Cuomo the Conservative

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Andrew Cuomo has been very impressive so far in his approach to making New York solvent again. Unlike the disastrous path taken by his Illinois counterpart, Pat Quinn, Cuomo has come out with both arms swinging with a solid plan of action that does not increase the burden on New York families who are already some of the highest taxed people in the nation.

Looking for a tax-cutting, budget-slashing, fiscally conservative governor? How about Andrew Cuomo? Yes, that Andrew Cuomo.

With the possible exceptions of California and Illinois, no state is facing as big an economic mess as New York. Years of profligate spending and crushing taxes have left the state with a $10 billion budget shortfall. The conventional wisdom said that despite having the nation’s highest tax burden, and what Cuomo has called the “worst business climate in the country,” New York would have no choice but to hike taxes yet again. That is, after all, the path that Illinois just chose, raising its state income tax by 75 percent.

Cuomo rejected that approach, early, often, and loudly. He vowed to balance the state’s budget without borrowing and without raising taxes.

“The old way of solving the problem was continuing to raise taxes on people, and we just can’t do that anymore. The working families of New York cannot afford tax increases. The answer is going to have to be that we’re going to have to reduce government spending,” Cuomo declared.

National Review
Lets hope he can find ways to cut spending.

I'm sure the citizens of NY will appreciate it.
Cuomo put a cap on property taxes..except for people who live in NYC.

I'd be fine with that so long as we are no longer responsible for State taxes.

Otherwise he can kiss my ass.

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