Criminal Barry Administration Had Secret Rules For Obtaining FISA Warrants Against Journalists


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Confirmed: The Obama DOJ Had Secret Rules For Obtaining FISA Warrants Against Journalists

"This has been known for a while: the Obama Department of Justice has spied on journalists."

ILLEGALLY spied on Journalists!

'They tracked James Rosen, formerly of Fox News.

seized the phone records from Associated Press reporters.

Now, The Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University and Freedom of the Press Foundation have released document showing that in 2015, the Obama DOJ has secret rules to target journalists under FISA.'

'The Obama administration has secret rules to use secret courts to obtain warrants to track journalists. It’s troubling that government would do this. The Obama White House/DOJ was doing things more corrosive to press freedom than Trump’s Twitter account or rallies ever could.'

Barak Obama and his Gestapo administration did not just illegally spy on journalists. It was proven that the head of his Gestapo, CIA Director Brennan, was caught red-handed committing perjury under oath before Congress when he lied by declaring he and his CIA was NOT illegally spying on the US Senate for Obama. After evidence of his crimes were presented, Democrats worked out a deal with Republicans that would allow Brennan NOT be indicted. Instead, Brennan had to admit his crime and apologize to Congress in front of them on the floor of Congress. In all, Obama's administration was caught illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators and their aides, and even USSC Justices...and now having perpetrated his own 'Watergate' by spying on the 2016 GOP Presidential candidate and his team / the US President.

It is UNREAL how there is so much proving how criminal Barak Obama was and how his was the most criminal / corrupt administration in US history; yet, snowflakes continue to 'worship' him and continue to spread the debunked myth of his 'greatness'!


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