criminal gangs could arm muslim Britain? But, they have gun control...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
One of the biggest fears of British police....yes, that criminals in prison, might become radicalized muslims, then use their criminal networks to get gun free Britain.....

as we who support the 2nd Amendment keep telling anti gunners......when you ban guns, then only cops and criminals will have guns...and Britain shows this again...

Ex-Met counter-terror chief reveals fears over mass casualty gun attack in London

He added: “We have put a high number of individuals into prison for terrorist offences. Terrorists in prison can radicalise young vulnerable criminals to their cause and then incite and encourage them to go and commit terrorist attacks when they get released. There’s an opportunity for terrorists to exploit criminals in prison.

Criminal gangs have far more access to firearms than most of our terrorists do.”
One of the biggest fears of British police....yes, that criminals in prison, might become radicalized muslims, then use their criminal networks to get gun free Britain.....

as we who support the 2nd Amendment keep telling anti gunners......when you ban guns, then only cops and criminals will have guns...and Britain shows this again...

Ex-Met counter-terror chief reveals fears over mass casualty gun attack in London

He added: “We have put a high number of individuals into prison for terrorist offences. Terrorists in prison can radicalise young vulnerable criminals to their cause and then incite and encourage them to go and commit terrorist attacks when they get released. There’s an opportunity for terrorists to exploit criminals in prison.

Criminal gangs have far more access to firearms than most of our terrorists do.”

Criminal gangs have far more accesses to firearms than most of OUR(?) terrorists do?

It seems many of OUR Terrorists have been born and raised in the United States, and as citizens of the United States the NRA and people like you feel all Americans - even the mentally ill - have the absolute right to own, possess and have in their custody and control guns/magazines of all shapes and sizes.

Which is why I believe that the NRA enables terrorists and is a supplier of terrorist organizations.
One of the biggest fears of British police....yes, that criminals in prison, might become radicalized muslims, then use their criminal networks to get gun free Britain.....

as we who support the 2nd Amendment keep telling anti gunners......when you ban guns, then only cops and criminals will have guns...and Britain shows this again...

Ex-Met counter-terror chief reveals fears over mass casualty gun attack in London

He added: “We have put a high number of individuals into prison for terrorist offences. Terrorists in prison can radicalise young vulnerable criminals to their cause and then incite and encourage them to go and commit terrorist attacks when they get released. There’s an opportunity for terrorists to exploit criminals in prison.

Criminal gangs have far more access to firearms than most of our terrorists do.”

Criminal gangs have far more accesses to firearms than most of OUR(?) terrorists do?

It seems many of OUR Terrorists have been born and raised in the United States, and as citizens of the United States the NRA and people like you feel all Americans - even the mentally ill - have the absolute right to own, possess and have in their custody and control guns/magazines of all shapes and sizes.

Which is why I believe that the NRA enables terrorists and is a supplier of terrorist organizations.

And guys keep telling us that muslim terrorism isn't a problem.....

In reality, the gun free zones where these terrorists attack are the problem.....where normal, law abiding people can't defend themselves....

In 2015...France had more people killed in mass public shootings than the U.S. did during the entire 8 years of the first black President......the reason they have so many casualties.....they have to wait for the police to get there....the armed police.....while here in the states...we have armed citizens....

Sheep like you don't understand that armed Americans lower the gun murder has been pointed out over and over....

in the 1990s there were 200 million guns in private hands in the 2016 there were 357-400 million guns in private hands....and the gun murder rate went down 49%....genius.....and the violent crime rate went down 75%....those are facts....

So you are wrong.......completely wrong on every aspect of gun ownership in the U.S......and over seas....
One of the biggest fears of British police....yes, that criminals in prison, might become radicalized muslims, then use their criminal networks to get gun free Britain.....

as we who support the 2nd Amendment keep telling anti gunners......when you ban guns, then only cops and criminals will have guns...and Britain shows this again...

Ex-Met counter-terror chief reveals fears over mass casualty gun attack in London

He added: “We have put a high number of individuals into prison for terrorist offences. Terrorists in prison can radicalise young vulnerable criminals to their cause and then incite and encourage them to go and commit terrorist attacks when they get released. There’s an opportunity for terrorists to exploit criminals in prison.

Criminal gangs have far more access to firearms than most of our terrorists do.”
I don't see why the British law enforcement is so alarmed, England is become Islamic soon anyway. They might as well just appoint the Muslim Clerics in charge, thus ending the need for violence.

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