CRT-Woke Mob Tries To Claim Tulsa Massacre Was About Race


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Oklahoma's Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters denied on Thursday that race was the main reason behind the Tulsa Race Massacre in 1921 that saw up to 300 people killed and left thousands of Black residents displaced. Walters was invited by the Cleveland County Republican Party to speak at the Norman Central Library when he had a heated exchange with attendees. The superintendent first spoke about his policies when he made remarks that some attendees found inappropriate and left the room in response, according to local news station Fox 25.

During the event, one attendee then asked Walters, who reportedly supports banning certain books from school, about whether the Tulsa Race Massacre falls under his definition of critical race theory (CRT), which denotes that systemic racism is part of American institutions such as the criminal justice system and the education system. "Let's not tie it to the skin color and say that the skin color determined that," Walters said, which angered some attendees, with one woman saying, "This divisive rhetoric, the kids are watching this. The kids are watching this."

The superintendent acknowledged during the Thursday event that people might disagree with his views, but that "this is what Oklahoma needs to be about. This is how we get our schools back on track: us coming together despite what we agree or disagree on. Let's have that discussion." He's misinformed and this is a disgusting comment and it's so inaccurate and false," Solomon-Simmons told Newsweek. "

How can something called the "Tulsa Race Riots" not be about race? And how does teaching that supposed to make all whites feel guilty? For what? Whites were part of the opposition to those who were carrying out that evil. Also, do you understand the amount of audacity and depravity you have to have to tell SURVIVORS of the Tulsa massacre that their EXPERIENCES were not real; all in an effort to teach some revised-whitewashed alternate history to students; because today's Conservatives are uncomfortable about their children and grandchildren knowing what yesterday's Conservatives did? That is like telling students that those concentrations camps back in WW2 wasn't about exterminating Jewish people; or the slaughter of Native Americans in pursuit of "Nation building" didn't actually happen -- all to make other people feel better...that is not how history works....

For example, that is like me saying the Cowboys actually won the last 3 Super Bowls and if you claim they didn't -- you are just trying to make me feel bad for being a Cowboys fan. That is essentially the idiocy of the argument against teaching children accurate history...that if you teach children the mistakes of the past for the purpose of instilling them with humanity and empathy for the stories of all Americans -- that somehow, you are making them feel bad for being "white" -- you are basically robbing children of the sacrifices and coalitions that were formed by people of all colors to make Oklahoma (and the US as a whole) a BETTER PLACE -- instead of spitting in the face of those survivors by telling them their experiences aren't real because they could make some fragile minded racist, feel uncomfortable.

"Oklahoma's Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters denied on Thursday that race was the main reason behind the Tulsa Race Massacre in 1921 that saw up to 300 people killed and left thousands of Black residents displaced. Walters was invited by the Cleveland County Republican Party to speak at the Norman Central Library when he had a heated exchange with attendees. The superintendent first spoke about his policies when he made remarks that some attendees found inappropriate and left the room in response, according to local news station Fox 25.

During the event, one attendee then asked Walters, who reportedly supports banning certain books from school, about whether the Tulsa Race Massacre falls under his definition of critical race theory (CRT), which denotes that systemic racism is part of American institutions such as the criminal justice system and the education system. "Let's not tie it to the skin color and say that the skin color determined that," Walters said, which angered some attendees, with one woman saying, "This divisive rhetoric, the kids are watching this. The kids are watching this."

The superintendent acknowledged during the Thursday event that people might disagree with his views, but that "this is what Oklahoma needs to be about. This is how we get our schools back on track: us coming together despite what we agree or disagree on. Let's have that discussion." He's misinformed and this is a disgusting comment and it's so inaccurate and false," Solomon-Simmons told Newsweek. "

How can something called the "Tulsa Race Riots" not be about race? And how does teaching that supposed to make all whites feel guilty? For what? Whites were part of the opposition to those who were carrying out that evil. Also, do you understand the amount of audacity and depravity you have to have to tell SURVIVORS of the Tulsa massacre that their EXPERIENCES were not real; all in an effort to teach some revised-whitewashed alternate history to students; because today's Conservatives are uncomfortable about their children and grandchildren knowing what yesterday's Conservatives did? That is like telling students that those concentrations camps back in WW2 wasn't about exterminating Jewish people; or the slaughter of Native Americans in pursuit of "Nation building" didn't actually happen -- all to make other people feel better...that is not how history works....

For example, that is like me saying the Cowboys actually won the last 3 Super Bowls and if you claim they didn't -- you are just trying to make me feel bad for being a Cowboys fan. That is essentially the idiocy of the argument against teaching children accurate history...that if you teach children the mistakes of the past for the purpose of instilling them with humanity and empathy for the stories of all Americans -- that somehow, you are making them feel bad for being "white" -- you are basically robbing children of the sacrifices and coalitions that were formed by people of all colors to make Oklahoma (and the US as a whole) a BETTER PLACE -- instead of spitting in the face of those survivors by telling them their experiences aren't real because they could make some fragile minded racist, feel uncomfortable.
But hes the "Superintendent of Public Instruction". He must be a smart guy, even by Oklahoma standards.

"Oklahoma's Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters denied on Thursday that race was the main reason behind the Tulsa Race Massacre in 1921 that saw up to 300 people killed and left thousands of Black residents displaced. Walters was invited by the Cleveland County Republican Party to speak at the Norman Central Library when he had a heated exchange with attendees. The superintendent first spoke about his policies when he made remarks that some attendees found inappropriate and left the room in response, according to local news station Fox 25.

During the event, one attendee then asked Walters, who reportedly supports banning certain books from school, about whether the Tulsa Race Massacre falls under his definition of critical race theory (CRT), which denotes that systemic racism is part of American institutions such as the criminal justice system and the education system. "Let's not tie it to the skin color and say that the skin color determined that," Walters said, which angered some attendees, with one woman saying, "This divisive rhetoric, the kids are watching this. The kids are watching this."

The superintendent acknowledged during the Thursday event that people might disagree with his views, but that "this is what Oklahoma needs to be about. This is how we get our schools back on track: us coming together despite what we agree or disagree on. Let's have that discussion." He's misinformed and this is a disgusting comment and it's so inaccurate and false," Solomon-Simmons told Newsweek. "

How can something called the "Tulsa Race Riots" not be about race? And how does teaching that supposed to make all whites feel guilty? For what? Whites were part of the opposition to those who were carrying out that evil. Also, do you understand the amount of audacity and depravity you have to have to tell SURVIVORS of the Tulsa massacre that their EXPERIENCES were not real; all in an effort to teach some revised-whitewashed alternate history to students; because today's Conservatives are uncomfortable about their children and grandchildren knowing what yesterday's Conservatives did? That is like telling students that those concentrations camps back in WW2 wasn't about exterminating Jewish people; or the slaughter of Native Americans in pursuit of "Nation building" didn't actually happen -- all to make other people feel better...that is not how history works....

For example, that is like me saying the Cowboys actually won the last 3 Super Bowls and if you claim they didn't -- you are just trying to make me feel bad for being a Cowboys fan. That is essentially the idiocy of the argument against teaching children accurate history...that if you teach children the mistakes of the past for the purpose of instilling them with humanity and empathy for the stories of all Americans -- that somehow, you are making them feel bad for being "white" -- you are basically robbing children of the sacrifices and coalitions that were formed by people of all colors to make Oklahoma (and the US as a whole) a BETTER PLACE -- instead of spitting in the face of those survivors by telling them their experiences aren't real because they could make some fragile minded racist, feel uncomfortable.

It should make democrats feel guilty.......the mayor at the time was a essentially, the democrats murdered blacks....and democrats want to blame the whole country for what they did....

It should make democrats feel guilty.......the mayor at the time was a essentially, the democrats murdered blacks....and democrats want to blame the whole country for what they did....

But somehow, democrats don't feel guilty.....maybe that is because only a moron feels guilty for something that happened a long time ago, for which the good ultimately prevailed over evil...

Only people who would be triggered by that story being told are the ones who are embarrassed by the fact, their ideology is still aligned with that evil....
But somehow, democrats don't feel guilty.....maybe that is because only a moron feels guilty for something that happened a long time ago, for which the good ultimately prevailed over evil...

Only people who would be triggered by that story being told are the ones who are embarrassed by the fact, their ideology is still aligned with that evil....

The democrats want Americans to feel guilty for slavery.....which ended in 1865...their entire party is based on exploiting it............

So if they do that, they deserve to be blamed for the Tulsa Race Riots...
It should make democrats feel guilty.......the mayor at the time was a essentially, the democrats murdered blacks....and democrats want to blame the whole country for what they did....

Do not get the fact that a dem was the mayor caused the riots?? explain that reasoning please?
Do not get the fact that a dem was the mayor caused the riots?? explain that reasoning please?

A democrat mayor means the majority of the voters are democrats.....hence, democrats are the ones who caused the riot.........since this was at the height of democrat party race hate....

"Oklahoma's Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters denied on Thursday that race was the main reason behind the Tulsa Race Massacre in 1921 that saw up to 300 people killed and left thousands of Black residents displaced. Walters was invited by the Cleveland County Republican Party to speak at the Norman Central Library when he had a heated exchange with attendees. The superintendent first spoke about his policies when he made remarks that some attendees found inappropriate and left the room in response, according to local news station Fox 25.

During the event, one attendee then asked Walters, who reportedly supports banning certain books from school, about whether the Tulsa Race Massacre falls under his definition of critical race theory (CRT), which denotes that systemic racism is part of American institutions such as the criminal justice system and the education system. "Let's not tie it to the skin color and say that the skin color determined that," Walters said, which angered some attendees, with one woman saying, "This divisive rhetoric, the kids are watching this. The kids are watching this."

The superintendent acknowledged during the Thursday event that people might disagree with his views, but that "this is what Oklahoma needs to be about. This is how we get our schools back on track: us coming together despite what we agree or disagree on. Let's have that discussion." He's misinformed and this is a disgusting comment and it's so inaccurate and false," Solomon-Simmons told Newsweek. "

How can something called the "Tulsa Race Riots" not be about race? And how does teaching that supposed to make all whites feel guilty? For what? Whites were part of the opposition to those who were carrying out that evil. Also, do you understand the amount of audacity and depravity you have to have to tell SURVIVORS of the Tulsa massacre that their EXPERIENCES were not real; all in an effort to teach some revised-whitewashed alternate history to students; because today's Conservatives are uncomfortable about their children and grandchildren knowing what yesterday's Conservatives did? That is like telling students that those concentrations camps back in WW2 wasn't about exterminating Jewish people; or the slaughter of Native Americans in pursuit of "Nation building" didn't actually happen -- all to make other people feel better...that is not how history works....

For example, that is like me saying the Cowboys actually won the last 3 Super Bowls and if you claim they didn't -- you are just trying to make me feel bad for being a Cowboys fan. That is essentially the idiocy of the argument against teaching children accurate history...that if you teach children the mistakes of the past for the purpose of instilling them with humanity and empathy for the stories of all Americans -- that somehow, you are making them feel bad for being "white" -- you are basically robbing children of the sacrifices and coalitions that were formed by people of all colors to make Oklahoma (and the US as a whole) a BETTER PLACE -- instead of spitting in the face of those survivors by telling them their experiences aren't real because they could make some fragile minded racist, feel uncomfortable.
Retroactive Analysis

By now, we should all be able to figure out what happened in Tulsa back then. The Aframs were dealing cocaine and corrupting the White youth. Shop your guilt package to those who are blind to what is going on all around them.
The democrats want Americans to feel guilty for slavery.....which ended in 1865...their entire party is based on exploiting it............

So if they do that, they deserve to be blamed for the Tulsa Race Riots...
So are you saying Germans will feel guilty for the holocaust if we continue to teach the history of it?

Or maybe the truth is, Nazis feel butthurt for being reminded of how their bullshit right-wing fascist ideology got its ass kicked by the rest of the world??

Which is why those same right-wing fascists so much want to do away with the truth of the hopes they can bring in a new style of the same ole right-wing fascism...

Funny how I doubt you will use that same logic if someone decides we shouldn't bring up 9/11 anymore because it may make muslim children feel guilty if we teach about it

You are a clown who is too much of a coward to own your racism......
So are you saying Germans will feel guilty for the holocaust if we continue to teach the history of it?

Or maybe the truth is, Nazis feel butthurt for being reminded of how their bullshit right-wing fascist ideology got its ass kicked by the rest of the world??

Which is why those same right-wing fascists so much want to do away with the truth of the hopes they can bring in a new style of the same ole right-wing fascism...

Funny how I doubt you will use that same logic if someone decides we shouldn't bring up 9/11 anymore because it may make muslim children feel guilty if we teach about it

You are a clown who is too much of a coward to own your racism......

Nope......we aren't talking about teaching history, the democrats tell us we have to do what they say "cause slavery," and that blacks will never be equal to whites "cause slavery." And because the democrats tell us blacks will always be victims "cause slavery," that we must give the democrats more power and money to "help," twit.

The only ones erasing the past is the democrats as they try to hide their racism, slavery, jim crow and the klan...

"Oklahoma's Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters denied on Thursday that race was the main reason behind the Tulsa Race Massacre in 1921 that saw up to 300 people killed and left thousands of Black residents displaced. Walters was invited by the Cleveland County Republican Party to speak at the Norman Central Library when he had a heated exchange with attendees. The superintendent first spoke about his policies when he made remarks that some attendees found inappropriate and left the room in response, according to local news station Fox 25.

During the event, one attendee then asked Walters, who reportedly supports banning certain books from school, about whether the Tulsa Race Massacre falls under his definition of critical race theory (CRT), which denotes that systemic racism is part of American institutions such as the criminal justice system and the education system. "Let's not tie it to the skin color and say that the skin color determined that," Walters said, which angered some attendees, with one woman saying, "This divisive rhetoric, the kids are watching this. The kids are watching this."

The superintendent acknowledged during the Thursday event that people might disagree with his views, but that "this is what Oklahoma needs to be about. This is how we get our schools back on track: us coming together despite what we agree or disagree on. Let's have that discussion." He's misinformed and this is a disgusting comment and it's so inaccurate and false," Solomon-Simmons told Newsweek. "

How can something called the "Tulsa Race Riots" not be about race? And how does teaching that supposed to make all whites feel guilty? For what? Whites were part of the opposition to those who were carrying out that evil. Also, do you understand the amount of audacity and depravity you have to have to tell SURVIVORS of the Tulsa massacre that their EXPERIENCES were not real; all in an effort to teach some revised-whitewashed alternate history to students; because today's Conservatives are uncomfortable about their children and grandchildren knowing what yesterday's Conservatives did? That is like telling students that those concentrations camps back in WW2 wasn't about exterminating Jewish people; or the slaughter of Native Americans in pursuit of "Nation building" didn't actually happen -- all to make other people feel better...that is not how history works....

For example, that is like me saying the Cowboys actually won the last 3 Super Bowls and if you claim they didn't -- you are just trying to make me feel bad for being a Cowboys fan. That is essentially the idiocy of the argument against teaching children accurate history...that if you teach children the mistakes of the past for the purpose of instilling them with humanity and empathy for the stories of all Americans -- that somehow, you are making them feel bad for being "white" -- you are basically robbing children of the sacrifices and coalitions that were formed by people of all colors to make Oklahoma (and the US as a whole) a BETTER PLACE -- instead of spitting in the face of those survivors by telling them their experiences aren't real because they could make some fragile minded racist, feel uncomfortable.
Don't you know it is never about race when it puts white folks in a negative light.
Nope......we aren't talking about teaching history, the democrats tell us we have to do what they say "cause slavery," and that blacks will never be equal to whites "cause slavery." And because the democrats tell us blacks will always be victims "cause slavery," that we must give the democrats more power and money to "help," twit.

The only ones erasing the past is the democrats as they try to hide their racism, slavery, jim crow and the klan...
They makes no sense when it is you that wants to honor these so called racist democrats with statues, monuments, etc.

It is folks like you that want to teach His-Story instead of History.
They makes no sense when it is you that wants to honor these so called racist democrats with statues, monuments, etc.

It is folks like you that want to teach His-Story instead of History.

Me? No......the democrats are pulling the statues down so people won't think to ask...."Hey....aren't those guys who fought the Civil War to keep slaves....democrats?"

You guys want to forget that history, not idiots need to have the fact that you support a racist party thrown in your face every single day....
Me? No......the democrats are pulling the statues down so people won't think to ask...."Hey....aren't those guys who fought the Civil War to keep slaves....democrats?"
That's bullshit, statues and monuments are erected to honor folks and racist and traitors don't deserve to be honored. In Germany I never saw any statues and monuments of Hitler or Nazis and you know who the hell they were.
You guys want to forget that history, not idiots need to have the fact that you support a racist party thrown in your face every single day....
You want to honor those racist and traitors, because they have the same beliefs that you have.
That's bullshit, statues and monuments are erected to honor folks and racist and traitors don't deserve to be honored. In Germany I never saw any statues and monuments of Hitler or Nazis and you know who the hell they were.

You want to honor those racist and traitors, because they have the same beliefs that you have.

Dipshit....when they were put up, the democrats put them up to honor their soldiers who fought for the democrat party during the Civil War....a war started by the democrats to keep their slaves....

Now the democrats are trying to clean their history, so they are tearing down those same idiot.

people need to remember that it was the democrats who owned the slaves, and fought a Civil War to keep those slaves...
Dipshit....when they were put up, the democrats put them up to honor their soldiers who fought for the democrat party during the Civil War....a war started by the democrats to keep their slaves....

Now the democrats are trying to clean their history, so they are tearing down those same idiot.
Save that stupid shit, it is the right that is claiming that these were men of honor and that they were just standing up for their states and blah, blah, blah. Taking down these racist traitors is not trying to hide history dumbass.
people need to remember that it was the democrats who owned the slaves, and fought a Civil War to keep those slaves...
Looking at statues and monuments of these racist traitors is not going to remind nobody of a damn thing.

You want them to stay up because it is the right and Republicans who want to honor these traitors, it is the same way you defend the Confederate flag.
Save that stupid shit, it is the right that is claiming that these were men of honor and that they were just standing up for their states and blah, blah, blah. Taking down these racist traitors is not trying to hide history dumbass.

Looking at statues and monuments of these racist traitors is not going to remind nobody of a damn thing.

You want them to stay up because it is the right and Republicans who want to honor these traitors, it is the same way you defend the Confederate flag.

The democrats are trying to scrub their history.......these were democrat party soldiers fighting to keep can lie to yourself about that as you vote for the party of racism and slavery, but it is the truth.

The republicans beat those guys......killed close to 250,000 of them, you free black slaves...........the democrats put those statues up as a symbol of defiance, and now they are taking them down to scrub their history........

I don't defend the confederate flag......the democrat party flag....the slave owner flag...
The democrats are trying to scrub their history.......these were democrat party soldiers fighting to keep can lie to yourself about that as you vote for the party of racism and slavery, but it is the truth.
Dude spare me that weak ass argument.
The republicans beat those guys......killed close to 250,000 of them, you free black slaves...........the democrats put those statues up as a symbol of defiance, and now they are taking them down to scrub their history........

I don't defend the confederate flag......the democrat party flag....the slave owner flag...


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