only one person, and an American military person at that. Hillary exposed our classified information to anybody that could have hacked that toy sever of hers. I would say Hil-liar is far worse than anything Petreaus did.
10th post
Y'all are kidding right?

Are you saying he did not own up to it?

Silly far left drone!
No im not saying that. I'm saying Patraeus showed intent by choosing to disclose classified info to somebody who did not have the clearance. Clinton showed carelessness but no intent

There was plenty of intent, especially from someone that has been in politics for 30+ years!

The intent was that she was going to do whatever she wanted and the rules be damned.

But only a far left drone would believe their was no intent!
Who fucking cares!!! You have your biased partisan opinions and I have my opinions, neither matter, stick to the facts. I just laid them all out and provided a transcript to testimony by the director of the FBI. Come back to reality

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

The far left runs from facts and you have yet to post any!
Careforall and I have posted quotes links and testimony. You name call and passively point to wild conspiracies. It pretty obvious who the impaired one is.
Do you think he will be able to get his sex / sending classified information scandal behind him, or does he not have a chance..?

David Petraeus shared classified info. Can he be secretary of state? -

View attachment 100796
Petraeus is a brilliant talented leader who would be the most qualified for the job and he is very impressive when testifying before Congress so I think he would be easily confirmed. He did have an affair while married, but America just elected a president who has had three wives and cheated on at least one of them, so I don't think this will stand in his way.

He didn't send classified information, he confided classified information to some one he had reason to trust and while this is a crime, the question is, does this single instance of poor judgement mean he can't be trusted in the future?
FYI-trump cheated on ALL of his wives, including Melania.

You are wrong, he did give his mistress and book writer CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET information in paperwork and files, including special Military classified codes, and when investigated by the FBI he lied about it and tried to hide it but the FBI had info that SHOWED he knew he was breaking the law by handing her that top secret information...

And mistresses are KNOWN to be the common spy used by foreign nations, he should NOT have trusted any mistress.... it was not simply poor judgement due to him thinking thru his one eyed trouser worm, or heart.

other than that, I agree...Petreaus is very knowledgeable and qualified if it weren't for his intentional and knowing breach...I'm sure he's learned a lesson...but............ I dunno?
You are letting your imagination run away with you. Paula Brodwell was an intelligence officer in the Army Reserves at the time, major I believe. If she had been on active duty at the time, there would have been no problem giving her the clearance to see this information, but since she was not on active duty and there was no military necessity to read her in, confiding in her was an infraction of the rules but not a security risk.

There is no comparison between Petraeus' infraction of the rules and Clinton's reckless and irresponsible disregard for security.
YOU are wrong wrong wrong on this, see my post right above!

You mean like someone that has had 30+ years of political experience running a unsecured private server in their basement and thinks that none of the documents belongs to government?

Silly far left drone!
Do you think he will be able to get his sex / sending classified information scandal behind him, or does he not have a chance..?

David Petraeus shared classified info. Can he be secretary of state? -

View attachment 100796

If Hilary can run for president for having a unsecured server with state secrets that has been hacked, why not?
I'd think that those who said that Hillary was unfit to serve because of her email issues would have to hold Patraeus to the same standards... otherwise it's straight partisan hypocrisy
Unfit to serve because she violated a protocol or because she was unrepentant and kept lying about it?

Oh, and that is different from a guy that lied about it until he was in court facing life in prison with a ton of evidence against him including a tape of him saying he knew he was breaking the law? And only then under a plea agreement to a misdemeanor did he admit the truth?
Are you saying he did not own up to it?

Silly far left drone!
No im not saying that. I'm saying Patraeus showed intent by choosing to disclose classified info to somebody who did not have the clearance. Clinton showed carelessness but no intent

There was plenty of intent, especially from someone that has been in politics for 30+ years!

The intent was that she was going to do whatever she wanted and the rules be damned.

But only a far left drone would believe their was no intent!
Who fucking cares!!! You have your biased partisan opinions and I have my opinions, neither matter, stick to the facts. I just laid them all out and provided a transcript to testimony by the director of the FBI. Come back to reality

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

The far left runs from facts and you have yet to post any!
Careforall and I have posted quotes links and testimony. You name call and passively point to wild conspiracies. It pretty obvious who the impaired one is.

Yes you have tried to equate what Hilary did to Petraeus and they are not the same not even close!

That is why you far left drones fail with your religious narratives!
15th post
Do you think he will be able to get his sex / sending classified information scandal behind him, or does he not have a chance..?

David Petraeus shared classified info. Can he be secretary of state? -

View attachment 100796

If Hilary can run for president for having a unsecured server with state secrets that has been hacked, why not?
I'd think that those who said that Hillary was unfit to serve because of her email issues would have to hold Patraeus to the same standards... otherwise it's straight partisan hypocrisy
Unfit to serve because she violated a protocol or because she was unrepentant and kept lying about it?
I don't know you tell me... I wasn't one of the lock her up puppets... I thought she was a bad candidate but absolutely fit to serve. Just as I have no problem with Petraeus serving if nominated. My simple point was that those who yelled lock her up are hypocrites if they dont hold petraeus to the same standard
Baseless insults by somebody who can't make an intelligent arguement.
Not insults, observations. Your claim that Petraeus' single error in judgement in confiding classified information in an intelligence officer he had strong reasons to trust who had not been cleared for that particular information and Clinton's reckless and irresponsible disregard for security concerns clearly marks you as either a liar or an idiot.
Nice attempt at spin. What did I lie about?
Patraeus intentionally gave classified info to his mistress who did not have clearance. It was illegal. He was convicted. It was not disputed. These are facts.

Clinton carelessly mishandled classified information by using a private email server instead of the state departments servers. The FBI investigated for months. They concluded that it was careless but they did not see enough cause to prosecute. Facts

I provided a link That provides many quotes from the director of the FBI Commenting under oath and in detail about the Patraeus case vs the Clinton case.

Yes the FBI director that was scared of repercussions if Hilary got elected!

The Clintons have a history that can be followed if you cross them!
Ok, it's one big conspiracy, you keep running with that... I'm not going to argue with a nut job conspiracy theorist. I'm sticking to reality.

Says the far left drone that voted for Hilary!
I didn't vote for Hillary you dumbshit. You just can't help being wrong with just about all you idiotic presumptive statements. Do us a favor and take a hike until you figure out how to be rational honest and objective. Otherwise you are just wasting our time
The general got a sweetheart deal .

The judge was so offended that he doubled the lame fine asked for by the prosecution from $25 to $50k . He gets $200k a year for his army pension alone . Which he still keeps along with his rank .

White lives matter justice system .

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