Crazy Bernie's tax plan


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
This plan will subject vast segments of Americana to relentless assrapery. Workers will get schlonged, employers will get schlonged, with huge new payroll taxes. The sick will get schlonged, as Crazy Bernie is eliminating medical deductions on your income tax. Big Earners will take it up the caboose with new 70% rates, and even the Dead will be sodomized with massive new Death Taxes.

List of Tax Hikes in Sanders “Medicare for All” Plan
This plan will subject vast segments of Americana to relentless assrapery. Workers will get schlonged, employers will get schlonged, with huge new payroll taxes. The sick will get schlonged, as Crazy Bernie is eliminating medical deductions on your income tax. Big Earners will take it up the caboose with new 70% rates, and even the Dead will be sodomized with massive new Death Taxes.

List of Tax Hikes in Sanders “Medicare for All” Plan
i wouldnt be surprised if the commie bastard has a federal property tax in the back of his deadbeat mind too.
In the 1950s, American workers made the highest wages in the world. We also enjoyed the best workers' benefits and the longest vacations. Most high-tech products were made in America. I'm not sure what the world's top 10 corporations and top 10 banks were in the 50s. But I'd bet they were all American.

American had a trade SURPLUS in the 50s. The dollar was strong. The U.S. middle class was the envy of the world. The U.S. made the best cars in the world. America's manufacturing base and infrastructure were second to none. U.S. public schools trounced their counterparts worldwide. Nations around the world regularly sent representatives here to study how we did

"Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
---President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954
This plan will subject vast segments of Americana to relentless assrapery. Workers will get schlonged, employers will get schlonged, with huge new payroll taxes. The sick will get schlonged, as Crazy Bernie is eliminating medical deductions on your income tax. Big Earners will take it up the caboose with new 70% rates, and even the Dead will be sodomized with massive new Death Taxes.

List of Tax Hikes in Sanders “Medicare for All” Plan
i wouldnt be surprised if the commie bastard has a federal property tax in the back of his deadbeat mind too.

The Federal Property Tax is the brainchild of Pocahontas, but right now she says she only wants to do it on the "very wealthy".

Although, the definition of "very wealthy" is subject to change too. Originally, Wilson's Personal Income Tax only affected well to do earners. Under FDR, it got expanded where almost everyone was subject to this atrocity.
I’ll admit, I never thought Trump would beat Hellary, but I’d be doubly shocked if this country would elect a commie socialist. It depends on the millennials.
I’ll admit, I never thought Trump would beat Hellary, but I’d be doubly shocked if this country would elect a commie socialist. It depends on the millennials.
It depends on the economy between now and November.
There is something everyone is forgetting.

There is no way the US Congress will ever pass Bernie's tax plan or any of his other pie-in-the-sky horseshit.

Universal health care? Someday. But not because of Bernie. That will be because the Republicans and their tard herd never offered an alternative to the decades-long skyrocketing costs of health care.
Trump added another trillion to the debt. Maybe Sanders should just say screw it, we don't have to worry about the debt like everyone does.
I’ll admit, I never thought Trump would beat Hellary, but I’d be doubly shocked if this country would elect a commie socialist. It depends on the millennials.

They don't teach kids about Communism today in government school. Its been more than 30 years since the Berlin Wall fell.

A lot of these young doofi think that Communism is just copacetic, a perfectly valid alternative. They actually think that "socialism" is a synonym for "Sharing".
Trump added another trillion to the debt. Maybe Sanders should just say screw it, we don't have to worry about the debt like everyone does.
Yeah, it is hilarious to listen to Trumptards whine about debt.

They are positively fucking schizophrenic.
I’ll admit, I never thought Trump would beat Hellary, but I’d be doubly shocked if this country would elect a commie socialist. It depends on the millennials.

They don't teach kids about Communism today in government school.
Yes they do. My kids have all been educated on the pitfalls and disasters of communism in their public school.

And they hear a lot about commies from me at home.
Trump added another trillion to the debt. Maybe Sanders should just say screw it, we don't have to worry about the debt like everyone does.

After all the whining the left has done about the debt in recent years, I plan to hold Sanders to getting rid of it, if he is elected.
Sometimes Trump's supporters sound just like the commie symp pinkos from the 60s.
I’ll admit, I never thought Trump would beat Hellary, but I’d be doubly shocked if this country would elect a commie socialist. It depends on the millennials.
It depends on the economy between now and November.

I agree, but now Trump has a built in excuse for a recession. After all, he didn’t create the Coronavirus which will be sighted as the cause for any recession in the next several quarters.
even the Dead will be sodomized with massive new Death Taxes.
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

The dead aren't taxed; their freeloading brats are. If Americans had any self-respect, we would say, "If we have to do it on our own, so must the children of the rich. If their Daddies set them up halfway to the finish line, we must break their legs and let them crawl the rest of the way."
Trump added another trillion to the debt. Maybe Sanders should just say screw it, we don't have to worry about the debt like everyone does.

After all the whining the left has done about the debt in recent years, I plan to hold Sanders to getting rid of it, if he is elected.

Whining the "left" has done? It was the "right" that ran on eliminating the deficits for years..........Obviously none of it was serious.

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