Crucifixion. The Turks Invade And The Anihilation Of Rojava


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

it has begun. The Egalitarian, Ecological, Participatory Democracy that smashed ISiS to hell with women soldiers is under attack. Soon, unless there is help from unlikely sources, it will be no more.

There are those on the left who support Trump's decision to abandon our allies in the fight against ISiS, and some on the right -- notably Senator Lindsey Graham ("Pray for the Kurds.") and Pat Robertson, of all people (“The President of the United States is in danger of losing the mandate of Heaven if he permits this to happen.”), not to mention many on Fox News, condemn this impulsive decision by Trump, most openly criticizing the President for the first time.

Djene Bajalan and Michael Brooks wrote a very insightful piece yesterday, ominously titled, The Annihilation of Rojava, in Jacobin.

They open with a stark reality for both the left and right:

"Crucifixion" -- The Turks invade, & the "Anihilation of Rojava"

This is who we are now, in the eyes of the world.
You progressives sure are a bunch of warmongering, America hating scum, aren't you? Why do Americans have to go over there? Let their own people fight their goddam wars. Bring our people home and use them to purge the country of progressives. It's all Trump's fault. LmGDAO
You progressives sure are a bunch of warmongering, America hating scum, aren't you? Why do Americans have to go over there? Let their own people fight their goddam wars. Bring our people home and use them to purge the country of progressives. It's all Trump's fault. LmGDAO

All camel jockeys are animals and we should pull out.

it has begun. The Egalitarian, Ecological, Participatory Democracy that smashed ISiS to hell with women soldiers is under attack. Soon, unless there is help from unlikely sources, it will be no more.

There are those on the left who support Trump's decision to abandon our allies in the fight against ISiS, and some on the right -- notably Senator Lindsey Graham ("Pray for the Kurds.") and Pat Robertson, of all people (“The President of the United States is in danger of losing the mandate of Heaven if he permits this to happen.”), not to mention many on Fox News, condemn this impulsive decision by Trump, most openly criticizing the President for the first time.

Djene Bajalan and Michael Brooks wrote a very insightful piece yesterday, ominously titled, The Annihilation of Rojava, in Jacobin.

They open with a stark reality for both the left and right:

"Crucifixion" -- The Turks invade, & the "Anihilation of Rojava"

This is who we are now, in the eyes of the world.
Where’s your precious UN?
Who is kidding who? The Kurds fought ISIS in their own self interest and survival. Just happened to be the same interest as ours at the time.

Getting involved in a possible war with what is still an ally is not in our interest.

it has begun. The Egalitarian, Ecological, Participatory Democracy that smashed ISiS to hell with women soldiers is under attack. Soon, unless there is help from unlikely sources, it will be no more.

There are those on the left who support Trump's decision to abandon our allies in the fight against ISiS, and some on the right -- notably Senator Lindsey Graham ("Pray for the Kurds.") and Pat Robertson, of all people (“The President of the United States is in danger of losing the mandate of Heaven if he permits this to happen.”), not to mention many on Fox News, condemn this impulsive decision by Trump, most openly criticizing the President for the first time.

Djene Bajalan and Michael Brooks wrote a very insightful piece yesterday, ominously titled, The Annihilation of Rojava, in Jacobin.

They open with a stark reality for both the left and right:

"Crucifixion" -- The Turks invade, & the "Anihilation of Rojava"

This is who we are now, in the eyes of the world.

it has begun. The Egalitarian, Ecological, Participatory Democracy that smashed ISiS to hell with women soldiers is under attack. Soon, unless there is help from unlikely sources, it will be no more.

There are those on the left who support Trump's decision to abandon our allies in the fight against ISiS, and some on the right -- notably Senator Lindsey Graham ("Pray for the Kurds.") and Pat Robertson, of all people (“The President of the United States is in danger of losing the mandate of Heaven if he permits this to happen.”), not to mention many on Fox News, condemn this impulsive decision by Trump, most openly criticizing the President for the first time.

Djene Bajalan and Michael Brooks wrote a very insightful piece yesterday, ominously titled, The Annihilation of Rojava, in Jacobin.

They open with a stark reality for both the left and right:

"Crucifixion" -- The Turks invade, & the "Anihilation of Rojava"

This is who we are now, in the eyes of the world.

Boy, President Trump really has you twisted up like a pretzel, doesn’t he?

Now, I’ll ask you, what should be Turkey’s punishment for attacking the Kurds? Or is it your intent to hold President Trump solely responsible for their actions?
tramp probably wanted to brand a building in Erbil and they said no. He has marketing rights to 2 in Istanbul, Turkey.
You progressives sure are a bunch of warmongering, America hating scum, aren't you? Why do Americans have to go over there? Let their own people fight their goddam wars. Bring our people home and use them to purge the country of progressives. It's all Trump's fault. LmGDAO
You progressives sure are a bunch of warmongering, America hating scum, aren't you? Why do Americans have to go over there? Let their own people fight their goddam wars. Bring our people home and use them to purge the country of progressives. It's all Trump's fault. LmGDAO
How much fighting were US forces protecting Rojava actually engaged in?

A "Free Kurdistan" was among the prime talking points for those advocating a "New Middle East" in 2003. Along with Palestinians, Kurds are among those most deserving of their own autonomous state. If the US fails Kurdish independence again, it will find itself with far less credibility the next time it needs allies in the Middle East.

it has begun. The Egalitarian, Ecological, Participatory Democracy that smashed ISiS to hell with women soldiers is under attack. Soon, unless there is help from unlikely sources, it will be no more.

There are those on the left who support Trump's decision to abandon our allies in the fight against ISiS, and some on the right -- notably Senator Lindsey Graham ("Pray for the Kurds.") and Pat Robertson, of all people (“The President of the United States is in danger of losing the mandate of Heaven if he permits this to happen.”), not to mention many on Fox News, condemn this impulsive decision by Trump, most openly criticizing the President for the first time.

Djene Bajalan and Michael Brooks wrote a very insightful piece yesterday, ominously titled, The Annihilation of Rojava, in Jacobin.

They open with a stark reality for both the left and right:

"Crucifixion" -- The Turks invade, & the "Anihilation of Rojava"

This is who we are now, in the eyes of the world.

Hey. You don't like it. Grab your AR, jump on a plane and head on over to defend the Kurds.

Happy trails.
You progressives sure are a bunch of warmongering, America hating scum, aren't you? Why do Americans have to go over there? Let their own people fight their goddam wars. Bring our people home and use them to purge the country of progressives. It's all Trump's fault. LmGDAO
We had to go there because you assfucks coudn't live without the black goop.
That is what started the entire mess.
So, Trump & his merry band of feeble minded Trumpettes think it is OK to abandon the Kurds, after all, they did not help us in WWII>

I have news, neither did Japan & Germany. When are we going to abandon them?
So, Trump & his merry band of feeble minded Trumpettes think it is OK to abandon the Kurds, after all, they did not help us in WWII>

I have news, neither did Japan & Germany. When are we going to abandon them?

Hey Derp. If your so upset. Grab your AR, hop a plane and head on over to defend the Kurds.

Since we rebuilt their countries after WWII I'd say if we left we sure as shit wouldn't be abandoning Germany or Japan.

You really are stupid.
Who is kidding who? The Kurds fought ISIS in their own self interest and survival. Just happened to be the same interest as ours at the time.

Getting involved in a possible war with what is still an ally is not in our interest.

Here the real story....

Saudi Arabia is backing the Kurds against the Iran and Russia to try and prevent Putin's takeover of the hydrocarbon market in Europe. In addition to being mixed up in Petrol wars the Kurds are something akin to a larger version of the Palestinians. They have been sponsoring gorilla attacks in the southern part of Turkey for the past decade trying to liberate territory they believe actually belongs to a free Kurdish state.
Finally the the Kurds have also found themselves to be double agent proxies in the sunni-shia struggle between Turkey and Iran. In short there is no fucking reason on Earth why a single United States Soldier should be anywhere near that convoluted mess. Unless of course you're a politician on the payroll of foreign owned petroleum interests.

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So, Trump & his merry band of feeble minded Trumpettes think it is OK to abandon the Kurds, after all, they did not help us in WWII>

I have news, neither did Japan & Germany. When are we going to abandon them?

Hey Derp. If your so upset. Grab your AR, hop a plane and head on over to defend the Kurds.

Since we rebuilt their countries after WWII I'd say if we left we sure as shit wouldn't be abandoning Germany or Japan.

You really are stupid.

If you want our country to never ever hey support from other countries, you keep supporting Trump.

How many more dead soldiers would we have in Iraq if not for the Kurds?

You morons don't know what the word "ally" means. You think you use them when it suits & then feed them to their enemy when it doesn't.

If not helping during WWII is the determining factor, then we can't be allies with Japan & Germany. We spend huge money militarily in the Pacific helping to protect Japan. Trump might as well allow NK to nuke the island nation.

Trump is a piece of shit. You know it. I know it. Quit defending him.
So, Trump & his merry band of feeble minded Trumpettes think it is OK to abandon the Kurds, after all, they did not help us in WWII>

I have news, neither did Japan & Germany. When are we going to abandon them?

Hey Derp. If your so upset. Grab your AR, hop a plane and head on over to defend the Kurds.

Since we rebuilt their countries after WWII I'd say if we left we sure as shit wouldn't be abandoning Germany or Japan.

You really are stupid.

If you want our country to never ever hey support from other countries, you keep supporting Trump.

How many more dead soldiers would we have in Iraq if not for the Kurds?

You morons don't know what the word "ally" means. You think you use them when it suits & then feed them to their enemy when it doesn't.

If not helping during WWII is the determining factor, then we can't be allies with Japan & Germany. We spend huge money militarily in the Pacific helping to protect Japan. Trump might as well allow NK to nuke the island nation.

Trump is a piece of shit. You know it. I know it. Quit defending him.

Nah. You're the only POS I see.
Who is kidding who? The Kurds fought ISIS in their own self interest and survival. Just happened to be the same interest as ours at the time.

Getting involved in a possible war with what is still an ally is not in our interest.
Turkey really isnt an ally. They never have been.
Who is kidding who? The Kurds fought ISIS in their own self interest and survival. Just happened to be the same interest as ours at the time.

Getting involved in a possible war with what is still an ally is not in our interest.
Turkey really isnt an ally. They never have been.
At least on paper they are for now.
Although I agree with the sentiment.
Regarding the Kurds, they had a self interest in fighting ISIS and not out of some noble need to help Americans. We used them for our purposes as they used us for theirs.

One thing is certain. Liberals will condemn Trump for not getting involved, but if he did, would call him a war monger.

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